1, F-GPS:
Please refer to the patch https://gerrit.onap.org/r/#/c/78634/ which elaborate how to enhance current API to support F-GPS.
2, SO/MC integration
Create Workload: https://wikilf-onap.onapatlassian.orgnet/wiki/display/DW/SO+to+Multicloud+API+enhancements
AAI updating: https://wikilf-onap.onapatlassian.orgnet/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=58228881 16350907
SDC design: https://gerrit.onap.org/r/#/c/75851/ , SDC Service Software Architecture
3, FCAPS enhancement
Jira Legacy | ||||||
4, Multi-Tenant Support
Jira Legacy | ||||||
So far MultiCloud exposed API with ID of a cloud region, assuming the consumer will issue the API request with the default tenant which are part of the AAI cloud region. With that the different tenants on the same VIM/Cloud instance can only be on-boarded into ONAP as different cloud regions.
b, MultiCloud NBI should allow consumers to specify the tenant name/id during the requesting the API to MultiCloud. This can be done on various way, the easy and backward compatible approach is to having consumers putting the tenant ID/name into the "optional" request headers of the Rest API call.
5, Secured-communication enablement
- uwsgi https option
The multicloud services which are based on uwsgi could utilize the https feature of uwsgi: https://uwsgi-docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/HTTPS.htmlYou probably have to rebuild uwsgi with ssl-support:
On a debian server with uwsgi installed by pip this would be (as root):
apt-get install libssl-dev pip install uwsgi -I --no-cache-dir
for reinstall,--no-cache-dir
for building new from scratch. - cert files
The question would be: who/how to generate key and cert ?Follow the practice of MSB project, multicloud service will generate our own keys/certs and put them in the docker by default. And also make sure these keys/certs can be overrided by OOM helm chart , just like the logging settings.
It is suggested that we follow the same pattern, put the generated certs under pub/ssl/cert/ with name cert.crt and cert.key
- ENV variable to enable/disable https on the same port
I don't believe the http and https endpoint should co-exists which make no sense from security perspective. So I recommend that the http/https should be toggled by an ENV variable and binding to the same port
The ENV variable could be: SSL_ENABLED, to enable https endpoint, set SSL_ENABLED=true ; otherwise just leave it unset or set to some other value (SSL_ENABLED=false, e.g.)
The entry point of docker container will check this ENV var and determine to enable https or http mode for uwsgi. - example patch: https://gerrit.onap.org/r/#/c/81829/ + https://gerrit.onap.org/r/#/c/81912/
6, Security Requirement: Run microservice as non-root user
Jira Legacy | ||||||
- Docker/OCI CIA- Container Images - Best Practices and Tools
- Reduction effort between Casablanca and Dublin
Code Block | ||||
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Image footprint optimization exercises: 1, original dockerfile => (multicloud-broker-orig: 846MB) Dockerfile: FROM python:2 2, rebase to python:2-slim => (multicloud-broker-slim1: 410MB) Dockerfile: FROM python:2-slim apt-get install -y unzip gcc pip install -r ... apt-get remove -y unzip gcc 3, remove unused packages => (multicloud-broker-slim2: 296MB) Dockerfile: FROM python:2-slim apt-get install -y unzip gcc pip install -r ... apt-get remove -y unzip gcc /opt/multivimbroker/requirements.txt #redis cache #redis==2.10.5 #for access redis cache #redisco==0.1.4 #django-redis-cache==0.13.1 #for call openstack api #python-keystoneclient==3.6.0 #python-glanceclient==2.5.0 #python-neutronclient==6.0.0 #for unit test #django-nose>=1.4.0 #coverage==4.2 #mock==2.0.0 #unittest_xml_reporting==1.12.0 #for pecan framework #pecan>=1.2.1 #oslo.concurrency>=3.21.0 #oslo.config>=4.11.0 #oslo.service>=1.25.0 #eventlet>=0.20.0 4, Remove all unused utils package => (multicloud-broker-slim4: 194MB) Dockerfile: FROM python:2-slim apt-get install -y wget unzip gcc apt-get --purge remove -y wget unzip gcc apt-get -y autoremove multicloud-broker-slim4 latest 4452cb69a1be 6 minutes ago 194MB multicloud-broker-slim2 latest 3c232d46c0fa 10 minutes ago 296MB multicloud-broker-slim1 latest 5ba81358eb19 16 minutes ago 410MB multicloud-broker-orig latest 7601a4382bb0 10 days ago 846MB python 2-slim f2ac6489d817 10 days ago 120MB |