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Bundle hierarchy
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netconfnode-state-provider (netconfnode-state-API)
- the base is a Service which provides a Netconfnode-state-API by using a netconf-change-listener
- on top of this service several devicemanagers which can register a callback function for a connected netconfnode
- the devicemanager can then decide if it wants to keep the netconfsession (based on capabilities) and register a notification listener on this or it wants to ignore it
- Listener for
- NetconfNodeConnectListener (Monitored states: connected/not connected and hello response available)
- NetconfNodeStateListener (Create, delete, change .. gets all related indications)
- DeviceMonitor
- ConnectionLog
- Provide INetconfAcessor toidentify communication channel and allow requesting information from device.
States of NetconfNode
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Factory based creation of a specific devicemanager if connect state achived
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A device with netconf/yang interface. The device provides during netcnf startup a list with all specifications implemented. This could be ONF Core model, O-RAN or other.
The DeviceManagerServiceProvider containes getters for individual services described by list.
Name | Impl | Description |
AaiService (D) | aaiconnector | Device registration and unregistration for AAI Service. |
EquipmentService (D) | datamanager | Write equipment of device into internal database. |
EventHandlingService | (legacy) Provide status changes of a device to update database and notify web client. | |
FaultService (D) | Provide Fault datamanager | Handle fault/problem status changes to update database and notify web client. |
MaintenanceService (D) | maintenance | Use centralized maintenance service for a device. |
NotificationService (D) | datamanager | Forward NetconfNotification to devicemanager |
PerformanceManager(D) | performancemanager | Register device for centralised PM Service. Device needs to implement PerformanceDataProvider |
DeviceManagerService | impl | Marker of interface for NetworkElement. |
DeviceManagerServiceProvider | impl | Provides access to services |