Note these instruction refers to current master branch. The release-1.0.0 branch have development issues that have only been fixed in master branch.
And this does NOT refer to DCAEGEN2 which have a completely new setup/process and is getting released in the R1/Amsterdam Release.
Refer to DCAE MOD User Guide for latest
DCAE Controller Overview
Make sure your settings.xml includes the onap public repo for some snapshot jar downloads during the build.
Since DCAE Controller/SOMF is build on top of EMF developement development is tightly tied to using Eclipse IDE with specific plugin installed. This section describe the process to setup a developement development Eclipse.
- Install Neon.3 Java Developer Version http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/packages/eclipse-ide-java-developers/neon3
- Install software from Neon update site
- Eclipse Plug-in Development Environment 3.12.2.v20161124-1400
- EMF - Eclipse Modeling Framework Xcore SDK 1.4.0.v20160526-0606
- Install software from Eclipse Market Place
- YEdit Feature
- Install Groovy from http://dist.springsource.org/snapshot/GRECLIPSE/e4.6/
- Groovy-Eclipse Feature 2.9.2.xx-201703131833-e46
- Groovy-Eclipse M2E integration 2.9.2.xx-201703131833-e46
- Groovy Compiler 2.4 Feature 2.9.2.xx-201703131833-e46