- Agenda review
- ONAP feedback to ETSI
- Allotted Resource / Network Slicing
- VNFD new requirements
- Meeting time change due to DST
- ONAP feedback to ETSI
- Which version of IFA015 is used when doing the analysis?
- it's v2.5.1, confirmed by Jessie
- Allotted Resource / Network Slicing
- Background: service IM call has a discussion on network slicing model, a question is raised on how to model the sharing of a RAN (or other) NSS, allotted resource vs filter based design
- Is the model targeting sharing the DU, firewall, or a slice?
- (need create operation/workflow to) reconfigure the DU, and share the slice
- the operation is for service level
- How is the onboarding process like?
- it's preferred that vendor provides the workflow
- the proposal from Amdocs is to utilise the nested NS/service concept to model the slice sharing
- Borislov: don't think allotted resource is overlapping with the current proposal
- the intent is not to use allotted resource, but could be combined
- Gil agrees that nesting is not overlapped with allotted resource, but it's not sufficient, need to describe the sharing of VNFs
- Borislov: do not think it's necessary to go into the resources, the services could be shared with service level operation (not go into the service)
- How to model the shared service?
- Example: how to model the shared DU (DUaaS in the slides)?
- AP:
- The main question seems to be: whether need to model the resource level for the slice sharing use case, or how to model the shared service (in detail)
- It's suggested to give clearer/detailed model for a 5G slice and how to use allotted resource
- suggest interested people: Borislov, Andrei, Gil, Ben, Thinh and others to have further offline discussions
- VNFD new requirements
- agreed proposals:
- affinity/anti-affinity rule for the VduCpd
- others
- suggest to move the run time VNF instance model out of this page and could modify the class name to VnfInstance; and to clarify which ONAP component would update the attributes
- AP:
- Chuyi would mark the proposals that are mature enough for asking for approval (a new page is created: Requirements for VNFD - To be approved)
- people who are interested please help further review the proposal
- move the instance model to a seperated page for further discussion
- Meeting time change
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