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namePlacement-via-HAS Copy Copy


Table of Contents



Minizinc Model

titleMiniZinc model for the example application (budget constrained network flow optimization model). This model can be composed from different components, each independently contributed by contrbutors with different expertise and roles, as described above.
int: N;  % input nodes 
int: M;  % output nodes 
int: maxbw; % max bandwidth (for convenience) 
float: budget;

set of int: inNodes = 1..N;
set of int: outNodes = 1..M;

array[inNodes] of int: inCap;  % capacities for input nodes 
array[outNodes] of int: outCap;  % capacity for output nodes 
array[inNodes, outNodes] of int: bw;  % max bandwidth of link 
array[inNodes, outNodes] of float: cost;  % unit cost for the link 
array[inNodes, outNodes] of var 0..maxbw: x;  % amount through this link 

constraint forall (i in inNodes) (sum (j in outNodes) (x[i,j]) <= inCap[i]);
constraint forall (j in outNodes) (sum (i in inNodes) (x[i,j]) <= outCap[j]);
constraint forall (i in inNodes, j in outNodes) (x[i,j] <= bw[i,j]);

constraint sum (i in inNodes, j in outNodes) (x[i,j] * cost[i,j]) <= budget;


% Example of a constraint policy pushed by an Ops person at run-time (by "enabling" and/or configuring a policy)
% The OOF will inject the translated policy into the MiniZinc model for subsequent requests to this service

% another "stringent" service-specific policy 
constraint sum (i in inNodes, j in outNodes) (x[i,j] * cost[i,j]) <= 0.8 * budget;


% Example of a constraint policy specified and/or pushed by a service designer at design time
% The OOF will inject the translated policy into the MiniZinc model for all requests to this service

% each link cannot have more than 20% of traffic from a customer 
var flow = sum (i in inNodes, j in outNodes) (x[i,j]);
constraint forall (i in inNodes, j in outNodes) (x[i,j] <= 0.2 * flow);

solve maximize sum (i in inNodes, j in outNodes) (x[i,j]);

Minizinc Data Template

titleData file used in the for the example application. The file format is dzn (Minizinc data format) and the file uses the widely used jinja2 templating for Python, with support for OOF to objects such as "input" (the input API request), SDC (a dummy object that provides network capacities of nodes, as well as information on cost per unit network utilization for each network edge), and AAI (another dummy object that provides network capacities of nodes, and also bandwith for links among different nodes). This data template is rendered into a data file (dzn format), which, together with the model file defines a complete optimization problem.
% Relevant calls to APIs
{% inNodes, outNodes, budget = input.get("inNodes", "outNodes", "budget") %}
{% inCap, outCap = AAI.getCapacities(inNodes, outNodes) %};
{% bw = AAI.getBandwidthMatrix(inNodes, outNodes) %};
{% cost = SDC.getNetworkCostMatrix(inNodes, outNodes) %};

N = {{ len(inNodes) }};
M = {{ len(outNodes) }};
maxbw = {{ max(max(bw)) }};
budget = {{ budget }};

inCap = {{ inCap }};
outCap = {{ outCap }};

bw = {{ mzn.toMatrix(bw) }}; % writes it out as minizinc matrix
cost = {{ mzn.toMatrix(cost) }};

Minizinc Data File

titleRendered Minizinc Data File (from Template)
N = 5;
M = 4;
maxbw = 20;
budget = 50;

inCap = [10, 5, 0, 4, 20];

outCap = [10, 0, 5, 4];

bw = [| 10,  5,  0,  0
      |  2,  4, 10,  0
      |  4,  4, 10,  0
      |  2,  0,  0,  5
      |  0,  0,  0,  1 |];

cost = [|  1,  1, 10, 20
        | 90, 90, 90, 90
        |  2,  1,  1,  1
        |  2, 10, 10,  1
        |  9,  9,  9, 99.9 |];


Homing and Allocation Service (HAS)

OF-HAS is an a policy-driven placement optimizing service (or homing service) that allows ONAP to deploy services automatically across multiple sites and multiple clouds. It enables placement based on a wide variety of policy constraints including capacity, location, platform capabilities, and other service specific constraints. Given a set of service components (based on SO decomposition flows) and requirements for placing these components (driven by policies), HAS finds optimal resources (cloud regions or existing service instances) to home these service components such that it meets all the service requirements. HAS is architected as an extensible homing service that can accommodate a growing set of homing objectives, policy constraints, data sources and placement algorithms. More details on HAS flow and architecture can be found in the HAS Project Page.



Additional details of this use case are available at the Project Page for 5G-RAN Deployment Use Case 

Higher Order Control Loop: VNF and Service scaling across multiple cloud instances


  1. Amsterdam Release: OOF did not participate in the Amsterdam Release
  2. Beijing Release: 
    1. This is the first release. Details on the commitments, user stories, etc., are available at the Beijing Release Page
    2. Seed code from AT&T was onboarded by mid-January, 2018


Links to major ONAP components

  1. ONAP Stack
    1. ONAP Installation on Vanilla OpenStack
    2. OOM for deployment and management of core ONAP stack. Installation instructions for Kubernetes: ONAP on Kubernetes
  2. Policy system
  3. Active and Available Inventory (AAI)
  4. Service Orchestrator Project
  5. Multi VIM/Cloud Project
  1. Håkan Kjellerstrand's page on Optimization Tools

Resources related to open issues
