The July Virtual Developers Event is for ONAP developers, by ONAP developers. Your contributions and needs are what will drive the agenda for all of these sessions. To build the agenda for the we are soliciting Topics for discussion from the community. Ideally these are questions that you need a deeper understanding of in order to make progress or deep-dive information sharing in a particular area.
VID: Virtual Infrastructure Deployment introduction
- Description: The Virtual Infrastructure Deployment (VID) application allows infrastructure service deployment operators to instantiate service instances and their constituent parts for distributed service models required.
in this session we would like to introduce the ONAP community to VID capabilities and road map. we invite the community to join us. - Topic Leader: TBD.
- Volunteer Note Taker: Amichai Hemli
- Estimated Duration: 1 hr
- Link to data Source (if applicable)
- Interested In Attending:
Portal App Implementation and OnBoarding
- Description: Introducing Portal SDK and its Platform Onboarding Requirements. Below topics are discussed (30mins each):
- How to build the Portal SDK based application?
- How to on-board the SDK based application onto Portal platform?
- Topic Leader: Sunder Tatta.
- Volunteer Note Taker: Leimeng Shi
- Estimated Duration: 60 min
- Link to data Source (if applicable)
- Interested In Attending: If you are interested in this discussion and would like to participate in it, please add your name and email here (one name/email per line please). We'll use this information when building the schedule so that we minimize overbooking people where possible.
Release Versioning (Day 1- Main Conf. Bridge)
- Description: Discuss 2versioning proposals for Amsterdam
- 1. We try to keep the version numbers all in sync and in sync with the release number which will require “downversioning” some of the code with all the problems that will cause with dependencies and artifact caching. It will also be difficult to maintain as we are applying patches after the Amsterdam release is out (a patch to one component would trigger a version update to all other components).
2. We allow each repo to manage there own version number and then the Amsterdam release is just really a collection of artifacts with different version numbers properly tagged/referenced.
- Topic Leader:Oliver Spatscheck
- Volunteer Note Taker: First Last email
- Estimated Duration:
- Link to data Source (if applicable)
- Interested In Attending: If you are interested in this discussion and would like to participate in it, please add your name and email here (one name/email per line please). We'll use this information when building the schedule so that we minimize overbooking people where possible.
Modeling subcommittee specification coordination
- Description:Need to align subcommitee and project about modeling specification before early of August
- Topic Leader: DENG Hui, Jana Rittwik
- Volunteer Note Taker: First Last email
- Estimated Duration: 2 hours
- Link to data Source:
- Interested In Attending:
- First Last email
- HuiDeng
- Jana Rittwik
- Yang Xu
- Kang Xi
- yuanxingFeng
- Prabhu Somasundaram (
- LingliDeng (
- Tao Shen (
- ChengliWang (
- KanagarajM
- Subhash Kumar Singh (
- maopengzhang(
- yuanxingfeng(
- Zhaoxing Meng
- ChuanyuChen (
- NageshaSubramanya
- Eyal Holzmann
- Andrei Kojukhov
- Vitaliy Emporopulo
- Seshu Kumar Mudiganti
- Description:Need to understand if AAF (through MSB) will provide full/continuous user authentication for A&AI and other ONAP components in Amsterdam
- Topic Leader: Former user (Deleted)
- Volunteer Note Taker: First Last email
- Estimated Duration:
- Link to data Source (if applicable)
- Interested In Attending:
- First Last email
- Former user (Deleted)
- Zhaoxing Meng
- KanagarajM
- Stephenterrill
- James Forsyth
- Michael O'Brien (as OOM)
- Amy Zwarico
- Moshe Hoadley
- Tian Lee
- Adrian BP
- CT Paterson
- Steve Blimkie
- Arul Nambi
A&AI & VF-C Discussion (Day 3 - Main Conf. Bridge)
Description: VF-C have identified some gaps between the objects VF-C need to store and the models that A&AI already exists. Need to discuss withA&AI team on how to map these gaps.
- Topic Leader: Yan Yang(, Weitao Gao(
- Volunteer Note Taker: First Last email
- Estimated Duration: 2 hour
- Link to data Source (if applicable)
- Interested In Attending: We would like to invite A&AI,VF-C and other related projects to join in this topic
- First Last email
- LingliDeng (
- Tao Shen (
- KanagarajM
- Subhash Kumar Singh (
- ChuanyuChen (
- James Forsyth
- Eric Multanen
- Murat Parlakisik
- NageshaSubramanya
- Amy Zwarico
- Moshe Hoadley
- t
- ethanlynnl
- Prashant Kumar (
- Zi Li
- Tian Lee
- Adrian BP
- Steve Blimkie
- Arul Nambi
- Avi Chapnick
OOM & MSB Interaction(Day 1 - Alt-Conference Bridge #1 02:00 PM)
- Description:
According to the conclusion of service registry discussionbetween MSB and OOM, OOM and MSB manage the process and service separately at different levels and these two projects need to cooperate to use the Consul as the service registry to provide the service endpointsinfo for MSB. So MSB can leverage this info for service routing/load balancing, etc.
Need to understand the current OOM process level registration info and how to combine process and service level registration info and save it toConsulcatalog.
- Topic Leader: Former user (Deleted)
- Volunteer Note Taker: First Last email
- Estimated Duration:
- Link to data Source (if applicable) MSB Release Planning MSB OOM Integration.pptx
- Interested In Attending:
- First Last email
- Stephenterrill
- Dan Timoney
- Michael O'Brien (as OOM)
- Rich Bennett
- James Forsyth
- Xin Miao
- Vijay Kumar
- Zhaoxing Meng
- Description:The output of SDC will be distributed to multiple modules, SO ,VF-C, Policy, etc. Want to know more details of SDC, such as how to subscribe topic, how to gettemplate orcsar package, the notification example,etc
- Topic Leader: Yan Yang(,Maopeng Zhang(
- Volunteer Note Taker: First Last email
- Link to data Source
- Estimated Duration: 2 hours
- Interested In Attending: We would like to invite SDC, VF-C and other related projects to join in this topic.
- First Last email
- LingliDeng (
- Tao Shen (
- Murali Mohan Murthy Potham
- Pamela Dragosh
- ChuanyuChen(
- Mahesh Poojary (
- Zhaoxing Meng
- GuangrongFu (
- Eric Multanen
- Murat Parlakisik
- NageshaSubramanya
- Yang Xu
- kspviswa (Verizon )
- Moshe Hoadley
- Vitaliy Emporopulo
- Avi Ziv
- jin xinSeshu Kumar Mudigantixin
- Seshu Kumar Mudiganti
- Zi Li
- Victor Morales
- Avi Chapnick
- Adrian BP
- Michael Lando
- Zahi Kapeluto
Holmes Question on DCAE?Day3: Alt-Conference Bridge #1 2:00PM?
- Description:
- A couple of meetings have been held to help all relevant teams to get to know what to do and how to do them. But almost all meetings are based on abstract samples or workflows. The Holmes team has shared a concrete rule example withrelevant teams. I'm not sure whether the example helped in understanding the mechanism of Holmes. If any questions remain, we want to make some further clarification as per the questions raised in the coming couple of days. Meanwhile, we're expecting concrete samples from the components which we are going to be interactwith. Hopefully, I wish Policy, CLAMP and especially DCAE could share some details (concrete examples) with us during the virtual F2F meeting. We are eager to have a working example of the DCAE operation and flows so that Holmes can effectively integrate Holmes event/alarm correlation functionality into DCAE for Amsterdam.
- We have to get a consensus on the deadline to provide API docs to each other so that we could start developing as soon as we can. At the moment, even if we want to get started, we don't know how.
- We have to discuss about the workflow for delpoying Holmes independently. Through all the meetings we've had, we are now aware of the workflow of how to integrate Holmes with DCAE and how to collaborate with all the relevant conponents. It's time for us to figure out a breakthrough point for Holmes to be deployed in the standalone mode. We'll try our best to find a scheme to reuse the existing interfaces as many as possible so that we could avoid replications in API development.
- Topic Leader: Guangrong Fu
- Volunteer Note Taker: First Last email
- Link to data Source
- Duration: 3 hours
- Interested In Attending:
- First Last email
- Stephenterrill
- Ron Shacham
- Yuan Liu
- Jing Wang
- Xin Miao
- Vijay Kumar
- Zhaoxing Meng
- Gervais-Martial Ngueko
- Description: Gain agreement that all dependencies are accounted for and accurate
- Topic Leader: Gildas Lanilis Gmail
- Volunteer Note Taker: First Last email
- Estimated Duration: 30 mns
- Link to presentation: ONAP API Dependencies
- Link to data Source Release Planning#ReleaseDependencies
- Interested In Attending:
- Stephenterrill
- Dan Timoney
- Prabhu Somasundaram (
- LingliDeng (
- Yan Yang (
- Zhaoxing Meng
- Rich Bennett
- Jing Wang
Test Cases (Day 1 - Main Conf. Bridge)
- Description: Deep dive on End-to-End Test Case considerations
- Topic Leader: Helen Chen
- Volunteer Note Taker: First Last email
- Estimated Duration:
- Link to data Source (if applicable)
- Interested In Attending:
- Kang Xi
- Wenyao Guan -
- Gervais-Martial Ngueko
- Marco Platania
- Stephen Terrill
- Alla Goldner
- Dan Timoney
- Yang Xu
- Gildas Lanilis Gmail
- Brian Freeman
- Ron Shacham
- Prabhu Somasundaram (
- Chengli Wang
- Jing Wang
- Xin Miao
- Cheng (Ian) Liu Cheng Ian Liu
- Zhaoxing Meng
- Jin Gan
- Ranpollak
- Description: Who owns the Demos / Environment, what is the plan, etc.
- Topic Leader: ??
- Volunteer Note Taker: First Last email
- Estimated Duration:
- Link to data Source (if applicable)
- Interested In Attending:
- First Last email
- Stephenterrill
- Ranny Haiby
- Michael O'Brien (as OOM)
- Yang Xu
- Arul Nambi
- Gildas Lanilis Gmail
- Jin Gan
Use case subcomittee meeting (Day 3- Main Conf. Bridge)
- Description: (1) To close on use cases definitions, following interactions with all involved projects, (2) to review R2 use cases, if available
- Topic Leader: Alla Goldner (
- Volunteer Note Taker: First Last email
- Estimated Duration: 1 hour
- Link to data Source (if applicable)
- Interested In Attending:
- Alla Goldner
- Kang Xi
- Gervais-Martial Ngueko
- Pamela Dragosh
- Stephenterrill
- Dan Timoney
- Ranny Haiby
- Helen Chen
- Yang Xu
- Gildas Lanilis Gmail
- Brian Freeman
- Ron Shacham
- Prabhu Somasundaram (
- Chengli Wang
- Michał Pawłowski
- Lingli Deng
- Qidi Lv
- Xinhui Li
- Murat Parlakisik
- NageshaSubramanya
- Amy Zwarico
- Cheng (Ian) Liu Cheng Ian Liu
- Zhaoxing Meng
- Danny Zhou
- Luman Wang
- Seshu Kumar Mudiganti
- ethanlynnl
- Ran Pollak
- Peng Zhao
Open Lab subcommittee meeting
- Description: Discussion on common issues related labs, Plan to setup physical lab, etc.
- Topic Leader: Chengli Wang
- Volunteer Note Taker: First Last email
- Estimated Duration:
- Link to data Source (if applicable)
- Interested In Attending:
- Kang Xi
- Wenyao Guan
- Helen Chen
- Yang Xu
- Gildas Lanilis Gmail
- Prabhu Somasundaram (
- Rich Bennett
- Zhaoxing Meng
- Luman Wang
- ethanlynnl
- Ran Pollak
- Ying Yunlong
VoLTE Use Case Control Loop Automation (Day 2- Main Conf. Bridge)
- Description: In the Amsterdam release, VoLTE use case has a requirement on fault correlation and auto-healing, which is closely related to Control loop, including but not limited to CLAMP, DCAE, Policy, Holmes, Multi-Cloud and VF-C projects. During the previously discussion in the weekly meeting, the workflow of control loop has been introduced, but some actual example files are not provided. It is time to design the control loop for VoLTE use case to ensure deliver on time. Here are the gaps need to discuss.
- Examples of DCAE template, CLAMP/Cloudify Blueprint, Config Policy, Operational Policy and related files needed to be designed and used in the control loop. If a series of practical examples can be provided, like all related examples of the vFW demo, which is better for us to understand.
- Developer guidelines to design the control loop to achieve the requirement of VoLTE. Demo of the entire process, e.g. create, deploy, etc., which is a better way help us to learn, if it can be provided.
- The solution of Holmes deployment, integrated with DCAE or others, e.g. workflow, DCAE Template, API, etc.
- The solution of design, creating and distributing Holmes rules, e.g. refer to Policy, or other solutions, etc.
- The requirement of Policy to invoke the API of VF-C.
- The API document of VES collector in DCAE is used by VF-C to report VNF FCAPS data.
- Topic Leader: Yuan Liu
- Volunteer Note Taker: First Last email
- Estimated Duration: 2 hours
- Link to data Source (if applicable)
- Interested In Attending: We would like to invite CLAMP, DCAE, Policy, Holmes, Multi-Cloud, VF-C and other related projects to join in this topic.
- Lingli Deng -
- Yan Yang -
- Guangrong Fu -
- Former user (Deleted) -
- Kang Xi
- Wenyao Guan
- Gervais-Martial Ngueko
- Pamela Dragosh
- Marco Platania
- Stephenterrill
- Alla Goldner
- Ranny Haiby
- Eric Multanen
- Yang Xu
- Brian Freeman
- Ron Shacham
- Ritu Sood
- Shashank Kumar Shankar
- Murat Parlakisik
- Prabhu Somasundaram (
- Chengli Wang
- Michał Pawłowski
- t
- KanagarajM
- Qidi Lv
- Subhash Kumar Singh (
- James Forsyth
- Jing Wang
- Xin Miao
- NageshaSubramanya
- Vijay Kumar
- Cheng (Ian) Liu Cheng Ian Liu
- Zhaoxing Meng
- Seshu Kumar Mudiganti
- ethanlynnl
- CT Paterson
- Avi Chapnick
- Dana Bobko
VNFRQTS - Guidelines & Requirements/chapter structure of the documents
- Description: The ONAP VNFRQTS are supposed to be an integrated set of deliverable documentation. An agreed document outline structure permits the sections of the documents to be developed independently. Initial proposal based on chapters from some of the seed documents. Another proposal was to structure chapters towards intended users of the VNF Requirements documents - based, e.g. on the VNFRQTS JIRA epics.
- Topic Leader: Wenyao Guan, Steven Wright
- Volunteer Note Taker: First Last email
- Estimated Duration: 0.5 hour
- Link to data Source (if applicable) VNF Document Outlines
- Interested In Attending: If you are interested in this discussion and would like to participate in it, please add your name and email here (one name/email per line please). We'll use this information when building the schedule so that we minimize overbooking people where possible.
- Kang Xi
- Andrei Kojukhov
- Murali Mohan Murthy Potham
- yuanxing Feng
- Prabhu Somasundaram (
- Ning Zhu
- Shitao Li
- Lingli Deng
- Amy Zwarico
- Ying Li
- First Last email
- etc.
- Description: The ONAP VNFRQTS are supposed to be an integrated set of deliverable documentation. An agreed document outline structure, and templates permits the sections of the documents to be developed independently. Initial proposals based on previous types of documents in the industry. Another proposal was to structure chapters towards intended users of these documents - based, e.g. on the VNFRQTS JIRA epics, or other ONAP projects as users of these document types.
- Topic Leader: , Steven Wright
- Volunteer Note Taker: First Last email
- Estimated Duration:
- Link to data Source (if applicable) VNF Document Outlines
- Interested In Attending: If you are interested in this discussion and would like to participate in it, please add your name and email here (one name/email per line please). We'll use this information when building the schedule so that we minimize overbooking people where possible.
- Description:
- How typically a developer should setup his/her environment if he/she wants to work on a user story/bug fix ?
- Are stubs available for ONAP components if a component can't be run individually due to inter-dependency?
- How to test change at unit level and E2E level and then submit the change ?
- Topic Leader: TBD
- Volunteer Note Taker: First Last email
- Estimated Duration:
- Link to data Source (if applicable)
- Interested In Attending: If you are interested in this discussion and would like to participate in it, please add your name and email here (one name/email per line please). We'll use this information when building the schedule so that we minimize overbooking people where possible.
- Former user (Deleted)
- Former user (Deleted)
- ( Verizon )
- Michael O'Brien
- Yang Xu
- Eric Multanen
- Gildas Lanilis Gmail
- Marcus Williams (Deactivated)
- Shashank Kumar Shankar
- Ritu Sood
- Murat Parlakisik
- Prabhu Somasundaram (
- Chengli Wang
- Yan Yang
- Yuan Liu
- t
- zhang ab
- Murali Mohan Murthy Potham
- Qidi Lv
- Wenyao Guan
- Tao Shen
- ChuanyuChen(
- Skip Wonnell
- Jing Wang
- Vijay Kumar
- Arul Nambi
- Cheng (Ian) Liu Cheng Ian Liu
- Zhaoxing Meng
- Moshe Hoadley
- Borislav.Glozman
- Eyal Holzmann
- Vitaliy Emporopulo
- Avi Ziv
- Jin Gan
- Seshu Kumar Mudiganti
- Zi Li
- Tian Lee
- Xin Miao
- Adrian BP
- Steve Blimkie
- Victor Morales
- Rahul Sharma
- Varun Gudisena
Security (Day 1 - Main Conf. Bridge)
VoLTE Service Design and Instantiation (Day 2 - Main Conf. Bridge)
- Description: Discuss the details of service design and instantiation for VoLTE use case:
- VNF template format (TOSCA/HEAT)
- vEPC and vIMS VNFs onboarding
- Network service design for data center interconnect network (underlay and overlay), and network between 2 VNFs
- SDC output artifacts (content and format)
- VoLTE service instantiation
- Topic Leader:Yang Xu
- Volunteer Note Taker: First Last email
- Estimated Duration: 2 hrs
- Link to data Source -
- Interested In Attending: If you are interested in this discussion and would like to participate in it, please add your name and email here (one name/email per line please). We'll use this information when building the schedule so that we minimize overbooking people where possible.
- Yang
- Gil Bullard
- John Choma
- Eric Multanen
- Brian Freeman
- Ron Shacham
- Prabhu Somasundaram (
- Chengli Wang
- Yan Yang
- Yuan Liu
- Michał Pawłowski
- Murali Mohan Murthy Potham
- Lingli Deng
- Qidi Lv
- Wenyao Guan
- Tao Shen
- Murat Parlakisik
- NageshaSubramanya
- Zhaoxing Meng
- kspviswa (Verizon )com
- Avi Ziv
- Seshu Kumar Mudiganti
- Zahi Kapeluto
- Eden Rozin
- Adrian BP
- CT Paterson
- Steve Blimkie
- Avi Chapnick
- Vitaliy Emporopulo
- Helen Chen
Architecture for Amsterdam and Beijing (Day 2- Main Conf. Bridge)
Description: Present the latest architecture from the ARC subcommittee and begin project-by-project flow walk-throughs
- Topic Leader: Chris Donley
- Volunteer Note Taker: First Last email
- Estimated Duration: 1 hour
- Link to data Source (if applicable)
- Interested In Attending: If you are interested in this discussion and would like to participate in it, please add your name and email here (one name/email per line please). We'll use this information when building the schedule so that we minimize overbooking people where possible.
- Alla Goldner
- Simer Singh,
- Prabhu Somasundaram (
- Chengli Wang
- Lingli Deng
- Qidi Lv
- Wenyao Guan
- Tao Shen
- Yan Yang
- Yuan Liu
- maopeng zhang
- Chuanyu Chen
- Rich Bennett
- Murat Parlakisik
- NageshaSubramanya
- Gildas Lanilis Gmail
- Amy Zwarico
- Cheng (Ian) Liu Cheng Ian Liu
- Zhaoxing Meng
- kspviswa (Verizon )
- Vitaliy Emporopulo
- Gervais-Martial Ngueko
- Seshu Kumar Mudiganti
- ethanlynnl
- Adrian BP
- Tian Lee
- CT Paterson
- Steve Blimkie
- Avi Chapnick
vCPE Use Case Review (Day 2- Main Conf. Bridge)
- Description: We have had multiple meeting to analyze the vCPE use case and answer a collection of questions here. In this virtual event we will review the model, workflows, and specific technical requirements to various projects and collect input if any. The purpose is to finalize the use case design and requirements to other projects.
- Topic Leader: Kang Xi
- Volunteer Note Taker: Kang Xi
- Estimated Duration: 3 hours
- Link to data Source : use case wiki page, list of questions and answers
- Interested In Attending: If you are interested in this discussion and would like to participate in it, please add your name and email here (one name/email per line please). We'll use this information when building the schedule so that we minimize overbooking people where possible.
- Kang Xi
- Alla Goldner
- Brian Freeman
- Ron Shacham
- Murat Parlakisik
- Prabhu Somasundaram (
- Michał Pawłowski
- zhang ab
- KanagarajM
- Qidi Lv
- Subhash Kumar Singh (
- Pamela Dragosh
- Xinhui Li lxinhui@vmware.ocm
- James Forsyth
- NageshaSubramanya
- Vijay Kumar
- Marco Platania
- Vitaliy Emporopulo
- Avi Ziv
- Danny Zhou
- Seshu Kumar Mudiganti
- ethanlynnl
- Prashant Kumar (
- Tian Lee
- Ran Pollak
- Adrian BP
- CT Paterson
- Steve Blimkie
- Avi Chapnick
- Helen Chen
Demo of Application Authorization Framework (AAF) Integration – Rescheduled to Next week. I will send invitation ( Varun -
- Description: This demo shows how to integrate AAF with an application which wants to leverage Authentication and Authorization from AAF.
- Topic Leader: Jonathan Gathman
- Volunteer Note Taker: First Last email
- Estimated Duration: 1.5 hours
- Link to data Source (if applicable)
- Interested In Attending: If you are interested in this discussion and would like to participate in it, please add your name and email here (one name/email per line please). We'll use this information when building the schedule so that we minimize overbooking people where possible.
- Varun Gudisena
- Amy Zwarico
- kspviswa (Verizon )
- Vitaliy Emporopulo
- Tian Lee
- Adrian BP
- Steve Blimkie