Versions Compared


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HV-VES -HV collector has been proposed, based on a need to process high-volumes of data generated frequently by a large number of NFs. The driving use-case is the 5G RAN, where it is expected that up to 10k NF instances report the data, per DCAE platform deployment. The network traffic generated in simulations - based on 4G BTS Real-Time PM data has shown, that GPB serialization is 2-3 times more effective, than JSON serialization utilized in VES collector.

Results have been published within ONAP presentation in Casablanca Release Developer Forum:  Google Protocol Buffers versus JSON - 5G RAN use-case - comparison

The goal of the collector is to support high volume data. It uses plain TCP connections tunneled in SSL/TLS. Connections are stream-based (as opposed to request-based) and long running. Payload is binary-encoded (currently we are using Google Protocol Buffers). HV-VES uses direct connection to DMaaP's Kafka. All these decisions were made in order to support high-volume data with minimal latency.


  • Do not block. Use non-blocking libraries. Do not use block* Reactor calls inside the core of the application.
  • Pay attention to memory usage.
  • Do not decode the payload - it can be of a considerable size. The goal is to direct the event into a proper Kafka topic. The routing logic should be based only on VES Common Header parameters.
  • All application logic should be defined in hv-collector-core module and tested on a component level by tests defined in hv-collector-ct. The core module should have a clean interface (defined in boundary package: api and adapters).
  • Use Either functional data type when designing fail-cases inside the main Flux. Using exceptions is a bit like using goto + it adds some performance penalty: collecting stack trace might be costly but we do not usually need it in such cases. RuntimeExceptions should be treated as application bugs and fixed.


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jqlQuery"Epic Link" = DCAEGEN2-565 and issuetype = Story ORDER BY priority DESC, status DESC, createdDate ASC