Versions Compared


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DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

Started releasing final components

Working with Integration team to get Testsuite up-to-date with new policies/api

Testsuite work

More releasing of components today

Finish documentation


I am sick as a dog - please help me make things smooth the next few days.

Alpine + CSIT changes - all CSIT passing now I believe.

Test, install lab with new images.

Support misc. activities.


Master branch version bumps

Documentation - working with Rich/Eric 

Continue with branch version bumps

1) DDF - brief overviews of TOSCA and intro to apps/short demos

2) Post DDF - tutorials for the community

a) Overview on TOSCA policies - basics of applications

b) 3 more detailed tutorials on application for each of the PDP types

c) Tutorial on the PAP to PDP communication etc.

CLAMP and integration activities - Interface issues.

CLAMP and integration activities - Interface issues.


trainingwill meet with Pam/Bilal regarding API stability and performance

waiting for Scale Out - Marco to test A&AI

vFW - works

Tried cherry-picking - giving error.Work on Jorge's cherry pick and try to patch that.
Finishing up documentation for PAPAvailable for supporting testing
Working on stability/performance test for XACML

Want to do guard testing today

Pam will try to meet for 1/2 today regarding

Documentation for design internal APIs
Block of text for PAP - up to Jim/Ram if they want to review

PAP stability scripts review up

Started looking into El Alto/Frankfurt work health check

Started working on DDF presentations


DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

RC2 checklist

Branched dublin

Started updating master versions

Documentation release notes

Finish master version update

Support CLAMP and integration activities

Support CLAMP and integration activities


1754: verified deletePolicy

Stability and Performance tests

Stability and Performance tests

Guard testing

Documented PAP stability test plan & results

Raised review for scripts used in stability test

Support testing

DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve


Release notes reviews.

Work on Documentation with Eric D.


RC2 Checklist

Test support

testing with clamp

integration support

update image versions for oom + integration

testing with clamp

integration support

CSIT for xacmldocumentation
CSIT (thursday)

1754: verify deletePolicy

Stability and Performance tests

Guard testing

May be XACML Documentation

Documentation architecture pageAPI design documentation - continue

+2 Merge !!!

PAP stability looking good for the 72 hours run.

Written scripts to install components and simulators.

(there's limitation only 1 PDP bc limitation in DMaaP simulator).

Document Stability results on wiki.

DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

artifact release + bump snapshots + rc2 checklist

continue rc2 checklist + work with Eric in documentation + design section documentation.

branch - next tue or wedn plan as of now.

rc2: next thursday.

final release: june 6 as of now

no scrum on Monday, memorial day

generate new scrum next week.

Test and support 

Day off


support + working w Mike in csit.supportmounted volume issues unable to read them in csit when working in set up with vm across operating systems.
Day offDay off
documentation continuerelease of apache avro, can get out of security checklist.
stability pap - found some issuescontinue

apex documentation w apex

looking into xacml pdp csit - found invalid ssl files.


DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

Meetings, etc ..

RC Checklist.


TSC call + meetings

Support and Test - vCPE passes policy

Continue and investigate issue with CLAMP

Waiting for feedback on support from team - Marco in the SO usecasesContinue

Support testing and investigation

Documentation for PAP


Support Yuryi

CSIT running into some errors where not picking up the properties file.   Feedback from Ajith: Issue with passing arguments probably, and port exposing.   May be OS issues.

Continue CSIT + support.

Stability if time permits

Working on DocumentationContinue
Estability PAP with JMeterContinue 
Documentation Continue w review2 week vacations starting next week - back on June 10

DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

documentation + reviews + catching up 

start releasing artifacts

documentation (work w Eric Debau)

RC2 checklist

integration support

support Krishna/Yuryi + install latest in sb00 + POLICY-1766 (UI fed back change from Utkarsh/Lorraine (portal) + POLICY-1700 (put up to date docker manifest integration)

refresh sb00 with latest changes from this morning and do .60 + support + test.
1777 follow up on Liam's changes + documentationtest new changes on the API with swagger.
Finished AAI error handling when no vserver provided -


up version to models in policy/pap.

test support

documentation for pap

Q for CLAMP: does CLAMP specify version of policy to undeploy?  A (Seb):  fixed to "1.0.0".
Support Yuryi + CSIT - dealing with some issues with   Need to do similar to oom for


support Yuryi (legacy getConfig API - dublin).

1777 versions fix and rework comments 

architecture documentation

architecture documentation
Stability for PAPContinue

Helping Ram on Stability Testing

Documentation for apex


DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

back from vacations

catching up reviews + meeting + documentation

Created 1784 for versioning changes for El Alto.

support + early afternoon

support integration + test


api documentation - swagger testing.

POLICY-1777need Liam's changes to complete 1777 work

Documentation for PAP - looking at issues including 1777 and 1685.Support + Documentation

Worked on FL Guard testing in Windriver lab

Made change for 1754 and submitted review

Work on CSIT tests
Fixed issue with latest version of policy not being calculated correctly.Working on adding a policy version field into get() and delete() calls on legacy policies. Also documentation.
Working on Stability for PAP. Had multiple issues with the setup. Me & Ajith could resolve those.  Adding more test cases to the JMeter test plan.
Helping Ram - set up components for PAP stability testingContinue + documentation

DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

API documentationcontinuePam's review is not merged
Working with Marco on test cases, minor addition to code basecontinue
Testing supportTesting support, start with PAP documentation

CSIT for xacml-pdp, test the guard functionality in windriver lab

CSIT and test support with guard functionality test

Checking issue on policy type filter raised by ChenfeiDocumentation
Was sick last week. Started adding stability test cases for PAPContinue
Apex documentationContinue

DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

testing support

documentation and testing support

1779 - change in xacml pdp- changes in PAP.

Need to talk to Ram version 10 bound problem (2 digits)

OOO Monday

testing support 

looking into issues yesterday + work with Pramod
documentation preparationcontinueOOO thurs + friday

1754 fix legacy deletePolicy issue



Test guard

Testing and CL meetingscontinueAvailable

xacml csit review from Mike - supportdocumentation

DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

Artifact Release

Testing support today

TSC Meeting - Today is RC1 (I think we will pass)

Documentation - if time allows

Bump versions of repos - thanks Liam

Update INFO.yaml in all the repos for Jim and Ram

Get ready for Scale Out Use Case testing - Guard is where we need more testing.

Get ready next week for supporting Documentation - we have a lot of work to do for this.

Need Pramod Jamkhedkar to upgrade to AAI 1.0.3 to pull in security fix.

POLICY-1756: OOM - avoid exposure ports completed.

OOM: update latest images, enhancements ports, external jdbc password.


Test several installs with SNAPSHOTs and official images.

Reproduce multiple versions issue passthrough with PAP from Brian F.   

Support + Test scenariosNeed feedback on how to proceed on version passthrough through PAP issue.   Explicitly undeploy in this release.

Looking into swagger API documentation - how it works.

POLICY-1717 - upgrade 1.0.3

Waiting for all the CSIT to come in - tracking them for cherry pick to Dublin Branch

Submitted fix for 1760

Worked with Praveen for fix on 1754 and he provided a code snippet that I need to implement in the policy/engine repo to fix the issue

Add fix for 1754

Work on CSIT tests for xacml-pdp

Support testing

CSIT Help: policy/pap API is not getting the instance IP - so test case fails. Ajith will help.
Support for testing and releasingSupport for testing and releasing, also starting on Control Loop work (Can't make scrum today)

PDP and Dmaap simulator for PAP Stability testingFinish and testing - bring up PAP and see if it works.

DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

RC1 checklist


releasing artifacts

documentation + release + admin

Test POLICY-1748 (policies passive mode enable when going to active after PDP-D node bounce).

Verify POLICY-1760 ( for guard in PDP-X in the right place).

Legacy push-policies was successful with latest (through brmsgw)

OOM changes security ports exposed POLICY-1756 (relates to OJSI-107-8,117-8,157,184)

support + test changed oom charts
s3p + documentation support for api componentcontinue
1717 integrated new AAI version.testing w Marco on AAI 


1760: fixed issue with connection, issue with authorization.


work with Praveen - deletePolicy issue 1754.

cist if time

s3p testing for apex doc.  - support china team that will do the testingcontinue
Support Brian F. on integration testing.continue support and s3p
PDP simulator for PAP estability testingcontinue 

DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve


Documentation - today is a hackathon for this.

RC1 checklist.

Who can help with artifact release? I think Chenfei volunteered, but need to know who has the most open availability.

Heads up: 

Jira Legacy
serverSystem Jira
 - may need some folks to help Integration team update their testsuite.

OJSI JIRA's for http port exposure must be fixed this week.

test and support + policies in active mode for pdp-d


look into OJSI tickets.

support vfirewall automationsupport vfirewall automation

Worked on xacml-pdp CSIT

Worked on 1754 after getting environment info

Make changes suggested by Jorge for 1760

Work on 1754

xacml-pdp CSIT

I am having an issue with CSIT.  The POLICY_PAP_IP will not populate when executing g" policy-pap" and causes the tests to fail.  I have submitted a review but have not added reviewers yet as I wanted to see it run on Jenkins in hopes that it was something with my local environment.

SupportBenchmark code for apex + support China team
New versions for common, model, synchronization.S3P for PAP
generic pdp simulator in models for estability and performance.continue

DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve


Test + Support + Security Issues evaluation - detected 2 false positives when testing against casablanca and master.

Refine API to retrieve deployed policyCreate JIRA for El Alto & S3P test

working on bugs - 1760 &


continue on 1754 & CSITWaiting for decision on 1760
Available for support of testing.Available for support of testing.

Testing support, helping Ericsson folks for S3P setup of apex, helping Ajith on Pdp simulator.

Raised reviews to upgrade repos to released version of policy/parent & policy/commom. 

Continue of upgrading repos & support.
Working on Pdp simulator continue with packaging


DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

Testing support


JIRA backlog

Testing support

Traveling tonight this weekend - will be OOO on Monday

support and testing + review out to support policies in pdpd in passive state - merged

extension to pdp group filter to retrieve the deployed versioncontinue
1717: security changes for aai schema exclussionscontinue

vFW to accommodate the payload

deploy issue found in integration testing

issue with CSIT from small change on REST PAP API.

work with Jorge testing

Note: OOO next week.

db connection bug + submitted other patch

1754: policyDelete legacy API

CSIT continue

Updated Legacy Operational policies to revert converstion of properties to JSON

Examined the exposed HTTP port JIRAs

Available for support on testing.

estability for pap + helping ericsson team for estability and performance for apex

support debugging

creating simulator for pap - pdp for estability testingcontinue


DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

Supporting CSIT and pairwise testingContinue supporting S3P tests. Coordinate with Ram on Ajith on the PDP simulator.
Working on POLICY-1717, changing the schemas in POMs to handle security in A&AIContinue on this task.

Working on bug for connection beween XACML PDP and MariaDB, problem identifiedWorking on the fix for this today.
Working on putting in properties, fix for legacy policiesAvailable for helping with testing.
Started looking into stability and performance testing for PAP.We will need a PDP simulator that just consumes messages and tests the flow, deploy/undeploy and state changes.
Testing with latest imagesStarting with documentation and discussing on PDP simulator.


DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

test, support, environment set up, restart pdpd not going to the active state issue

fix junit test failures preloading operational and guard policies to match Liam's review.s3p tests + doc work
1729: completed + merged1717: aai security impacts with schema
1684: junits + csit changes into dublincontinue
test supportPOLICY-1752 investigation
csit with dmaap on 1731? debug connection to guard db

policy-type-version fix merged

security code issues

security code issues

actions from CL subcommitteed

testing support + ajith on apexcontinue
apex pdp csit + doc mergedsupport


Pairwise Testing - Must complete ASAP. Today is a checkpoint at the PTL meeting. Push today to work with CLAMP/DCAE to finalize pairwise.

Be ready to test with Integration team this week for Scale Out, vCPE, testsuite

Need the TESTSUITE changes in for healthcheck etc.

DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve



NOTE: I will be in mandatory training starting this afternoon through Wed midday.

Testing + Support

Testing + Support
Testing + work on issue with storing stringContinue
Changes for issue with certificates + additional custom query changes.


work with Jorge in certs.

1684: apex-pdp healtcheck, environment variables in robot healtcheckscontinuewaiting for changes from Ajith/Ram.

Supported testing

Investigated db connection error on pdpx - logs were wiped so I was blocked here

Worked on CSIT tests for xacml-pdp

Work on deploying the dmaap simulator for CSIT tests in xacml-pdp

Support testing




DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

finish checklist for RC0

continue rc0 checklist

documentation planning

Difficult to do pairwise testing with CLAMP being out

new images testing, found problem with latest drools apps cl image, transitive dependency complaint, capabilities 1.4.0 through models and 1.4.0-SNAPSHOT.   Review

continue testing
Fixing sonar issues

s3p tests investigation (look at casablanca) 

AAI problem with certificatestried solution talked out with Jorge.
working on own environment for integration and robot tests.   Work with Brian.Continue.

Finishing bug on xacml pdp

run csit, decision is passing

Supporting in CSITSupporting on CSIT.
testing, 2 reviews raised, rearranging groups, oom changing replica count back to 1

continue testing.

working w Liam.

csit test cases using dmaap simulator using hypervisor.continue

DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

release policy models

working on checklist for rc0

work with integration team on api calls.

testing drools apps, focused on vcpe use case.

put code review out for noop sinks to aid debugging and testing

work on testing with team 
s3p start workingsonar issues

Updated custom query with AAI.   Issue with matching parameters in model.

AAI custom queries certification error.

work with Jorge, continue working
1684: set up environment for robot framework.   Work with Brian Freeman.continue
looking at logs windriver, problem in sending excessive update + state changes messages to apex.submit patch and testing
termination message being sent to the PAP.



support team for csit + sonar issues merge job failing - check it out
test xacml and pap registration

test deployment of policies with Jim and Jorge

work on policy distribution on tosca parser

CSIT, timing issues resolvedworking on dmaap simulator using docker container

DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

Started releasing final components

Working with Integration team to get Testsuite up-to-date with new policies/api

Testsuite work

More releasing of components today

Finish documentation


I am sick as a dog - please help me make things smooth the next few days.

Alpine + CSIT changes - all CSIT passing now I believe.

Test, install lab with new images.

Support misc. activities.

Haven't done much testing with drools apps because support activities, alpine changes breaking load, csit, etc .. need to block out a solid block of time to go through it.
Verified code for API post for some JIRA tickets created for the Integration team.Plan testing of the API for JMeter tests.

Changes for SONA fixes for common/models/papAvailable to help with testing today.
CSIT and testing to external DMaaP.Address open issues that Ram identified, and continue CSIT testing.
Docker file for the DMaaP simulator.Available to help with testing, release.
Raised a review for registration and for fixing the OOM (AP/API).Add the XACML support in the same review, continue with testing.
CSIT testing for PDP-A, mostly finished.Need to resolve some timing issues. Will continue to do end to end test with DMaaP simulator.

DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

Sick today - will be doing limited code review etc.

Need to start releasing some of the components: parent, common, and models first.


Alpine + CSIT changes + Support

Documentation for APIs. JIRAs will be assigned by Pam.

GET and PUT queries to lab working with POSTMAN, but when doing via code it does not work due to authentication failures.  We'll take a discussion on Rocket Chat after scrum on this.

Issue causing PDP-D not to pass, was able to identify and fix those issues, there were some merge problems that need to be resolved to get the fixes in. Need to merge with changes that Jorge is working on so will handshake with Jorge today.
POLICY-1645Removing statics from PDP-X. May change the semantics of the registration somewhat. Looking at pdp-X common module to see if some statics should be fixed.

CSIT, issue with creating Maria DB solved. Tests not passing but nearly there now. Remaining issues with PDP-X registration will be examined today.
We'll look at ways of testing locally between PAP and PDP today, this should speed up the debugging.

POLICY-1643DMaaP simulator, refactoring and clean up.  Help with CSIT where I can.

Algorithom for PDP registration, looking for all PDP groups for an incoming PDP and deciding which PDP group to register a PDP to.
Also testing simple deploy and group deploy. Group deploy is working fine, simple deploy issue being discussed with James Hahn
Continue with this work.

Working in CSIT, full chain test case for PDP-AContinue.

DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

verified security fixes

administrative work


JIRA backlog

CSIT - jobs are broken but not due to our changes.

drl and misc changes + testing + changes and changes for additional docker simplification (making volume usage optional)

continue dev as mentioned

support other team maintenance activities - portal + merge jobs failures

Pairwise testing with CLAMP - Sebastien.   Found bug.Continue.  Performance test.
Info from Marco, lab to test the queriescontinue
Work with Chenfei + S3P + healtcheck robots Continue

Change to send policies with an empty list instead of null.

Tests in xacml pdp

1673 fix and ready + csitContinue + stability testing
OOO till Monday

Catching up after vacationscontinue
POLICY-1674 - fixed plus review continue with csit


DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

POLICY-1547 - lombok

POLICY-1556 - INFO.yaml

Main Focus:

Will try to finish POLICY-1456 (Documentation) and start

POLICY-1273 - The Policy Design

Copious spare time: POLICY-1507, POLICY-1539

Place under review:

POLICY-1543: PDP-X image build problem

POLICY-1524: pretty much complete with base refactoring efforts in PDP-D

POLICY-1543: PDP-D APPS use env variables set up by PDP-D for environment access.

POLICY-1459: testing with the new PDP-D-CL image and removal of some OOM scripts

POLICY-1270: Helm Charts for API

Work w Jorge - helm charts testing

Reviews, and catching up with code


Look into CSIT tests and evaluate coverage.

Learn about robot framework and technology behind csit

Work w Chenfei on it

POLICY-1444: reviews outLook at other related JIRAs for PDP-PAP communication.
POLICY-1543: Worked in PDP-X Docker imageCSIT tests once PDP-X image gets built

POLICY-1195 The DAO code is submitted and the Models repo is structured into modules to separate the base/DAO/TOSCA models.

Checkstyle error introduced:


Fleshing out the TOSCA objects and annotating them with JPA annotations to do the schema. WIll work on it over weekend.

Plan is to move to gson based annotations that Jim put together

POLICY-1443: review for common PDP.

Add lombak info in


POLICY-1443: working in comments


DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

POLICY-1475 - Created schemas for Control Loop DCAE and Guard Policies. Began work on identifying issues with current API for DCAE Policy Handler so that the re-design of the new Decision API will work more smoothly.

Current API Limitations with Respect to DCAE mS Policies


Need to work through how the onap.policy.* models expressed in the schemas become "available" for Creating Policies and Deploying Policies. How they tie into the PDP's.

Can I schedule a meeting for Tuesday  at 10am EST (4pm IST)?? Yes, all available

POLICY-1474: embed domain (model) knowledge in kbase (review soon)

Architecture and comments

POLICY-1270: worked in comments from reviewPOLICY-1270: CSIT
POLICY-1266: AAI Windriver TestingPOLICY-1266: call with AAI, work with XSD from AAI.
POLICY-1458: Working on set up VMsPOLICY-1458: Continuation
POLICY-1007: clean-up on gson migration

POLICY-1007: put together code review
POLICY-1436: issues w checkstylePOLICY-1436: remove FlexLogger + docker
POLICY-1473 (architecture)POLICY-1264 (models development)
POLICY-1477: healthcheck endpoint from common, and architectureContinue

Go to start of metadata

<Delete me after today's meeting: Remind Liam Fallon to mention about hack to get OParent Checkstyle working properly in Eclipse and about how to connect Eclipse SonarLint to the ONAP Sonar>


DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

Jira Legacy
serverSystem Jira
- began progress. Created a sub-task to produce a flow:

Jira Legacy
serverSystem Jira

Policy Design and API Flow for Model Driven Control LoopTO BE DELETED - refer to Dublin Documentation

Jira Legacy
serverSystem Jira

For the Policy Platform models, the designers of PAP, API and PDP software need to use common models to represent policies, domains and PDPs, etc. I took a stab at them on the wiki, but need folks to help work on vetting those platform models going forward.

POLICY-1447 - Analysis

POLICY-1383 - Analysis

Architecture Documents


POLICY-1270 - AnalysisPOLICY-1270Understanding AAF
POLICY-1266 - Meet w Jim Hahn for AAI Orientation


Meeting with AAI team

Need to understand move from AAI named query to custom query
POLICY-1458 - Setting up environmentPOLICY-1458 - continue
POLICY-1007 - Analysis work jackson → jsonPOLICY-1007 - continue

POLICY-1436 - Analysis

Architecture Document Review

POLICY-1436Laptop issues
POLICY-1473 - WritingPOLICY-1473

POLICY-1271 - Analysis

Architecture Document


Jira Legacy
serverSystem Jira
- initial draft of yaml format, code to ingest yaml in progress

Jira Legacy
serverSystem Jira
