ReactiveX/RxJava |
Swagger Jersey2 JAXRS (Jersey 2.x Support) | 1.6.1 | Apache 2.0 | Swagger Jersey2 JAXRS (Jersey 2.x Support) | |
Jakarta Activation API | 2.1.0 | EDL 1.0 | Jakarta Activation API 2.1 Specification | |
Jakarta Annotations API | 2.1.1 | EPL 2.0 + GPL2 w/ CPE | Jakarta Annotations API | |
Jakarta RESTful WS API | 3.1.0 | EPL 2.0 + GPL2 w/ CPE | Jakarta RESTful Web Services | |
Jakarta XML Binding API | 4.0.0 | EDL 1.0 | Jakarta XML Binding API | |
Javax Annotation API | 1.3.2 | CDDL + GPL2 w/ CPE | Common Annotations for the JavaTM Platform API | |
Java Servlet API | 4.0.1 | CDDL + GPL2 w/ CPE | Java Servlet is the foundation web specification in the Java Enterprise Platform. Developers can build web applications using the Servlet API to interact with the request/response workflow. | |
JAXB API | 2.3.1 | CDDL 1.1 + GPL2 w/ CPE | JAXB provides an API and tools that automate the mapping between XML documents and Java objects. | |
JUnit | 4.13.2 | EPL 1.0 | JUnit is a unit testing framework to write and run repeatable automated tests on Java. | |
Apache Commons Lang | 3.12.0 | Apache 2.0 | Apache Commons Lang, a package of Java utility classes for the classes that are in java.lang's hierarchy, or are considered to be so standard as to justify existence in java.lang. | |
Drools Compiler | 7.62.0.Final | Apache 2.0 | Drools :: Compiler | |
Drools Core | 7.62.0.Final | Apache 2.0 | Drools :: Core | |
Drools Templates | 7.62.0.Final | Apache 2.0 | Drools :: Templates | |
EasyMock | 4.3 | Apache 2.0 | EasyMock provides an easy way to create Mock Objects for interfaces and classes generating them on the fly | |
Eclipse ECJ | 4.5.1 | EPL 1.0 | Eclipse JDT Core Batch Compiler | |
Jersey Container Servlet Core | 3.0.5 | EPL 2.0 + GPL2 w/ CPE + EDL 1.0 + BSD 2-Clause + Apache License, 2.0 + Public Domain + Modified BSD + jQuery license + MIT license + W3C license | Jersey core Servlet 3.x implementation | |
Jersey Core Client | 3.0.5 | EPL 2.0 + GPL2 w/ CPE + EDL 1.0 + BSD 2-Clause + Apache License, 2.0 + Public Domain + Modified BSD + jQuery license + MIT license + W3C license | Jersey core client implementation | |
Jersey Core Common | 3.0.5 | EPL 2.0 + The GNU General Public License (GPL), Version 2, With Classpath Exception + Apache License, 2.0 + Public Domain | Jersey core common packages | |
Jersey Core Server | 3.0.5 | EPL 2.0 + The GNU General Public License (GPL), Version 2, With Classpath Exception + Apache License, 2.0 + Modified BSD | Jersey core server implementation | |
Jersey Ext Entity Filtering | 3.0.5 | EPL 2.0 + GPL2 w/ CPE + EDL 1.0 + BSD 2-Clause + Apache License, 2.0 + Public Domain + Modified BSD + jQuery license + MIT license + W3C license | Jersey extension module providing support for Entity Data Filtering. | |
Jersey Inject HK2 | 3.0.5 | EPL 2.0 + GPL2 w/ CPE + EDL 1.0 + BSD 2-Clause + Apache License, 2.0 + Public Domain + Modified BSD + jQuery license + MIT license + W3C license | HK2 InjectionManager implementation | |
Jersey Media JSON Jackson | 3.0.5 | EPL 2.0 + The GNU General Public License (GPL), Version 2, With Classpath Exception + Apache License, 2.0 | Jersey JSON Jackson (2.x) entity providers support module. | |
Hamcrest Core | 1.3 | New BSD License | Core Hamcrest API - deprecated, please use "hamcrest" instead | |
Hamcrest Library | 1.3 | New BSD License | A library of Hamcrest matchers - deprecated, please use "hamcrest" instead | |
Javassist | 3.24.1-GA | MPL 1.1 + LGPL 2.1 + Apache 2.0 | Javassist (JAVA programming ASSISTant) makes Java bytecode manipulation simple. It is a class library for editing bytecodes in Java. | |
JDBI3 Postgres | 3.19.0 | Apache 2.0 | jdbi PostgreSQL specific features | |
JDBI3 SqlObject | 3.19.0 | Apache 2.0 | jdbi SqlObject transforms simple annotated interfaces into full-featured DAO implementations. | |
Mockito Core | 2.28.2 | The MIT License | Mockito mock objects library core API and implementation | |
PostgreSQL JDBC Driver | 42.3.6 | BSD-2-Clause | PostgreSQL JDBC Driver Postgresql | |
PowerMock | 2.0.9 | Apache 2.0 | PowerMock support module for JUnit 4.x. | |
Project Lombok | 1.18.16 | The MIT License | Spice up your java: Automatic Resource Management, automatic generation of getters, setters, equals, hashCode and toString, and more! | |
Reflections | 0.9.9 | WTFPL + The New BSD License | Reflections - Java runtime metadata analysis | |
SLF4J API Module | 1.7.25 | MIT License | API for SLF4J (The Simple Logging Facade for Java) which serves as a simple facade or abstraction for various logging frameworks, allowing the end user to plug in the desired logging framework at deployment time. | |
Spring Boot AutoConfigure | 2.7.2 | Apache 2.0 | Spring Boot auto-configuration attempts to automatically configure your Spring application based on the jar dependencies that you have added. | |
Spring Boot Starter Web | 2.7.2 | Apache 2.0 | Starter for building web, including RESTful, applications using Spring MVC. Uses Tomcat as the default embedded container | |
Spring Context | 5.3.22 | Apache 2.0 | Spring Context provides access to configured objects like a registry (a context). It inherits its features from Spring Beans and adds support for internationalization, event propagation, resource loading, and the transparent creation of contexts. | |
Spring JDBC | 5.3.13 | Apache 2.0 | Spring JDBC provides an abstraction layer that simplifies code to use JDBC and the parsing of database-vendor specific error codes. | |
Spring Web | 5.3.13 | Apache 2.0 | Spring Web provides integration features such as multipart file upload functionality and the initialization of the IoC container using Servlet listeners and a web-oriented application context.It also contains an HTTP client and the web-related parts of Spring remote support. | |