Task | Description | Bug List | Remarks |
Create voLTE Service | Create end 2 end service by SO create interface | Demonstrated in Amsterdam | |
Delete voLTE Service | Based on the voLTE UseCase, delete end 2 end service by SO delete interface | Demonstrated in Amsterdam | |
Query Operation Status | Based on the voLTE UseCase, query the progress of the operation(create or delete) | Demonstrated in Amsterdam | |
Create vCPE Infrastructure (HEAT) | Based on the vCPE use case, create the service infrastructure by SO create interface via HEAT | Demonstrated in Amsterdam | |
Create vCPE Infrastructure (TOSCA) | Based on the vCPE use case, create the service infrastructure by SO create interface via ARIA | Demonstrated in Amsterdam | |
VF instantiation | Based on the vCPE use case, create a user service on the previously constructed infrastructure, the same will also be used for the manual scale-out VF. | To be ported from Ecomp and add a new logic for controller type parameter from VID | |
Auto healing | Based on the vCPE use case, heal a user service | Stretch, using OOM | |
Homing Solution | Interface Homing of VNFs interacting with OOF for the placement of VNFs under the HPA based on the HPA usecase demonstration. | Homing and placement for the OOF | |
Scale-out | Interface to support Scale out of the services in the manual auto scaling scenario. | Sclae-out usecase demonstration | |
PNF Support | Requires interaction with SDC, Client, SDNC, AAI, OOF (CLAMP/DCAE/POLICY??).. The actual interfaces are yet to be discussed and finalized | SO-417 | This is under discussion and yet to be confirmed. |