NOTE: This Plugin is decommissioned as of the start of the El Alto release.
Per the Independent Versioning and Release Process, each team is to declare their release artifact versions in the ONAP version manifest, located at
The version manifest CSV itself is packaged into the the plugin artifact, so that we can identify the exact manifest version using the plugin version number.
Running the Plugin
To use the latest available Version Manifest plugin, run the following command:
Code Block |
mvn org.onap.integration:version-manifest:version-check |
To use a The most recent plugin snapshot version containing the latest java-manifest.csv file can be found by checking Nexus at;gav~org.onap.integration~version-manifest~~~ (in the Snapshots repository)
You can then use that specific version (e.g. of the Version Manifest plugin , run by running the following:
Code Block |
mvn org.onap.integration:version-manifest: |
These assume that you have the ONAP nexus repos defined in your ~/m2/settings.xml so that Maven can download the plugin artifacts.
Interpreting the Output
Here is a sample output provided by the plugin: