"service": "hpaHyperThreadingPolicy{the model name of a policy}",
"policyName": "oofBeijing.hyperThreadingPolicy_vGMuxInfra",{policy scope folder}.{policy name; must be unique}",
"description": "Hyper threading{description of a policy}",
for vGMuxInfra", "templateVersion": "0.0.1{policy model version}",
"version": "oofBeijing{policy version}",
"priority": "3",{priority in "riskType": "test",1-10; larger the number higher the priority is}",
"riskType": "{the type of risk}",
"riskLevel": "2{the level of risk}",
"guard": "{True/False flag to indicate whether guard is applicable or not}",
"content": {
"hyperThreadingProperties": [ {"attributeresource": "hpaFeature{resource name}",
"valueidentity": "NUMA{policy identity}",
"operator": "=", "unitpolicyScope": [""},
{"attribute": "architecture", "value{a tag representing policy scope}"],
"policyType": "INTELx64{policy type}",
"operator": "=", "unit": ""}, {"attributeflavorFeatures": "mandatory", "value": "true", "operator": "=", "unit": ""},
{"attribute": "score", "value": "4", "operator": "=", "unit": ""},[
"flavorLabel": "{VM/VFC id}",
{"attribute": "cpuCores", "valueflavorProperties":[
"4", "operator": ">=", "unit": ""}, {"attribute": "cpuCores", "value": "10", "operator": "<=", "unit": ""},
{"attributehpa-feature" : "cpuThreads{HPA feature type}",
"value": "2", "operator": ">", "unit": ""}, {"attribute": "cpuThreadsPolicymandatory", "value": "dedicated", "operator": "={mandatoriness of the feature}",
"unit": ""}, {"attribute": "cpuSockets", "values": ["2", "4", "6score"], "operator": "any", "unit": ""},
{"attribute": "memory", "value": 8, "operator": ">", "unit": "GB"}{priority of this feature if the feature is not mandatory for VM}"
], "identityarchitecture": "hyperThreading_vGMuxInfra{supported architecuture}",
"policyScope": ["vCPE", "US", "INTERNATIONAL", "ip", "vGMuxInfra"], "typehpa-version": "hpaHyperThreadingPolicy",
{version for hpa capability}",
"resourceInstanceType "hpa-feature-attributes": ["vGMuxInfra"]
"hpa-attribute-key": "{attribute name}",
} |