What is this release trying to address?
- Harden the OOF development platform (Highest priority)
- Deployment scripts, CSIT, CI for different streams, Nexus image cleanup
- Using Music as a service
- Maintaining current S3P levels of the project as new functional requirements are supported (Highest priority)
- Security enhancements progressing towards Silver badge
- All internal communication encrypted (Frank Sandoval)
- AAF integration - role-based access control and authorization for all calls (depending on Python support from AAF) (Frank Sandoval)
- Code coverage: achieve 60% target code coverage
- Performance: Creating a plan for performance improvements
- Manageability:
- Adherence to log specification v1.2 - ONAP Application Logging Specification v1.2 (Casablanca)
- Externalized config managementmanagement
- Usability
- Adherence to ONAP API Common Versioning Strategy (CVS) ProposalGuidelines
- move all internal and external facing APIs to Swagger 2.00 (Frank Sandoval)
- Documentation (Frank Sandoval)
- Security enhancements progressing towards Silver badge
Functional Requirements:
- HPA enhancements (resources from Intel)
- Service Assurance - streaming telemetry about health of platform (CPU pinning, and NUMA) - primarily from OpenStack
- Homing enhancements improving the the deployability of Services Using ONAP platform (Highest priority)
- Discovering and reusing shared resources when processing multiple homing requests in parallel
- Homing multiple simultaneous instances of the service: queueing homing requests based on discovering dependency on shareable resources (resources from AT&T)
- Considering Latency Reduction (in addition to geographical distances) for homing optimization
- Resource reservation and enhanced capacity checks during VNF homing
- SON Optimization (High priority)
POC (resources from AT&T) - Policy-based enhancements to capacity checks - requirements coming in from Edge Automation (resources from VMWare)
- 5G SON Optimization (resources from Wipro, TechM, AT&T, Reliance Jio)
- PCI optimization POC using OSDF
- Health Checks, CSIT, Dockerization, K8S HELM Chart, S3P with 60% code coverageSlice Optimization (Stretch goal)
- POC for slice optimization Health Checks, CSIT, Dockerization, K8S HELM Chart, S3P with 60% code coverage
- VNF/PNF support - scheduler for Change Management.
- Targeting support for 5G use case.
Stretch goals:
- Homing 5G RAN VNFs (Stretch goal)
- Extending the Homing feature developed in R2 for 5G RAN VNFs
- HPA enhancements (High priority)
- Auto Scale Out Functional requirement (Stretch goal)requirement
- OOF POC with Service Mesh (ITSIO)
- Aligned with the MultiCloud efforts on the sam item.
- Homing enhancements
- Resource reservation
- Edge Automation through ONAP (resources from VMWare) – Edge Scoping MVP for Casablanca - ONAP Enhancements#ONAPEnhancements-DistributedEdgeCloudInfrastructureObjectHierarchy(High PriorityStretchGoal)
- Change Management (Stretch goal)
- Scheduler for CM (schedule VNF instance at specific time)
- OOF POC with Service Mesh (? priority)
Use Cases
- vCPE (supporting R2 homing workflows)
List the API this project is expecting from other projects.
Prior to Release Planning review, Team Leads must agreed on the date by which the API will be fully defined. The API Delivery date must not be later than the release API Freeze date.
Prior to the delivery date, it is a good practice to organize an API review with the API consumers.
API Name | API Description | API Definition Date | API Delivery date | API Definition link (i.e.swagger) | Status |
Policy | Policy Client API to create, update and retrieve homing policies. | Beijing Release | TBD | work in progress | |
AAI | REST Web Service provided by AAI, to query available cloud-regions, and existing service instances where a new order can be placed. | Beijing Release | TBD | work in progress | |
MultiCloud | API to retrieve VIM capacities (infrastructure metrics model) | Beijing Release | TBD | work in progress | |
Music | Music client REST API | Beijing Release | TBD |
The following link shows the dependencies and their license information: Project FOSS dependencies for OOF.
In case there are specific dependencies (Centos 7 vs Ubuntu 16. Etc.) list them as well.
Risk identified | Mitigation Plan | Contingency Plan |
Insufficient resources for delivering the functional features in the scope:
| Limit the functional features to use Beijing features for homing Prioritize the items in the scope into different priority levels and stretch goals |
Fill out the Resources Committed to the Release centralized page.
Release Milestone