- Recording:
- Chat Log: zoom_0.mp4
- M2/3 planning Scope : Frankfurt Milestone Status
- macromode service instantiation Former user (Deleted) q&a
- Andy Mayer discussion around new ONAP Swagger Guideline Proposed OpenAPI 2.0 / Swagger Style Guide Adrian OSullivan and Andy Mayer to worked on examples, Adrian merged Service Catalog https://gerrit.onap.org/r/c/externalapi/nbi/+/99755 and Service Order/Inventory/Hub/Status https://gerrit.onap.org/r/c/externalapi/nbi/+/100049
spectral https://github.com/stoplightio/spectral could be used for swagger validation .
Ludovic Robert provided reference to similar API Guidelines work on-going in the TMF https://projects.tmforum.org/wiki/display/API/TMF630+API+Design+Guidelines+3.0+R17.5.1
- Performance Mgmt Gautam Kumar potential APIs TMF 628, 649, 657 - High level flow flow Steve Harrop, working on updates in TMF to these APIs
- https self signed certificate Matthieu Geerebaertistio provide loadbalancing - updates oom - not Frankfurt, for Guilin.
- Colin Hutchinson to present Kong to Architecture subcommittee, how Gateway fits it with architecture. @chaker Al-Hakim