See also:
AAF: Application Authorization Framework
Akka: handles clustering (used OpenDaylight controllers) akka.io
Amsterdam: Code name for the first release of ONAP
CDAP: Cask Data Application Platform
- open source framework to build and deploy data applications on Apache™ Hadoop® (CDAP.io site)
CDS: Controller Design Studio
- it is not the tool for the design of controllers instead it is common design tool to support both SDNC and generic L4-7 NF controllers integrated with SDC (e.g. APPC, VFC)
- part of CCSDK project,
- see vFW CDS Casablanca - using CDS in context of virtual Firewall use case
CDT: APPC Controller Design Tool
CI/CD: Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery
- continuous integration (CI) is the practice of merging all developer working copies to a shared mainline several times a day (Wikipedia)
- continuous delivery (CD) is a software engineering approach in which teams produce software in short cycles, ensuring that the software can be reliably released at any time (Wikipedia)
CIA: Container Images - see Project Docker/OCI Images - Best Practices and Tools
the abbreviation probably uses the letter A at the end to distinct from commonly used CI - Continuous Integration
CLAMP: Closed Loop Automation Management Platform (project)
CLI: Command Line Interface (project)
CMA: Change Management Application (within ONAP)
COE: Container Orchestration Engine
CNF: Cloud Native network Function. A network function implemented using cloud native principles such as micro services running in containers, immutable infrastructure, etc.
COE: Container Orchestration Engine
- Policy as a service (https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Congress)
CSAR: Cloud Service ARchive (link) Anchor CSAR CSAR
- a package defined by OASIS TOSCA. It is a ZIP file that includes a TOSCA template of a Network Service, and all the scripts or files that a VNF needs for the lifecycle from creation to termination.
CSMF: Communication Service Management Function
DAO: Data Access Object (Wikipedia)
- an object that provides an abstract interface to some type of database or other persistence mechanism
DCAE: Data Collection, Analytics and Events (component of ONAP runtime)
- the OpenDaylight community GUI (DLUX documentation)
- typically not needed for ONAP development
DMaaP: Data Movement as a Platform Anchor DMaap DMaap
EMS: Element Management System (Wikipedia)
- systems and applications for managing network elements (NE) on the network element-management layer (NEL) of the Telecommunications Management Network (TMN) model.
ESR: External System Register
GBP: Group-Based Policy (https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/GroupBasedPolicy)
HAS: Homing and Allocation Service - part of OOF
GNFC: Genric Network Function Controller - A proposed unification of the APP-C and SDN-C for complete L0-L7 control. (ONAP_GNF_ControllersSOL003.pptx)
HAS: Homing and Allocation Service - part of OOF
Heat: Anchor Heat Heat
- cloud infrastructure creation template language for Open Stack (https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Heat)
HDFS: Hadoop Distributed File System
Helm: application package manager for kubernetes see https://docs.helm.sh/
Holmes: Holmes project provides alarm correlation and analysis for Telecom cloud infrastructure and services.
JSON: JavaScript Object Notation
k8s: a popular way to abbreviate kubernetes
Kafka: a distributed streaming platform created by Apache read https://kafka.apache.org/intro for greater depth
- a container, sponsored by Apache, fully supporting OSGI with lots of extras (Apache page)
Kubernetes: Quoting https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kubernetes Kubernetes is, "an open-source container-orchestration system for automating deployment, scaling and management of containerized applications"
LCM: Life Cycle Management
- automates activities, tasks, rules and policies needed for on-demand creation, modification or removal of network, application or infrastructure services
MUSIC: Multi-site State Coordination Service (Project)
MVP: Minimum Viable Product
NODNFVO: Network On DemandNode-Function Virtualization Orchestrator
NOD: Network On Demand
- open source project by IBM to graphically create flows that configure devices. Projects include managing a raspberry pi. (official docs)
NS: Network Services
NS: Network Slice
NS: (Vendor Specific) New Start
- a new connection is being setup for the first time. There will only be configuration data until it is activated.
NSMF: Network Slice Management Function
NSSMF: Network Slice Subnet Management Function
OA&M: Operations, Administration and Management
OpenStack: Anchor OpenStack OpenStack
- a free and open-source software platform for creating private and public clouds (compute, network, and storage facilities) (https://www.openstack.org/)
- mostly deployed as an infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS). The software platform consists of interrelated components that control hardware pools of processing, storage, and networking resources throughout a data center. Users either manage it through a web-based dashboard, through command-line tools, or through a RESTful API.
OOM: ONAP Operations Manager
OpenAPI Specification: "defines a standard, language-agnostic interface to RESTful APIs which allows both humans and computers to discover and understand the capabilities of the service without access to source code, documentation, or through network traffic inspection", quoted from https://swagger.io/specification/
OPNFV: Open Platform for NFV Project
- a modular system and a service platform for the Java programming language that implements a complete and dynamic component model (OpenDaylight uses this) (Wikipediaplatform for the Java programming language that implements a complete and dynamic component model (OpenDaylight uses this) (Wikipedia)
P4 : "is a programming language designed to allow programming of packet forwarding planes" quoted from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/P4_(programming_language)
PAP: Policy Administration Point (ONAP)
PCE: Path Computation and Element (ONAP)
PCI: Physical Cell ID
pCPE: physical Customer Premise Equipment
PDP-x: Policy Decision Point - XACML (ONAP)
RCT: Reference Connection Tool
- within Chef, the most fundamental configuration element (see the Style Guide)
Resource: Anchor Resource Resource
S3P: Stability, Security, Scalability, Performance. See also Platform Maturity Requirements (S3P).
SDC: Service Design and Creation (component of ONAP for visual modeling and design)
SDN-R: application of SDNC - see SDN-R objectives
SEBA: SDN-Enabled Broadband Access, see also:
SR-IOV: Single-Root Input/Output Virtualization (Wikipedia)
- a network interface that allows the isolation of the PCI Express resources for manageability and performance reasons
SSH: Secure Shell
SSL: Secure Sockets Layer (Wikipedia), precursor to TLS
SUPP: (Vendor Specific) short for supplement, changing a connection before activation
SVNFM: (Vendor) Specific Virtual Network Function Manger
Swagger: legacy name for the OpenAPI Specification
TCP: Transmission Control Protocol
- a group of users who share a common access with specific privileges to a software instance on a server (Wikipedia). This terminology is used in OpenStack
UEB: An event bus interface that has been replaced by DMaaP.
U-UI: Usecase UI = Usecase User Interface (Project)
vCE: virtual CE (Customer Edge) router (an example VNF)
VDU: Virtualisation Deployment Unit - The Virtualisation Deployment Unit (VDU) is a construct supporting the description of the deployment and operational behaviour of a VNFC.
- see class Vdu
VES: Virtual function Event Stream
- an entity that may be modeled and subsequently instantiated, which takes on the responsibility of handling a particular function that when instantiated, will run on one or more virtual machines within the cloud.
- in SDC 48534184, a VF is equivalent to a Resource
VFC: Virtual Function Component (Resource Onboarding)
- software component of a VF 48534184 that is packaged into one or more images and is capable of running in its own container
in SDC48534184, a VFC is configured as a sub-component of a VSP.
the smallest granularity of function visible to ONAP designers
vfModule: Virtual Function Module
- A Heat 48534184 stack that defines the compute, network, licensing and other Heat resources needed to instantiate one or more VFCs associated with a VNF. In a VNF, one vfModule is typically designated as a base module. Any resources defined in the base module Heat template can be exposed to all other vfModules by declaring their resource UUID as Heat outputs. Beyond the base module, other VNF vfModules are typically referred to as expansion modules.
VID: Virtual Instantiation Deployment Anchor VID VID
- a Portal GUI to trigger MSO instantiation of services and components
VID: Virtual Infrastructure Deployment (Project)
VIM: Virtualized Infrastructure Manager
VNF: Virtual Network Function (link) Anchor VNF VNF
- a virtualized task formerly carried out by proprietary, dedicated network hardware. (Examples: virtual firewall, virtual DNS.)
- in ONAP, a VNF is a Resource
- a VNF is a specific kind of Vendor Software Product
VNFC: Virtual Network Function Component
VNO: Virtual Network Operator
VNFSDK: ONAP project
vPE: virtual PE (Provider Edge) router (an example of a VNF)
- part of VNFSDK - see VNF Test Platform (VTP)
VVP: VNF Validation Program (Project)
WAR: Web application ARchive (Wikipedia)
- https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc6020 or https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6020
- https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7950