In its Beijing Release, ONAP will support the ability to manually scale out VNF Components. Below is the Sequence Diagram for how Manual Scale Out will work in ONAP.
(Add Scale Out Workflow)
Description of Workflow
- VNFs must support a Healthcheck as described in: The Management Section of the ONAP VNF Guidelines.
- R-31809 is the requirement dictating the need for VNF Healthchecks
- The Ansible Healthcheck Playbook description may be found in The Ansible Standards and Capabilities Section
- VNF Heat Templates must be built according the VNF Modularity Rules
- The VF_Module to be scaled must be built according the VNF Modularity Rules for Incremental Modules
- Configuration of the VNF must be done via NETCONF, Chef, or Ansible as described in Configuration Management