guochuyi Andy Mayer Borislav Glozman Michela Bevilacqua
- ONAP R6 Modeling High Level Requirements
- Enhanced Service Information Model for Nested and Shared Services
- Michela suggest to give a real example of DynamicParameters to show the use case, even dynamic, need specifaction in design time and provide constrains in run time.
- ConfigurationProperties:
- Chuyi introduced ServiceConfiguration in TMF, but the conception there is too high and not include functional attributes definations. Her point is in a service model, a ServiceConfiguration is needed, however, currently in ONAP, don't find a real use case actually need a Configuration , so maybe it is too early for ONAP. In the future, when doing Slicing model or other complex scene, ServiceConfiguration may be necessary.
- Michela thinks Configuration are operations, you can have what you want, if we have operations, we don't need configuration.
- Andy thinks what we are modeling is the relationship between service and resources, not operations, and we have done the job in ONAP model. The remained work is to understand which properties can be changed during instantiation and creation. We have some attributes may want to package together, they may have very special meanings and definations. Another challenge is how to map the parameters that grabbed from service down to the individual components, say services or resources ?
- SDC and CDS have some work related to above question. CDS has a solution at both design perspective and instantiation perspective, what already has been done is VNF configuration.
- Future ACTION: Borislav Glozman will introduce how SDC works on the slicing proposal with 3GPP attributes, how to map one service to another service or resource, Michela Bevilacqua will prepare to introduce CDS part with an example of what model looks like, target to present at July 31st Service IM call.
- R6 High level requirements
- Chuyi will write some work items based on what we are discussing and API Spec wiki page first, then let people to review and leave comments.
- Michela suggested we can see if the updated ETSI specification version has something related to service, as well as SOL 005(SOL 005 need to check with Former user (Deleted) ) .