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We will start our meetings by mentioning the project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF.

AttendedProxy (w/ @name)HolidayDid Not Attend


Agenda Items

Presented By


Strategy (45 minutes)

ONAP takeaways

We are encouraging ONAP consumers to share with us their feedback, so we could prioritize our activities and make ONAP better suited their needs and requirements.

LFN Cross-Organization Updates


Nephio - "ONAP, ORAN OSC and Nephio together" presentation by Byung at the Nephio event - ONAP - ORAN OSC - Nephio together-TSC-20231012.pptx

Update re. O-RAN/OSC/ONAP work on SMO Flows - Shankar - dec_smo_flows_v0.4_20231012.pptx

Use Cases Proposal for Nephio - presentation by Keguang Use Cases Proposal for Nephio-v2.pdf

TAC Update

3GPP SA5 forthcoming next week -hosted in China 

TCC / ONAP Liaison Updates

Task Force Updates

Operations (40 minutes)

TSC Activities and Deadlines

Voting ends October 20th  2023 TSC Election Candidates Wiki Page

Release Status


PTL Updates

AAF certification issue for old ONAP releases:

Leaving SDC project

Subcommittee Updates

Arch, Lab, Modeling, Seccom, Requirements

Paweł Pawlak 

Amy Zwarico 

ARCCOM: Nephio presentation from the ONAP ARCCCOM perspective, see the above ONAP - ORAN OSC - Nephio together slide deck.

Kubearmor (eBPF, UBPF) Presentation for granular Access control and visibility by Rahul Jhadav (AccuKnox)

2023-10-10 Security Subcommittee Meeting Notes

Jiras created by Amy for Packages Upgrades for Montreal release.

Work in progress for OJSI and 2FA by Jess.

Events & Meetings

(5 minutes)

Upcoming Events & Housekeeping

Daylight Savings Time ends:

  • Oct 29 - Europe
  • Nov 5 - U.S.

Paweł PTO October 16th -October 27th

Sandra PTO October 25th - November 6th

ONE Summit Regional Day: India 

F2F D&TF Budapest, Hungary  -   

Zoom Chat Log 

Zoom auto-transcript service - These are often translated incorrectly and can be misleading. They are NOT Authoritative!   Information as to why .
They are included here as a time stamp cross-reference for the recording only!  The notes above this line and the actual recordings are authoritative. 
00:09:30    N.K. Shankaranarayanan:    #info N.K.Shankar, IC
00:14:34    Sandra Jackson:    brb
00:21:11    Sandra Jackson:    I’m back
00:44:24    Lee Anjella Macabuhay:    Thank you Pawel and team, we are looking to hopefully get it before the DTF meet in Budapest 
00:44:58    Pawel Pawlak:    I am sure it will Lee Anjella


Zoom auto-transcript service - These are often translated incorrectly and can be misleading. They are NOT Authoritative!   Information as to why .
They are included here as a time stamp cross-reference for the recording only!  The notes above this line and the actual recordings are authoritative. 


00:00:39.760 --> 00:00:41.630
Sandra Jackson: Hello, Andreas, how are you?

00:00:44.800 --> 00:00:51.520
Andreas GEISSLER (DT): Fine? Thank you. The first one. Okay. I see.

00:00:54.460 --> 00:00:59.870
Andreas GEISSLER (DT): Yeah, we are have busy days. So all the day planning meetings, and this is

00:01:00.190 --> 00:01:03.240
Andreas GEISSLER (DT): the whole week. But it was really exhausting.

00:01:06.620 --> 00:01:15.699
Andreas GEISSLER (DT): I know I can totally relate. I'm so happy that we are on the eve of Friday.

00:02:36.600 --> 00:02:39.390
Sandra Jackson: Bayonne. Good morning. How are you?

00:02:41.190 --> 00:02:44.020
Byung-Woo Jun: How are you? How are you, Sandra? How are Andres?

00:02:47.340 --> 00:02:48.190
Andreas GEISSLER (DT): Hi.

00:02:49.410 --> 00:02:50.810
Byung-Woo Jun: okay. Good

00:02:53.280 --> 00:02:56.939
Pawel Pawlak: good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening.

00:02:58.990 --> 00:03:01.730
Pawel Pawlak: Hello! Buying. How are you? Good. Good.

00:03:03.110 --> 00:03:04.939
Pawel Pawlak: Okay. Good to hear. Hello.

00:03:05.020 --> 00:03:11.139
Andreas GEISSLER (DT): Sandra! Hello, Andress.

00:03:13.340 --> 00:03:18.640
Pawel Pawlak: So it's going to be short meeting right? Just 4 of us.

00:03:19.270 --> 00:03:20.190
Byung-Woo Jun: Thank you.

00:03:20.350 --> 00:03:29.149
Byung-Woo Jun: No, everyone's exhausted.

00:03:31.320 --> 00:03:34.909
Byung-Woo Jun: Join? Okay? Work home.

00:03:35.440 --> 00:03:37.739
Sandra Jackson: Yeah, we're trickling in. We're getting there.

00:04:02.450 --> 00:04:04.830
Sandra Jackson: I'll give it a another minute or so.

00:05:03.780 --> 00:05:14.040
Sandra Jackson: Alrighty. Let's go ahead and get started. You can see the regular reminders on the screen here.

00:05:14.640 --> 00:05:29.550
Sandra Jackson: That as you come into the meeting you are muted. The meeting is being recorded, and that includes the chat private chat as well. If you're dialed into the meeting, and you need to speak, you can press Star 6 to unmute yourself

00:05:30.150 --> 00:05:31.949
Sandra Jackson: and our

00:05:32.230 --> 00:05:45.610
Sandra Jackson: antitrust policy. If you have any questions about it, you can reach out to your organization's legal counsel, or if you are a member of the elf you can reach out to Andrew up to grove of the firm Guesser up to Grove, Llp.

00:05:46.640 --> 00:05:50.330
Sandra Jackson: All right. Jumping into today's agenda.

00:05:52.930 --> 00:06:03.560
Sandra Jackson:  we have some updates wait is shanker on. I don't remember. Anyway, I'll check in a minute. But we have some updates.

00:06:03.750 --> 00:06:23.570
Sandra Jackson: there was a nefio I think, developer Conference this week, Monday and Tuesday. and then we had a Tac meeting yesterday. and then we'll talk about nomination. Sorry nominations. I need to fix that. Actually, we're in the voting stage. So I'll I'll talk about that a little bit.

00:06:24.490 --> 00:06:31.740
Sandra Jackson: Our release updates. ptole updates and subcommittee updates, and then our regular

00:06:32.200 --> 00:06:34.040
Sandra Jackson: housecleaning.

00:06:38.440 --> 00:06:39.240
Sandra Jackson: Okay.

00:06:40.830 --> 00:06:46.619
Sandra Jackson: let's jump into it. Bai bayon, do you need me to share, or are you gonna share?

00:06:47.700 --> 00:06:49.450
Byung-Woo Jun: Me? Yeah, I can share.

00:06:50.070 --> 00:06:59.689
Byung-Woo Jun: Okay, let me stop sharing. Can you give me the host? Okay, good.

00:07:02.440 --> 00:07:04.280
Byung-Woo Jun: Let me know if you see my screen.

00:07:06.110 --> 00:07:17.760
Byung-Woo Jun: Okay, this is kind of a by presentation to nephew events at Silicon Valley are remotely presented. Basically.

00:07:17.880 --> 00:07:23.190
Byung-Woo Jun: we share what's the owner perspective toward nephew.

00:07:23.220 --> 00:07:32.940
Byung-Woo Jun: And so I'm just to or in or in on it, or in a few together. So there, I just share my thoughts. And also

00:07:33.010 --> 00:07:34.609
Byung-Woo Jun: some of the the

00:07:34.760 --> 00:07:39.789
Byung-Woo Jun: community owner community. I got some input from them, too. So

00:07:40.120 --> 00:07:50.900
Byung-Woo Jun: so basically, Onfc's nephew is as a good showcase for decorated intent with the continuous reconciliation they have that mechanism and architecture.

00:07:51.980 --> 00:08:00.950
Byung-Woo Jun: and since the beginning one of has been looking for his delegation integration point for nephew. and initially we saw.

00:08:01.170 --> 00:08:07.290
Byung-Woo Jun: excuse me, nephew, could be a good candidate for infra cnf management delegation. So.

00:08:08.510 --> 00:08:16.089
Byung-Woo Jun: But we realize nephew is not just for implementation. I can consider it as architecture pattern.

00:08:16.190 --> 00:08:27.829
Byung-Woo Jun: So if you can be applied to every layer. So some of the discussion they said, maybe they can build smo leveraging if you, too, if you basically

00:08:28.100 --> 00:08:36.639
Byung-Woo Jun: decorative, the package, decorative intent, coming into Gdp 3 and then hydrate, and they customize it and then

00:08:36.770 --> 00:08:42.080
Byung-Woo Jun: distribute to another the git deposit in the each workforce center.

00:08:42.270 --> 00:08:47.619
Byung-Woo Jun: then the using CD, and they could pick up the the intent. And then they just

00:08:47.660 --> 00:08:51.030
Byung-Woo Jun: using the customized operator and then

00:08:51.270 --> 00:08:59.780
Byung-Woo Jun: execute the action. So this concept is high level, not just for the Cnf implementation. So, yeah, thinking about

00:08:59.910 --> 00:09:19.909
Byung-Woo Jun: nephew can be applied to every layer. And then some owner company even apply this pattern. I think that's my view, too. And this is long tango so, or in some of the people seeing the old or Nsmo Farcom, and can apply. And if your pattern framework so

00:09:20.160 --> 00:09:27.630
Byung-Woo Jun:  So a nephew has the possibility to change existing orchestration. Apis there. Yet

00:09:27.680 --> 00:09:32.230
Byung-Woo Jun: network automation architecture is possible. So they share.

00:09:32.580 --> 00:09:43.479
Byung-Woo Jun: Sorry about that. Second. they share about their view of how to connect, and that to external community like service, orchestrator, and

00:09:44.240 --> 00:09:46.060
Byung-Woo Jun: Lauren Smo.

00:09:46.150 --> 00:09:54.329
Byung-Woo Jun: But current. It is a work in progress, and it's not too clear, and their architecture they share. I'm not too

00:09:54.400 --> 00:10:04.460
Byung-Woo Jun: satisfied yet. But, anyway, are we willing to work together to sort out. And so, from own perspective, I ask on it, need their

00:10:04.500 --> 00:10:09.710
Byung-Woo Jun: clear, well-defined interaction. Mechanisms. So onap can

00:10:09.940 --> 00:10:16.869
Byung-Woo Jun: can design how to delegate the Cnf. And infra management, otherwise we cannot. So

00:10:16.900 --> 00:10:30.610
Byung-Woo Jun: bottom 9 is that the interface should be decorative and intent based, and then with active reconciliation. So that's the what I told them kind of requirement to them. So I'm Jo. I joined the

00:10:31.210 --> 00:10:40.389
Byung-Woo Jun: since the beginning of nephew I joined the nephew Sikk network architecture and just to contribute to some of the idea of the

00:10:40.590 --> 00:10:46.280
Byung-Woo Jun: interfaces. So I think that we're gonna continue to work on that. So I think the more

00:10:46.430 --> 00:10:59.929
Byung-Woo Jun: owner community members. They, you know, probably contribute to more additional thought, too. So I introduced the only streamlining which support the patent, choose facilitation to others.

00:11:00.080 --> 00:11:06.910
Byung-Woo Jun: So some of the discussion with the Oecd Smo. Or Nmo. They are checking.

00:11:06.980 --> 00:11:15.699
Byung-Woo Jun: If they can reuse the owner component functions to build their smo Falcom and Nfo. Something like that.

00:11:15.770 --> 00:11:31.280
Byung-Woo Jun: So II told them on app streaming will facilitate, and that pick and choose. They don't have to bring whole own app into osc, but they can pick and choose the owner component, thanks to Andres and the

00:11:31.370 --> 00:11:51.870
Byung-Woo Jun: which telecom they supporting this capability during material, so they can build on a component individually and then using CD, they can pick and choose the component they need. So that's what the collaboration effort. We can. So I share the owner. Streamlining roadmap

00:11:51.910 --> 00:11:59.710
Byung-Woo Jun: So through onf streaming on, it is no longer platform. We already decided this way, changing logo to.

00:11:59.820 --> 00:12:03.739
Byung-Woo Jun: Rather it provides various network automation functions

00:12:03.870 --> 00:12:10.720
Byung-Woo Jun: and security reference configuration in elephant. That's our we are doing through on app stream running

00:12:11.590 --> 00:12:12.500
Byung-Woo Jun: so

00:12:13.090 --> 00:12:24.550
Byung-Woo Jun: based on that owner enables individual owner function, build and component deployment through city. I just mentioned about the Andres and Ddt and the Oem team effort.

00:12:24.860 --> 00:12:26.080
Byung-Woo Jun: And

00:12:26.800 --> 00:12:39.450
Byung-Woo Jun: for elephant. yeah. And tf, we plan to share the use cases for repository based and twin services network service and Cnf, and

00:12:39.590 --> 00:12:46.770
Byung-Woo Jun: I made type of C and a application such as the ran application on boarding

00:12:46.970 --> 00:12:51.509
Byung-Woo Jun: and CD based owner component triggering mechanisms. So we don't

00:12:51.810 --> 00:13:13.939
Byung-Woo Jun: abstract interface for choreograph. And so we we plan to share this at the Dntf. Camille, Adia and I. Well, I'll present plan to present this use cases at the Elephant Dntf. And come here, and I working on this. And anybody wants to contribute to idea that please contact me

00:13:14.150 --> 00:13:20.190
Byung-Woo Jun: and base, basically standard-based after interface with the creative Api.

00:13:20.200 --> 00:13:25.100
Byung-Woo Jun: and each component is autonomous and invoked from any level of the network automation

00:13:25.120 --> 00:13:31.470
Byung-Woo Jun: by leveraging CD mechanism and Kamel. He tried to create a package, can

00:13:31.670 --> 00:13:39.160
Byung-Woo Jun: be loaded into Github Paste early pass 3, and then some of the owner component can triggered by

00:13:39.230 --> 00:13:42.649
Byung-Woo Jun: CD, so anyway, that's the use case you're gonna share.

00:13:42.730 --> 00:13:57.380
Byung-Woo Jun: And then the future roadmap or network more intent, based and decorative, and putting in more AI conforming to standards such as 3 GPTM. Form, sc, and ITON. Etcetera.

00:13:57.410 --> 00:14:04.139
Byung-Woo Jun: This is what China telecom the proposed. They are working on this during Montreal.

00:14:04.460 --> 00:14:08.109
Byung-Woo Jun: I told Nephew Community we are doing this

00:14:08.130 --> 00:14:18.519
Byung-Woo Jun: and China telecom, doing this for now and then, also China mobile they are, and you know, wants to promote the Threegpp Tm. Program Api model.

00:14:18.530 --> 00:14:30.470
Byung-Woo Jun: I seem last time China, Mobile, China, Telecom, Nokia, and Addix. And we met together. And then we talk about this. So I think that we have a good plan for intent-based handling. So

00:14:30.590 --> 00:14:42.000
Byung-Woo Jun: so currently, you know, extend the Ui supporting user intense support. And an AI based natural language translation. That's what China telecom doing it.

00:14:42.250 --> 00:14:46.650
Byung-Woo Jun: and then delegate the resource level orchestration to nephew. So

00:14:46.780 --> 00:14:52.800
Byung-Woo Jun: I think the one the day I interested in how to link to a nephew, but

00:14:52.810 --> 00:15:02.020
Byung-Woo Jun: for intent. But I think the once nephew sort out how to expose their capability through their no Spa interface, then we can

00:15:02.120 --> 00:15:06.980
Byung-Woo Jun: achieve this goal. But for now they are still working on this. and

00:15:07.360 --> 00:15:16.119
Byung-Woo Jun: for security I mentioned a security owner continues to support the service mesh ingress. O, 2 item based authentication, authorization

00:15:16.970 --> 00:15:17.870
Byung-Woo Jun: and

00:15:18.040 --> 00:15:24.470
Byung-Woo Jun: consider a sitecare less solution, such as qom for function, security.

00:15:24.750 --> 00:15:34.959
Byung-Woo Jun: and aligned with the nephew and others. Nephew, currently they proposed you to cube which is kind of a side car less mesh and using the Linux kernel.

00:15:36.140 --> 00:15:51.550
Byung-Woo Jun: So for own app component itself, we are continuing to use what Andrews and oem team does. That's a good name for our application. But network function there could be thousands network functions. So I think the

00:15:51.890 --> 00:16:01.680
Byung-Woo Jun: side call less solutions much better for performance and simplicity perspective. So that's why we are studying. And we plan to collaborate

00:16:01.780 --> 00:16:08.650
Byung-Woo Jun: this with the nephew seek security team. That's what I shared

00:16:08.870 --> 00:16:11.080
Byung-Woo Jun: the sorry

00:16:11.680 --> 00:16:24.279
Byung-Woo Jun: and then also, I'm preparing some of the slide deck for the Mtf. For the deployment architecture. Build architecture diagram, and also the repository based software

00:16:24.400 --> 00:16:38.299
Byung-Woo Jun: lifecycle management diagram I already written. And I'm just refining now. So I'm gonna share before the ntf, okay, that's all I have back to you. Sandra. Any questions so far?

00:16:40.740 --> 00:16:47.650
N.K. Shankaranarayanan: Yeah. Yeah, I will. Some comments. One is, I mean, I joined a little late here.

00:16:47.670 --> 00:16:49.510
N.K. Shankaranarayanan: Okay, I thought the

00:16:49.550 --> 00:16:50.620
N.K. Shankaranarayanan: the

00:16:50.700 --> 00:16:55.229
N.K. Shankaranarayanan: summary you did of own app, and Nephio was excellent

00:16:55.340 --> 00:16:57.339
N.K. Shankaranarayanan: at at the

00:16:57.450 --> 00:16:59.210
N.K. Shankaranarayanan: after a few summit.

00:16:59.240 --> 00:17:09.449
N.K. Shankaranarayanan: And and like, I said, I'm glad you're doing this because you said it verbally, and it's nice to have it in slides and pictures. Otherwise it'll get lost.

00:17:09.490 --> 00:17:20.489
N.K. Shankaranarayanan: Yeah, thank you. Yeah. And the the other thing comments I have are actually, it's related to Osc and Smo.

00:17:20.920 --> 00:17:34.110
N.K. Shankaranarayanan: I joined. We have, do we have a few minutes, because I wanted to show one. And I wanted you to also be aware of it beyond. Because.

00:17:34.270 --> 00:17:40.869
Byung-Woo Jun: okay, let me do it. Thank you. I think good point. I don't know how we are doing on agenda, so I can keep it short.

00:17:41.160 --> 00:17:42.160
N.K. Shankaranarayanan: How much

00:17:42.740 --> 00:17:47.480
N.K. Shankaranarayanan: I think you go ahead and send yourself, you know. So. But II

00:17:48.000 --> 00:17:59.159
N.K. Shankaranarayanan: this is, it's it's part of the same concept about. So this is not a new thing there that I was talking about open source work related to the SMO.

00:17:59.440 --> 00:18:02.089
N.K. Shankaranarayanan: And I just finished on the Osc.

00:18:02.100 --> 00:18:03.990
N.K. Shankaranarayanan: Tooc. Call

00:18:04.240 --> 00:18:12.610
N.K. Shankaranarayanan: talking about this because they are preparing for Oran has a face to face meeting in Phoenix next next week, and I'll participate remotely

00:18:12.700 --> 00:18:25.769
N.K. Shankaranarayanan: but one of the things that's happening. And for a long time we have been saying this objective, that for everything related to the Oran Smr. we want to show how how it maps to open source work.

00:18:25.860 --> 00:18:29.870
N.K. Shankaranarayanan: And of course it. It's in the context of Osc, because

00:18:30.000 --> 00:18:35.860
N.K. Shankaranarayanan: Oran software community Ose is is the first open source group that Oran would look to.

00:18:35.870 --> 00:18:39.230
N.K. Shankaranarayanan: But own app and nephew are are very relevant.

00:18:39.320 --> 00:18:44.619
N.K. Shankaranarayanan: And and so, to make it concrete, we said, Okay,

00:18:44.810 --> 00:18:56.099
N.K. Shankaranarayanan: let's take all the Esomor related work and ensure how it fits to the architecture and keeps aligned to Oran architecture, because Oren. as least for the SMO. Or Ann, is responsible for the architecture.

00:18:56.390 --> 00:18:59.599
N.K. Shankaranarayanan: So I'm I'm sort of keeping track of that.

00:18:59.860 --> 00:19:03.650
N.K. Shankaranarayanan: And I developed this slide deck and I'll I'll put this in the minutes

00:19:03.700 --> 00:19:07.640
N.K. Shankaranarayanan: but the thing I want to call your attention is

00:19:08.200 --> 00:19:18.910
N.K. Shankaranarayanan: this picture is is sort of the latest picture, and it will be discussed next week as to the architecture of the or an sml, and

00:19:19.730 --> 00:19:26.629
N.K. Shankaranarayanan: and some things are new since we last talked about it. There's an E. There's a placeholder for a Iml Workflow

00:19:27.130 --> 00:19:38.919
N.K. Shankaranarayanan: service, orchestration and Service assurance have been called out as specific services smo services available to all other parts of the Smo. But the details not there yet.

00:19:39.310 --> 00:19:49.219
N.K. Shankaranarayanan: And this is an updated version of a picture we have seen. Bian, I would like you specifically to see if this is complete.

00:19:49.270 --> 00:19:51.870
N.K. Shankaranarayanan: based on all the new things that are happening. If.

00:19:52.480 --> 00:19:56.340
N.K. Shankaranarayanan: for example, if if something is missing, just let me know, I'll

00:19:56.730 --> 00:20:14.779
N.K. Shankaranarayanan: because I wanna make sure this is complete when we present it to or am. Yeah, I think this is fine for only the A and I see question mark right? I see, Oscar, I was told. But anyway but this is not. In some sense it is not only Oscar.

00:20:14.940 --> 00:20:18.590
N.K. Shankaranarayanan: and the second reason it is, still there is. Yes.

00:20:18.840 --> 00:20:24.440
N.K. Shankaranarayanan: people are hesitant to use Aenei, and and and it is not a maintained project.

00:20:25.040 --> 00:20:35.799
N.K. Shankaranarayanan: but but there is no other inventory database, that open source that lies to do what a was doing. So it's it's a void.

00:20:35.930 --> 00:20:37.060
N.K. Shankaranarayanan: Yeah,

00:20:37.260 --> 00:20:42.969
N.K. Shankaranarayanan: but some of the things. So please look at this slide, then is. And then

00:20:43.060 --> 00:20:45.650
N.K. Shankaranarayanan: this is the feedback I'm giving to Working group one.

00:20:45.680 --> 00:21:00.709
N.K. Shankaranarayanan: and some of it is calling out this part, which is. there is work, for example, in own app for closed loop automation, and it's not clear how it fits in the some more architecture because it's across multiple things. And

00:21:00.990 --> 00:21:06.219
N.K. Shankaranarayanan: and this we have been saying for a while, when you have policy coordination of multiple

00:21:06.800 --> 00:21:08.000
N.K. Shankaranarayanan: actions.

00:21:08.540 --> 00:21:12.729
N.K. Shankaranarayanan: It's not called out in the architecture. And

00:21:13.420 --> 00:21:21.280
N.K. Shankaranarayanan: and and the specific output of this project would be. there are a lot of these sequence flow diagrams in Orn and in the working groups.

00:21:21.700 --> 00:21:33.870
N.K. Shankaranarayanan: and and also in I I'll put an on app one we're doing for the change management. But if something is there involving SO. For example.

00:21:34.520 --> 00:21:45.699
N.K. Shankaranarayanan: So here's an implementation. And this is actually, I think of this as both Osi and Onap, because the people doing this think of this as both ose and onap, I should actually make this ose own app

00:21:45.810 --> 00:21:55.700
N.K. Shankaranarayanan: because it's Martin and John.  So so this is a this is this is the concrete way in which we'll capture

00:21:55.760 --> 00:21:59.559
N.K. Shankaranarayanan: these are the components. These are the interactions. And then we find, is there a gap

00:22:00.510 --> 00:22:10.399
N.K. Shankaranarayanan: of a component not being available in open source? Or is there a gap in the architecture which is, you're not recognizing something important which needs to be recognized. That's the spirit of the work

00:22:10.570 --> 00:22:25.069
N.K. Shankaranarayanan: that's good. If you can share, I'm gonna take a look at the page 1011. And this one. Okay, but this is a good synergy, I think. The you know, Shanka. He shared this one before.

00:22:25.450 --> 00:22:52.409
Byung-Woo Jun: and I liked it. And then also, that's why we tried to extend our collaboration with him. And they Osc team. They are interested in the reuse of own event collaboration. So maybe we can work together. So and also they I think the owners team process make it easier. Currently. Osc, I think the university from Taiwan.

00:22:52.540 --> 00:23:02.309
Byung-Woo Jun: They tried to bring in onap, as is huge, and they found many issues it's too big. And then, you know so. But I told them.

00:23:02.470 --> 00:23:08.160
Byung-Woo Jun: if they can, you know, leverage their own extreme learning to which they come doing an OM. Team.

00:23:08.230 --> 00:23:26.849
Byung-Woo Jun: Maybe it's easier and then pick and choose, and, like Shanka said, which one you know coming from on app component may be easier anyway, they work in progress. So anyway. So I think I'm willing to. I you know, I think the Tsc, you have to. Look at the 2. Give us our input.

00:23:27.120 --> 00:23:32.020
Byung-Woo Jun: your input. I think, though I think it's a good synergy to me. Okay, back to you. Shankar.

00:23:32.920 --> 00:23:44.370
N.K. Shankaranarayanan: Yeah, no, I'm I'm good. If it's just, I'm just raising awareness and asking for specific feedback and that that there is much more awareness now of

00:23:44.780 --> 00:23:48.429
N.K. Shankaranarayanan: of how everything relates to the smo and

00:23:48.520 --> 00:23:52.110
N.K. Shankaranarayanan: going going through Se. But what happened, nephew, are there, and

00:23:52.190 --> 00:24:00.030
N.K. Shankaranarayanan: and and topics like orchestration, service, orchestration and service, assurance and automation and intent. All these are bubbling up

00:24:00.450 --> 00:24:05.710
N.K. Shankaranarayanan: where and there are new things, and the older ones like

00:24:06.690 --> 00:24:08.190
N.K. Shankaranarayanan: things related to

00:24:08.510 --> 00:24:10.060
N.K. Shankaranarayanan: that, the

00:24:10.680 --> 00:24:16.769
Byung-Woo Jun: the oem and not real time, Rick, that that was already in place.

00:24:17.140 --> 00:24:20.379
Byung-Woo Jun: So okay, so maybe you have some

00:24:20.530 --> 00:24:28.489
Byung-Woo Jun: presentation topic for owner at the end here in November collaboration. I'm just in on, maybe

00:24:28.540 --> 00:24:40.389
N.K. Shankaranarayanan: to do that. I just like, I said, it's II won't be there in person, but we can. We can do, is II asked. I don't think there are virtual presentations.

00:24:40.940 --> 00:25:04.389
Byung-Woo Jun: Sometimes they do. But we see. But I can. I can. If you're interested in, I can talk to other owner, community members and see we can arrange people aware of things. Yeah, I'll be there. I'll be there. So thank you.

00:25:06.600 --> 00:25:07.850
David McBride: A young

00:25:08.040 --> 00:25:09.359
Keguang He: oh, please.

00:25:09.380 --> 00:25:11.329
David McBride: quick question. Yes.

00:25:11.510 --> 00:25:35.979
David McBride: So in your slides you talked about A well defined I think. Mechanism for interaction between own app and nefo and organizationally. How do you see that being developed with that, would we create a prod, a new project for that within own app or

00:25:36.060 --> 00:25:41.049
David McBride: from an organization standpoint? How how would that effort be organized?

00:25:41.280 --> 00:25:57.389
Byung-Woo Jun: But for now the from my view there this interface between on it and the nephew like the Nfm. And own it on it interface spec. They are the service provider.

00:25:57.620 --> 00:26:08.459
Byung-Woo Jun: So we are the client. So most likely, except some, you know, subscription notification. But so they need to define their interaction. So I think that they should work on that.

00:26:08.530 --> 00:26:14.529
Byung-Woo Jun: and then they to expose the what kind of a service they can provide to us.

00:26:14.590 --> 00:26:24.500
Byung-Woo Jun: In that case we review the their proposed Api and mechanism then, we can, you know. Talk about that. But for now

00:26:24.520 --> 00:26:30.750
Byung-Woo Jun: I think that the interfaces still already stay. I think they have many issues in my mind.

00:26:30.830 --> 00:26:38.009
Byung-Woo Jun: and then not for the all to release to is the this this this year. November is only one month away.

00:26:38.320 --> 00:26:47.310
Byung-Woo Jun: So I think they're gonna mostly tackle for this like next year. So as an r 3, that means II continue to monitor the sick

00:26:47.570 --> 00:26:51.300
Byung-Woo Jun: cig, one network architecture team. And then once they

00:26:51.390 --> 00:27:02.860
Byung-Woo Jun: concrete refined interfaces. And yeah, we're gonna redisco. Yeah. As you said, how we gonna react from onf, you know, team, right? We can talk about that at that time. I'll give you a report.

00:27:03.160 --> 00:27:19.029
David McBride: Okay? And then, I guess, once they establish the interface, then potentially within onap, we could do like a reference implementation project or something like that, something like that. How to quote, for example, the Chinacom.

00:27:19.350 --> 00:27:43.890
Byung-Woo Jun: I think the once he expressed the the interest about how to talk to a nephew. So once and nephew exposed that maybe you know, in own app for intent delegation employees is possible. That's just what I'm talking about from China Mobile or in own. We can think about how to leverage, how to delegate the lower level on the orchestration, and then packaging

00:27:43.910 --> 00:27:47.140
Byung-Woo Jun: to nephew that we can think about that, but for now

00:27:47.290 --> 00:27:59.780
Byung-Woo Jun: they are they are. They are in their own island, they are. They are in refining their own function and using the new architecture. But how to connect him back to nephew, not clear. They show the initial diagram.

00:27:59.860 --> 00:28:01.500
Byung-Woo Jun: using the

00:28:01.580 --> 00:28:19.429
Byung-Woo Jun: I said, No, no, no, no, no, salty. So it's not decorative, it's imperative. So we have to have better way. And then they change that Api label for next week events, but also all, 2 from own perspective, they put the O one or 2, and then.

00:28:19.750 --> 00:28:25.470
Byung-Woo Jun: I don't know. So currently, there is compute architecture confusing. We're gonna put the

00:28:25.610 --> 00:28:42.030
Byung-Woo Jun: They're all in smo and nephew and in Smo or the whole crowd. So it's still, you know, it's a all progress. That's why it's too early we react based on their you know, current stage. So anyway. So I'll I'll keep monitoring, and then I'll share the

00:28:42.150 --> 00:28:48.630
Byung-Woo Jun: what's going on. And then then we're gonna react from owner. Okay. okay, got it? Thank you. Okay, thank you.

00:28:49.620 --> 00:28:50.720
Keguang He: Okay. Hello.

00:28:50.920 --> 00:28:57.960
Keguang He: can you hear me.

00:28:57.990 --> 00:29:19.940
Keguang He: Oh, yeah, this is Wednesday. I also have a practition in Nephew one summit. Show some user keys and use his chin. Mobile, do with nephew, and also show our perspective about how to using AI

00:29:20.050 --> 00:29:21.260
Keguang He: to a

00:29:21.290 --> 00:29:27.250
Keguang He: strong and nephew, and and I think for unap.

00:29:27.320 --> 00:29:34.369
Keguang He: we could use a niche language translation to to

00:29:34.410 --> 00:29:39.000
Keguang He: to communicate with knife or to impairment

00:29:39.020 --> 00:30:01.579
Keguang He: and then through a machine intent. And then we can also, you a week also, because is a service consumer, maybe access and is a provider. And I think, Zoomer and the provider, we also can't support machine 2 machine intended.

00:30:01.660 --> 00:30:08.280
Keguang He: Yes, I was in automobile is a research on the working to machine tent.

00:30:08.350 --> 00:30:23.670
Keguang He: We also interested in the worker between. So I think our team will also take part in the lead to work

00:30:23.710 --> 00:30:24.890
Keguang He: your own app.

00:30:25.060 --> 00:30:28.949
Keguang He: With nephew. Okay, thank you.

00:30:29.100 --> 00:30:58.490
Byung-Woo Jun: I think that there's a good side. My understanding and China telecom handling user and to machine intend happening and also motion to machine and china mobile focus on the machine to machine. And then I think both companies express the the intention to connection that to nephew, I think there's a good use case. I thank you. If you have that presentation slide that you share the nephew it could be nice. I'd like to see that to understand.

00:30:58.660 --> 00:31:01.879
Keguang He: Okay, III put a

00:31:15.360 --> 00:31:20.399
Byung-Woo Jun: you can send the link share link to us. And we can see all of us. We can see that.

00:31:20.900 --> 00:31:23.980
Keguang He: Okay, no problem. Okay, thank you.

00:31:24.040 --> 00:31:25.910
Keguang He: And you're welcome. Okay, yeah.

00:31:26.040 --> 00:31:35.349
Byung-Woo Jun: So basically, that's what we we are interested in the connection to. If you. But we are waiting for the base and mechanism. So

00:31:35.530 --> 00:31:36.990
N.K. Shankaranarayanan: okay.

00:31:37.440 --> 00:31:43.499
N.K. Shankaranarayanan: just a comment in this picture. Do you think of Oran software community

00:31:43.670 --> 00:31:45.620
N.K. Shankaranarayanan: as part of Oran

00:31:47.750 --> 00:31:49.890
Byung-Woo Jun: part of Oren. Yep.

00:31:50.010 --> 00:31:52.739
N.K. Shankaranarayanan: overseas is an open source project under LF.

00:31:52.760 --> 00:31:53.869
Byung-Woo Jun: Yes, yeah, yeah.

00:31:54.270 --> 00:31:58.379
N.K. Shankaranarayanan: So. But it's part of Oran, or is it something else?

00:31:58.490 --> 00:32:08.029
N.K. Shankaranarayanan: I think the OS is part of the project.

00:32:08.160 --> 00:32:10.760
David McBride: Yeah, yeah, no. Those are separate.

00:32:10.890 --> 00:32:22.080
N.K. Shankaranarayanan: Yeah, separate. Okay, just just may. I mean, you might want to put it somewhere in this picture, whichever way it makes sense to you, maybe you can.

00:32:22.290 --> 00:32:23.550
Byung-Woo Jun: Super. Okay.

00:32:25.090 --> 00:32:28.510
Sandra Jackson: Thank you. Any other questions or comments.

00:32:31.590 --> 00:32:32.390
Sandra Jackson: Okay.

00:32:35.630 --> 00:32:37.069
Sandra Jackson: okay, where am I

00:32:37.230 --> 00:32:38.950
Sandra Jackson: wrong. Okay, here we go.

00:32:41.160 --> 00:32:45.800
Sandra Jackson: Okay. Thank you for for that being all. And everyone who

00:32:47.430 --> 00:32:48.740
Sandra Jackson: gave feedback.

00:32:50.040 --> 00:32:55.579
Sandra Jackson: Okay, we had attack update yesterday. Shankar. Do you wanna give an update on that?

00:32:56.670 --> 00:32:58.580
N.K. Shankaranarayanan: Yeah, I was at.

00:32:59.230 --> 00:33:01.870
N.K. Shankaranarayanan: There's a lot of discussion about

00:33:02.170 --> 00:33:09.249
N.K. Shankaranarayanan: the the process for bringing in projects and making the documentation clearer

00:33:09.260 --> 00:33:11.020
N.K. Shankaranarayanan: of have

00:33:11.180 --> 00:33:17.210
N.K. Shankaranarayanan: somebody a new member is joining. A new project. Coming is being inducted. There were discussions around that

00:33:17.470 --> 00:33:28.519
N.K. Shankaranarayanan: and there is, I don't know when I presented the last update. But there's another theme that has been going on is the AI task force. Discussion. That is.

00:33:28.570 --> 00:33:32.350
N.K. Shankaranarayanan: there was a the task force had its first kick off meeting

00:33:32.550 --> 00:33:37.189
N.K. Shankaranarayanan: and I think it's just getting started and Rani's

00:33:37.460 --> 00:33:46.580
N.K. Shankaranarayanan: reaching out trying to make sure there are essentially the data science experts in A, IML modeling and all that is relevant. Because

00:33:47.340 --> 00:33:48.770
N.K. Shankaranarayanan: initially, it's

00:33:48.930 --> 00:34:03.689
N.K. Shankaranarayanan: it's an effort to to get a data set that can be used for aiml work.  yeah, those are the 2 main things. And and Nef. And I think this was already said. Nefo is, is now part of elephant also.

00:34:06.410 --> 00:34:08.920
Sandra Jackson: Yes, thank you. Thank you for that.

00:34:09.510 --> 00:34:10.880
Sandra Jackson: Questions, comments

00:34:12.679 --> 00:34:19.650
Sandra Jackson: alright. Then we will jump down to Tse activities and deadlines.

00:34:19.679 --> 00:34:37.799
Sandra Jackson: And just Hi Sandra.

00:34:38.179 --> 00:34:39.729
Keguang He: but not next week.

00:34:41.409 --> 00:34:46.370
Sandra Jackson: Yes, so Cake Guan will be ready to present for us next week.

00:34:46.480 --> 00:34:47.990
Keguang He: Oh, yes, yeah.

00:34:48.030 --> 00:34:54.920
Sandra Jackson: 3 GPPS. A, 5. So that's a little teaser for you all that's forthcoming for next week.

00:34:55.150 --> 00:34:59.630
Keguang He: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, yeah. Yeah. I get you

00:35:00.020 --> 00:35:01.080
Keguang He: words. Okay.

00:35:03.370 --> 00:35:10.140
Keguang He: yes, I can do a presentation about this meeting next week.

00:35:10.220 --> 00:35:15.039
Keguang He: Because this it is hooded in China, and

00:35:15.140 --> 00:35:21.620
Keguang He: and many experts from many companies! And from

00:35:23.060 --> 00:35:25.440
from Europe or from America.

00:35:26.780 --> 00:35:28.240
come to a

00:35:28.340 --> 00:35:37.439
Keguang He: together, I think. This is very exciting for me to join this meeting. Okay.

00:35:39.810 --> 00:35:40.910

00:35:41.570 --> 00:35:44.579
Sandra Jackson: Thank you. Kagan. So yes. Tune in next week

00:35:45.190 --> 00:35:48.769
Sandra Jackson: for the presentation. Okay, okay, okay.

00:35:50.740 --> 00:36:03.749
Sandra Jackson: Alright. Now, moving down to Tfc deadlines, as you all know. Voting has started the voting started, I think. Last week. and it ends October twentieth. Ballots are out.

00:36:04.100 --> 00:36:16.100
Sandra Jackson: If you need information about the candidates. You can go here to the Wiki page. but the ballots are out. If you have not received a ballot, please let me know

00:36:16.500 --> 00:36:24.489
Sandra Jackson:  and thank you to those who have been contacting me, letting me know that you have not received ballots. But if you have not received a ballot.

00:36:24.850 --> 00:36:27.770
Sandra Jackson: please let me know, and I will get them out to you.

00:36:28.620 --> 00:36:32.130
Sandra Jackson: And so you have until the twentieth

00:36:33.210 --> 00:36:35.819
Sandra Jackson: any questions, comments about the voting.

00:36:38.160 --> 00:36:42.760
Sandra Jackson: Alright. David, do you need to share.

00:36:46.710 --> 00:36:57.749
David McBride: Sorry I was on mute. No, thanks, Sandra. No, no updates this week. No, no changes. Just a reminder that our Rc. Milestone is scheduled for November ninth.

00:36:58.000 --> 00:36:58.820
David McBride: Thanks.

00:36:59.230 --> 00:37:00.010
Sandra Jackson: Okay.

00:37:01.410 --> 00:37:02.690
Sandra Jackson: alright. Thank you.

00:37:03.010 --> 00:37:07.179
Sandra Jackson: Can we jump down to P ptl updates?

00:37:10.080 --> 00:37:13.450
Pawel Pawlak: Sandra, maybe relent. Are there any updates?

00:37:13.660 --> 00:37:18.889
Pawel Pawlak: That's a would be provided by Lf, a. T.

00:37:19.050 --> 00:37:22.149
Sandra Jackson: Let me see anybody on here from relunge.

00:37:22.720 --> 00:37:31.560
David McBride: you know. Matt, matt dropped us a note before the meeting. Said he had a conflict so he wouldn't be able to attend.

00:37:33.090 --> 00:37:36.279
Kevin Sandi: yeah. But I don't have any updates.

00:37:41.150 --> 00:37:46.560
Andreas GEISSLER (DT): So so yeah, just just one remark, because I was like just looking at our Vicky.

00:37:46.640 --> 00:37:50.389
Andreas GEISSLER (DT): I've seen that we're obviously some

00:37:50.600 --> 00:37:59.710
Andreas GEISSLER (DT): whatever scripts or any whatever tools generating pages in our vicky

00:38:00.240 --> 00:38:12.750
Andreas GEISSLER (DT): so I mean, I will delete them if I see them. But obviously there are some. let's say, automatically generated users which are creating

00:38:13.290 --> 00:38:18.160
Andreas GEISSLER (DT): pages and sub pages with links into our Wiki page.

00:38:18.220 --> 00:38:21.280
Andreas GEISSLER (DT): Just saw that recently before the meeting here.

00:38:22.990 --> 00:38:25.690
Sandra Jackson: spam and noiki. Is that what you're saying, Andreas?

00:38:26.410 --> 00:38:27.260
Andreas GEISSLER (DT): Pardon

00:38:28.700 --> 00:38:33.480
Andreas GEISSLER (DT): some spam? Yeah, yeah, some spam

00:38:34.000 --> 00:38:38.009
Andreas GEISSLER (DT): pages which were created, I think, quite recently, so

00:38:39.050 --> 00:38:44.550
II read not much, but although many, but at least I've seen now 2

00:38:45.320 --> 00:38:49.769
Andreas GEISSLER (DT): 2 in the hierarchies, but I'm not sure if in the background there are more.

00:38:50.860 --> 00:38:52.419
Sandra Jackson: Okay. Thank you for that.

00:38:53.190 --> 00:38:56.989
Pablo, were you saying, did you want me to open this link. Is that what you were saying?

00:38:58.310 --> 00:39:08.310
Pawel Pawlak: And yeah, if if if it works just to see. But if if Kevin has no no update so difficult to

00:39:09.110 --> 00:39:12.860
Pawel Pawlak: to, to, to comment. I know from from

00:39:13.160 --> 00:39:25.769
Pawel Pawlak: Marek that he had a meeting with Matt, and, you know work in progress. It is important for for both Matt and and Marek. So I hope they will. They will have a progress in the coming weeks. Right?

00:39:27.360 --> 00:39:28.140

00:39:29.410 --> 00:39:31.430
Sandra Jackson: All right. So no need to go over. Okay.

00:39:32.390 --> 00:39:33.650
thank you.

00:39:36.160 --> 00:39:46.379
Sandra Jackson: Thank you. Andreas Kevin and Pavel. Okay, let's go down to Ptl updates. If we have any, do we have any updates on the Aa. F certification.

00:39:46.630 --> 00:39:52.719
Andreas GEISSLER (DT): Not yet, so I have not had not had time to look at the comments of

00:39:53.490 --> 00:39:55.460
Andreas GEISSLER (DT): the ones which were affected.

00:39:55.710 --> 00:39:58.770
Andreas GEISSLER (DT): So no, no, no news on that.

00:39:59.140 --> 00:40:04.559
Sandra Jackson: no worries. I just put it there just because just in case you had

00:40:05.410 --> 00:40:08.520
Sandra Jackson: Someone added this Michael Morris?

00:40:09.180 --> 00:40:11.209
Michael Morris: Hi, Sandra, yeah, thanks. And

00:40:12.000 --> 00:40:22.600
Michael Morris: I just I'd like to inform the do you see in the community I'll be stepping down and says, See, Ptl, so I'll remain in place until the end of the month or release but II stepped down then at that point

00:40:22.610 --> 00:40:43.189
Michael Morris: the auto committers we currently have in Stc. Are all from Ericsson as well, and they'll also be moving on from from Sc. At the end of the month or release. And so I'll I'll say ptail election, and when the time comes in at that, at the end of Montreal post, I guess, just to highlight that none of the current quitters will be going forward for nomination.

00:40:43.400 --> 00:40:59.069
Michael Morris: So just like to give a heads up ahead of time. See if there's anyone would like to get involved with is to see to view it becoming, and the committer, or possibly the Ptl. If there is any such person, then we would be more than happy to have them get up and running before we move on.

00:41:01.570 --> 00:41:05.400
Pawel Pawlak: Thank you, Michael, for all your contributions. And yeah.

00:41:06.400 --> 00:41:12.239
Pawel Pawlak: good luck with new new challenges in this case. Yeah, it's great to to work with you. Hmm.

00:41:12.590 --> 00:41:14.369
Byung-Woo Jun: thank you. Thank you.

00:41:18.790 --> 00:41:28.939
Sandra Jackson: Thank you. Michael. Again. Just piggy backing off with Pablo. Thank you for your contributions, except that I have to add that we will not accept your resignation.

00:41:29.160 --> 00:41:31.889
Sandra Jackson: So we'll move on to the next subject. Now I'm kidding.

00:41:32.660 --> 00:41:41.570
Sandra Jackson: But thank you, anyway, for for your contributions, and if anyone is interested, please reach out and let us know so that we can

00:41:41.580 --> 00:41:42.780
Sandra Jackson: hopefully

00:41:43.260 --> 00:41:46.830
Sandra Jackson:  fill that position.

00:41:48.010 --> 00:41:50.469
Sandra Jackson: All right. Subcommittee updates.

00:41:52.310 --> 00:42:03.009
Byung-Woo Jun: I don't. So, anyway.

00:42:03.190 --> 00:42:05.309
Byung-Woo Jun: already to talk about. Okay, thank you. Thank you.

00:42:06.020 --> 00:42:11.480
Sandra Jackson: No worries. And did we have any updates on the

00:42:14.300 --> 00:42:24.339
Pawel Pawlak: yeah, I can give you some some some updates from Seccom. So this Tuesday, I will make a very interesting presentation on on Kubar more

00:42:24.780 --> 00:42:30.570
Pawel Pawlak: evpf ubpf, and you know I shared with you the link with the

00:42:30.820 --> 00:42:34.320
Pawel Pawlak: beating summary and recording and and slides.

00:42:34.810 --> 00:42:41.229
Pawel Pawlak: and Amy created Jurass for the packages update from Ontario lease.

00:42:41.640 --> 00:42:50.070
Pawel Pawlak: and we have work in progress for the Ojsi's and two-factor authentication with Js. And

00:42:50.290 --> 00:43:00.159
Pawel Pawlak: but apparently there must be some additional effort on on the left it side to to enable it, because so far we don't see it's working on for us.

00:43:00.430 --> 00:43:09.540
Pawel Pawlak: And this is you important because this is like last item that that needs to be fulfilled for for the

00:43:09.730 --> 00:43:14.169
Pawel Pawlak: And Cps team to to get the gold badge. So

00:43:14.500 --> 00:43:20.260
Pawel Pawlak: we are focused on on delivering it, and so we could share some good news

00:43:20.680 --> 00:43:23.589
Pawel Pawlak: with with the team. Yes.

00:43:26.430 --> 00:43:28.280
Sandra Jackson: okay, thank you, Pablo.

00:43:32.500 --> 00:43:37.680
Sandra Jackson: Alright. Oh, we're down to housekeeping already. So

00:43:38.120 --> 00:43:43.239
Sandra Jackson: before I get into housekeeping. Are there any additional comments last minute comments?

00:43:45.420 --> 00:43:46.280
Sandra Jackson: Okay.

00:43:46.690 --> 00:43:55.629
Sandra Jackson: so just a regular reminders that daylight savings time is coming up. October 20 ninth for Europe, November fifth. For the Us.

00:43:56.220 --> 00:44:01.679
Sandra Jackson:  Pablo will be on Pto. Starting. Is that next week?

00:44:01.910 --> 00:44:06.800
Sandra Jackson: October sixteenth. Oh, yeah, yeah, indeed.

00:44:07.520 --> 00:44:13.109
Sandra Jackson: Yeah. So. October sixteenth, through twenty-seventh, and then I'll follow

00:44:13.200 --> 00:44:18.710
David McBride: the twenty-fifth, and returning back on November sixth.

00:44:20.230 --> 00:44:24.639
Sandra Jackson: The time is flying back, and I believe we're like mid October already.

00:44:24.950 --> 00:44:28.229
Sandra Jackson: No, I'm going. If if yeah, I'm going

00:44:28.430 --> 00:44:33.730
Sandra Jackson: one summit regional day, India coming up November thirtieth.

00:44:34.410 --> 00:44:50.290
Sandra Jackson: There is a registration page. Thank you. So we finally, we finally got a registration page. I've been trying to update that for weeks and finally found it. Thank you. Cause I just asked the question yesterday, so I was like, I didn't I get an answer? So thank you for that. Did you insert that?

00:44:51.010 --> 00:44:58.689
Sandra Jackson: I appreciate it? And then our reminder of the face to face. Dntf. Coming up in Budapest.

00:44:58.710 --> 00:45:01.400
Sandra Jackson: Be there or be square.

00:45:01.650 --> 00:45:05.139
Sandra Jackson: November thirteenth, through November sixteenth.

00:45:05.150 --> 00:45:08.130
Sandra Jackson: Please get your topic proposals in

00:45:08.920 --> 00:45:14.990
we have some tools there for convince your boss and visa letter requests.

00:45:15.100 --> 00:45:20.399
Sandra Jackson: So please register, if you have not registered and get your topics in.

00:45:21.890 --> 00:45:28.549
Sandra Jackson: if there is nothing else. I will give you all some time back.

00:45:30.820 --> 00:45:34.509
Sandra Jackson: and I'll see you this time next week.

00:45:36.130 --> 00:45:40.729
Pawel Pawlak: Thank you very much, guys. Bye, bye.

00:45:42.230 --> 00:45:43.250
Kamel Idir: thank you.

00:45:45.430 --> 00:45:46.400
N.K. Shankaranarayanan: Thank you.