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Table of Contents

<<Note: this is a working draft. The contents will be added/deleted/corrected/updated as needed.>>

Use Case

  • ONAP-ETSI Catalog Management Manager Use Case
    • ONAP-ETSI Catalog API Manager
    • ONAP-ETSI Catalog Database
  • SO ETSI Catalog API Management
      ETSI Catalog Database
      • SDC - SO SDC Controller - ONAP-ETSI Catalog Manager
    • SOL003/SOL005 Adapter Interaction with ONAP-ETSI Catalog Manager

    Feature Descriptions

    SO ETSI Catalog DB Handling for NS, PNF and VNF packages



    ONAP-ETSI Catalog Manager APIsONAP-ETSI Catalog Manager supports APIs for SO and SOL003/SOL005 Adapters
    SO ETSI Catalog DB handling Support for NS, PNF and VNF packages

    SO retrieves ETSI packages from SDC

    - SO SDC Controller

    and stores the packages to ONAP-ETSI Catalog DB thru ONAP-ETSI Catalog



    • ETSI package distribution support from SDC → SO SDC Controller → ONAP-ETSI Catalog Manager
    ONAP-ETSI Catalog Manger Catalog Manger - SOL003/SOL005 AdaptersETSI Catalog Manager API support for SOL003/SOL005 Adapters use ONAP-ETSI Catalog Manager APIs to retrieve ETSI packages

    Epic and User Story


    User Story


    In Frankfurt?JIRA
    ONAP-ETSI Catalog Manager supports ETSI package APIs and storage
    ONAP-ETSI Catalog Manager
    stores ETSI packages and provides APIs to its clientsSupport ONBOARDING
    supports ETSI package APIs and storage for ETSI packages in runtimeYes

    Jira Legacy
    serverSystem Jira

    Provides APIs for SO to store ETSI packages to the ONAP-ETSI Database

    Provides APIs for SO to store ETSI packages to the ONAP-ETSI Database

    View file


    Jira Legacy
    serverSystem Jira

    Supports the ONBOARDED_PACKAGE directory for the original vendor ETSI
    package extractionGets the vendor original SOL004 package from the ONBOARDED_PACKAGE directory.Yes

    Jira Legacy
    serverSystem Jira

    Provides APIs for
    SO to store ETSI packages to the ETSI Database
    the SOL003/SOL005 Adapter to retrieve the original vendor VNF packages 

    Provides APIs for the SOL003 Adapter to retrieve the original vendor VNF packages 

    View file
    View file


    Jira Legacy
    serverSystem Jira

    Provides APIs for the SOL005 Adapter to retrieve the original vendor NS/PNF
    /VNF packagesSO Package
    packagesProvides APIs for the SOL005 Adapter to retrieve the original vendor NS/PNF packagesYes

    Jira Legacy
    serverSystem Jira

    Migrates VF-C catalog to Modeling ONAP-ETSI Catalog Manager as a common component Migrates VF-C catalog to Modeling ONAP-ETSI Catalog Manager as a common component Yes

    Jira Legacy
    serverSystem Jira

    SO Catalog Management

    SDC - SO SDC Controller - ONAP-ETSI Catalog Manager

    • SDC supports SOL004/SOL007 package onboarding
    • SO SDC Controller invokes ETSI Catalog Manager if the incoming package is SOL004/SOL007-based
    • ETSI Catalog Manager queries SDC CSAR files for the given CSAR ID and stores the original vendor package into the ETSI Catalog Database

    Jira Legacy
    serverSystem Jira

    Enhances SO SDC Controller to query SOL004/SOL007 packages from SDC

    Enhances SO SDC Controller to query SOL004/SOL007 packages from SDC

    • SO SDC Controller receives SDC notification for SOL004 packages
    • SO SDC Controller queries SDC for SOL004 CSAR files
    • SO SDC Controller receives SDC notification for SOL007 packages
    • SO SDC Controller queries SDC for SOL007 CSAR files

    Jira Legacy
    serverSystem Jira

    Enhances SO SDC Controller to invoke ONAP-ETSI Catalog APIs to store ETSI packages to the ONAP-ETSI Catalog DB

    Enhances SO SDC Controller to invoke ONAP-ETSI Catalog APIs to stores ETSI packages to the ONAP-ETSI Catalog DB

    • SO stores ONBOARDED_PACKAGE zip/csar files in the ONAP-ETSI Catalog DB
    • through ONAP-ETSI Catalog Manager APIs
    • SO parses the SDC CSAR/zip file to find out if the package contains the ONBOARDED_PACKAGE artifact folder.
      • If it contains the folder, SO invokes the ETSI Catalog Manager by passing the SDC csar id, on top of the existing procedure.
      • Otherwise, it is NON-ETSI package, and SO will follow the existing procedure only

    Jira Legacy
    serverSystem Jira

    SO ETSI Catalog DB Support for NS, VNF and PNF Packages

    For the ETSI package storage, SO does the following:

    • SO (SDC Controller component) queries the package from SDC
    • SO stores ETSI (including SDC AID DM) + vendor VNF package CSAR or ZIP
      • If the onboarding vendor package is a zip file with signature and certificate, SO stores the vendor VNF package as a zip format.
      • Not all VNFD needs to be transformed to the SDC AID DM - TBD
    • For Non-ETSI models (Service + Non-ETSI Resource), SO will use the existing SO embedded Catalog DB

    Instead of building ONAP-ETSI Catalog management in SO, SO will leverage the existing ONAP-ETSI Catalog Manager function.

    • Use VF-C Catalog Microservices for the NS, VNF and PNF catalog support,
      • VFC Catalog Manager function consists of two microservices: VF-C DB and VF-C Catalog. Deployment of these microservices is independent of VF-C, and the microservices have no dependency on other VF-C components – a good stepping stone towards common ETSI Catalog managementVFC Catalog Manager will be has been migrated as a common component, ETSI Catalog Manager Hereinafter, it is called as "ETSI Catalog Manager"
      • ETSI Catalog Manager has been enhanced to handle the vendor package in the ONBOARDINGONBOARDED_PACKAGE directory.
    1. VF-C ETSI Catalog DB Microservice
    • Database: nfvocatalog (vfc-nfvo-catalog-createdb.sql // create db scripts)      // vfc prefix should be generalized
    • Database Table (vfc-nfvo-catalog-createobj.sql // create tables scripts) .         // vfc prefix should be generalized
    • Catalog_NSPackage
    • Catalog_VNFPackage
    • Catalog_PNFPackage
    • Catalog_SoftwareImageModel

    2.VF-C Catalog (API) Microservice / ETSI Catalog (API) Microservice

    • vfc-catalog dockerVFC Catalog docker                 // vfc prefix should be generalized
    • ETSI Catalog Manager REST APIs
      • The following APIs are part of VF-C Swagger REST APIs. For the complete ApIs,

        ETSI Catalog Manager provides the following Package Management and Package Notification APIs:
        • Package Management:
          • View file
        • Package Management Notification:
          • View file
      • API descriptions

        NS Package Management

        VNF Package Management

        PNF Management

        •GET /nspackages                             // query NS package info

        •POST /nspackages                           // NS package distribute / create

        •GET /nspackages/{csarId}              // query NS package info

        •DELETE /nspackages/{csarId}        // delete NS package

        •GET /vnfpackages                        //query vnf package info

        •POST /vnfpackages                      // vnf package distribute / create

        •GET /vnfpackages/{csarId}         // query vnf package info

        •DELETE /vnfpackages/{csarId}   // delete vnf package

        •PUT /vnfpackages/{csarId}.        // create/upload vnf package

        •GET /pnf_descriptors

        •POST /pnf_descriptors

        •GET /pnf_descriptors/{pnfdInfoId}

        •DELETE /pnf_descriptors/{pnfdInfoId}

        Model Parsing

        Job Management (used for async LCM)


        •POST /parsernsd                             // NS package model

        •POST /parservnfd                            // VNF package model

        •GET /jobs/{jobId}                         // Job Status

        •POST /jobs/{jobId}                       // Update Job Status

    The following diagram depicts a possible ONAP-ETSI Catalog DB handling for NS, VNF and PNF Packages.

    • SDC Stores Service models/templates into the existing SO Catalog DB, and ETSI Catalog model will be stored in the ONAP-ETSI Catalog Manager database. 
    • Note: the ETSI Catalog Manager function could be realized by the VFC (or equivalent) ETSI Catalog API and ETSi Catalog DB Microservices - To be discussed further.
    • VF-C DB and Catalog are two Microservices, which they can be deployed independently from VF-C, and they don't have dependency with other VF-C components.
    • SO and other ONAP run-time components could leverage the ONAP-ETSI Catalog Manager function, as a common service.
    • Note: in the Frankfurt release, SOL005 Adapter does not support ETSI package management. It is supposed to support the NS package management in Guilin.

    nameSDC-SO ETSI Catalog DB support with SO VNFM Adapterpageid63996543SDC Controller-ETSI Catalog Manager2

    • ONAP-ETSI Catalog Manager Interfaces:
      • Supports its NBI for create and update ONAP-ETSI catalog. SDC Controller will uses the NBI.
      • Retrieves model artifact files from SDC
      • Stores the data to the ONAP-ETSI Catalog DB.
        • For now, both SDC AID DM and original vendor package will be stored
      • Supports its Query operations for SOL003/SOL005 Adapters
        • The Catalog Manager will provide the original vendor packages to SOL003/SOL005 Adapters

    SO Package Management ( SDC - SO SDC Controller - ONAP-ETSI Catalog Manager)

    • SO SDC Controller module (ASDCController and ToscaResourceInstall) needs to be updated for handling SOL004 packages including SOL001 VNFD and PNFD.
    • Service-level catalog and other non-ETSI catalog (SDC AID DM) will be stored in SO Catalog DB.
    • VNF/PNF/NS-level catalog handling would be simplified:
      • By using the ONAP-ETSI Catalog Manager, ETSI VNF/PNF/NS-level catalogs (i.e., original vendor packages) will be stored in ONAP-ETSI Catalog DB
      • SO itself does not need to manage ETSI-based VNF LCM; i.e., delegates the LCM to VNFM through the SOL003 VNFM Adapter
    • In Frankfurt, VNF and NS package management will be supported.
    • The following diagram depicts the component interactions for VNF Package store for ONAP runtime.

    nameSDC-SO SDC Controller-ETSI Catalog Manager 3

    • Interfaces between SDC Controller and ONAP-ETSI Catalog Manager
    • ONAP-ETSI Catalog Manager POST API will be used to store the VNF packages
      • POST /api/catalog/v1/vnfpackages // passing csarId, vimIds and labVimId

    • Q&A:
      • How does VFC handle VNF packages from SDC? Does it use SDC AID DM? Does it use VF-Modules?
      • Answer:
        • VF-C supports SDC internal models with the original vendor package and ETSI-based VNF package
        • Currently, no VF-Module support from VF-C and SOL003 VNFM Adapter
        • VF-Module mapping and handling need to be sorted out.


    • Operation Requirements
    API ActionActorMethodEndpoint URIDescription
    Store ETSI packageSDC ControllerPOST/api/catalog/v1/vnfpackagesInvoke the ONAP-ETSI Catalog to store SOL004 VNF packages to ONAP-ETSI Catalog DB

    SO Catalog Modelling

    • The service database table has TOSCA_CSAR_ARTIFACT_UUID column. We continue to use this column to link the TOSCA CSAR.
    • The TOSCA_CSAR database has a logical relationship with Catalog_NSPackage, Catalog_PNFPackage and Catalog_VNFPackage.
      • When a record is entered in the TOSCA_CSAR,
        • if the CSAR artifact type is NS, add a NS package into Catalog_NSPackage
        • if the CSAR artifact type is VNF, add a VNF package into Catalog_VNFPackage
        • if the CSAR artifact type is PNF, add a PNF package into Catalog_NSPackage
    • For the SOL004 VNF onboarding into SO,
      • SO does not populate data info the VF-Module database table if the VF-Module is not populated in the modeling.
        • It depends on the SOL001 VNFD mapping to SDC AID DM whether it populates VF-Modules or not.
      • SO does not populate data into the HEAT-Template database table
        • Heat-Template is part of the VNF package
      • SO invokes the ONAP-ETSI Catalog Manager APIs with the CSAR UUID.
        • ToscaResourceInstaller (InstallTheVfResource, InstallThePNFResource) will be modified to invoke the ONAP-ETSI Catalog Manager.
        • Note: the NS use case needs to be defined since SDC does not support SOL007 (NS Package) yet.
      • The ONAP-ETSI Catalog Manager receives VNF packages and stores them into the ONAP-ETSI Catalog Database Catalog_VNFPackage
        • It stores the VNF package as a whole and its APIs can extract the VNFD, artifacts, softwareImage, etc.

    • SO Catalog models and relationships are as follows:
      • Note: the relationship between TOSCA_CSAR and Catalog_NSPackage/Catalog_VNFPackage/Catalog_PNFPackage is "logical" since the Catalog_***Package and Catalog_Softwareimage will be resided in the ONAP-ETSI Catalog DB.
      • Based on the CSAR UUID, the ONAP-ETSI Catalog Manager gets all the artifacts and files from SDC to fulfill the Catalog_***Package and Catalog_Softwareimage.

    ONAP-ETSI Catalog Manager - SOL003/SOL005 Adapter

    As the diagram depicts, ETSI Catalog Manager consists of two microservices:

    • ONAP-ETSI Catalog API
    • ONAP-ETSI Catalog DB

    nameSDC-SO SDC Controller-ETSI Catalog Manager 4

    Interfaces between ONAP-ETSI Catalog Manager and SOL003/SOL005 Adapters

    • ONAP-ETSI Catalog Manager provides RESTful services to Adapters:
      • ETSI package management for the Adapters.
        • GET /api/catalog/v1/vnfpackages/{csarId}


        • Need to pass artifacts (images) to VIM thru the Adapter
        • Get the original vendor VNF package
        • ETSI Catalog APIs will be enhanced to extract the original vendor VNF package from the ONBOARDING_PACKAGE directory
        • Does the vendor original package include VNF software image or path?
      • Retrieving VNFD for SOL003 Adapter
      • Retrieving NSD/VNFD for SOL005 Adapter
        • GET /nspackages/{csarId} // query NS package info
        • More SOL005 Adapter requirements are being collected.

    Operation Requirements

    • API ActionActorMethodEndpoint URIDescription
      Query ETSI VNF packageSOL003 AdapterGET


      Invoke a SOL004 VNF package from  ONAP-ETSI Catalog

      Query ETSI NS Package

      SOL005 AdapterGET/nspackages/{csarId}Query NS Package info from the ONAP-ETSI Catalog