In inventory basically serial-numbers and manufacturer details are displayed according to the containment of the equipment.
Test environment
This app gets information from SDN-R database in a generalized form. Specific Devicemanager needs to map the information from specific device model into the database from.
Devicemanagers prepared for inventory are ONF12, ONF14, Openroadm, Openroadm71
For test purpose simulators can be used as provided in the OAM CSIT tests:
- Docker container from here: https://hub.docker.com/search?q=hightec%2Fnts
- Instructions how to start can be found in [sdnc/oam.git] / csit / plans / sdnr / setup.sh in script nts_networkfunctions_launch
- Netconserversimulator ONF12
Running SDNR see here: SDN-R on docker-compose
Description for ONAP Frankfurt.
The inventory data is stored in an ElasticSearch database. A REST-API to access the values is provided by the Data-Provider.
To get the inventory list: read-inventory-list