For Create/Update Policy, In the tosca template the rego contents will be encoded and added in policy field. All the data key needs to be prefixed by “node”.
Code Block |
Tosca Definition for OPA tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_1_0 topology_template: policies: - native.cell.consistency.opa: type: onap.policies.native.opa type_version: 1.0.0 properties: data: node.cell.consistency: >- eyAgIAogICJhbGxvd2VkQ2VsbElkIiA6IDQ0NTYxMTE5MzI2NTA0MDEyOSwgCiAgIm1pblBDSSI6IDEsIAogICJtYXhQQ0kiOiAzMDAwICAKIH0= policy: cell.consistency: >- 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 cell.consistency.topology: >- cGFja2FnZSBjZWxsLmNvbnNpc3RlbmN5LnRvcG9sb2d5CmltcG9ydCByZWdvLnYxCiMgUnVsZSB0byBjaGVjayBjZWxsIGNvbnNpc3RlbmN5CmNoZWNrX2NlbGxfY29uc2lzdGVuY3kgaWYgewogICAgaW5wdXQuY2VsbCAhPSBkYXRhLmNlbGxjb25zaXN0ZW5jeS5hbGxvd2VkQ2VsbElkCn0= name: native.cell.consistency.opa version: 1.0.0 metadata: policy-id: native.cell.consistency.opa policy-version: 1.0.0 |
For e.g. consider a sample rego file having following contents
Code Block |
package cell.consistency import rego.v1 default allow = false # Rule to check cell consistency check_cell_consistency if { input.cell != data.cell.consistency.allowedCellId } import data.cell.consistency.topology default allow = false # Rule to allow if PCI is within range 1-3000 allow_if_pci_in_range if { input.PCI >= data.cellconsistencynode.cell.consistency.minPCI input.PCI <= data.node.cellconsistencycell.consistency.maxPCI } # Main rule to determine the final decision allow if{ topology.check_cell_consistency allow_if_pci_in_range } --- package cell.consistency.topology import rego.v1 # Rule to check cell consistency check_cell_consistency if { input.cell != data.cellconsistencynode.cell.consistency.allowedCellId } |
Code Block |
"allowedCellId" : 445611193265040129,
"minPCI": 1,
"maxPCI": 3000
} |
Deploy OPA policy
The same Policy API for deploying policy will be leveraged for OPA-PDP also.
The same CRUD API for policy creation will be used here as well to create a policy
curl -u 'policyadmin:zb!XztG34' -X POST -H "Content-Type":"application/json" -d @deploy-policy.json http://policy-pap:6969/policy/pap/v1/pdps/policies
Code Block |
Contents of deploy-policy.json is shown
"policies" : [
"policy-id": "cellconsistency",
"policy-version": "1.0.0"
} |
OPA PDP after receiving the message on KAFKA will parse the message, extract policy, perform base64 decoding and deploys the policy to OPA. OPA PDP will send a PDP_STATUS message with the status of policy deployment.
Tip |
The package name and policy name should be same. If not, OPA-PDP will fail to deploy |
In the above case, OPA-PDP will create following directory structure and store policy and data files. The “.” mentioned in the policy will translate to subdirectories in OPA-PDP pod. This will also ensure each policy is referenced by the main rego file, this will avoid collision in case we have same library file used in multiple main rego files.
Directory structure
Code Block |
- /opt/policies - cell/ - consistency/ - policy.rego // package cell.consistency will be stored here - topology/ - policy.rego // package cell.consistency.topology will be stored here - /opt/data - cell/ - consistency/ - data.json // data will be stored here |
OPA PDP will send a PDP_STATUS message with the status of policy deployment.
Un-Deploy OPA policy
The same CRUD API for policy undeploy will be used here aswell to undeploy the policy
curl -u 'policyadmin:zb!XztG34' -X DELETE http://policy-pap:6969/policy/pap/v1/pdps/policies/native.cellconsistency.opa
OPA-PDP will receive PDP_UPDATE message and read the policies to be undeployed. policiesToBeUndeployed":[{"name":"cellconsistency","version":"1.0.0"}]
OPA-PDP will remove the directories /cell/consistency and polciy.rego file from the persistent storage and undeploy the policy from OPA SDK.
OPA-PDP will delete the data also, if PAP had deployed the data.
Data Deployment
OPA-PDP will support only dynamic update of data. This data will not be persisted in OPA-PDP. This facility is provided in case user want to fine tune the data configuration and validate. Once the configuration value is finalized , user can undeploy the existing policy and create data/policy with new configuration.
Modify existing Data ( whole or part data) using below CURD API
} |