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HPA SO External Sequence Flow for Casablanca

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HPA SO External API Interaction for Casablanca


OOF/HAS API Specifications


Still Under Discussion: Utilize existing so-opendstack-adapter and extend, or clone to so-multicloud-adapater and extend. Use Multicloud OpenStack Proxy API and extend HEAT API payload with generic-vnf-id, vf-module-id, oof_directives, sdnc_directives and template_type.

API URI            http://{msb IP}:{msb port}/api/multicloud /v1/{cloud-owner}/{cloud-region-id}/infra_workload

( =================== parameters below template type are valid for request with “template_type”:“heat” ===================)




Addition of oofDirectives as part of


to R2 (doesn't change api): 

"vnfc_id":"<ID of VNFC>",
"directive_name":"<Name of directive,example flavor_directive>",
"attribute_name":"<name of attribute, such as flavor label>",
"attribute_value":"<value such as cloud specific flavor>"
"directive_name":"<Name of directive,example vnic-info>",
"attribute_name":"<name of attribute, such as vnic-type>",
"attribute_value":"<value such as direct/normal>"
"attribute_name":"<name of attribute, such as provider netweork>",
"attribute_value":"<value such as physnet>"
"directive_name":"<Name of directive>",
"attribute_name":"<name of attribute>",
"directive_name":"<Name of directive>",
"attribute_name":"<name of attribute>",
"attribute_value":"<value >"
"attribute_name":"<name of attribute>",
"attribute_value":"<value >"

OOF Homing Response:

Code Block
                                    "vnfc_id":"<ID of VNFC>",
                                          "directive_name":"<Name of directive,example flavor_directive>",
                                                "attribute_name":"<name of attribute, such as flavor label>",
                                                "attribute_value":"<value such as cloud specific flavor>"
                                          "directive_name":"<Name of directive,example vnic-info>",
                                                "attribute_name":"<name of attribute, such as vnic-type>",
                                                "attribute_value":"<value such as direct/normal>"
                                                "attribute_name":"<name of attribute, such as provider netweork>",
                                                "attribute_value":"<value such as physnet>"
                                       "directive_name":"<Name of directive>",
                                             "attribute_name":"<name of attribute>",
                                       "directive_name":"<Name of directive>",
                                             "attribute_name":"<name of attribute>",
                                             "attribute_value":"<value >"
                                             "attribute_name":"<name of attribute>",
                                             "attribute_value":"<value >"


Still Under Discussion: Utilize existing so-opendstack-adapter and extend, or clone to so-multicloud-adapater and extend. Use Multicloud OpenStack Proxy API and extend HEAT API payload with generic-vnf-id, vf-module-id, oof_directives, sdnc_directives and template_type.

API URI            http://{msb IP}:{msb port}/api/multicloud /v1/{cloud-owner}/{cloud-region-id}/infra_workload

( =================== parameters below template type are valid for request with “template_type”:“heat” ===================)

Code Block
                  "vnfc_id":"<ID of VNFC>",
                        "directive_name":"<Name of directive,example flavor_directive>",
                              "attribute_name":"<name of attribute, such as flavor label>",
                              "attribute_value":"<value such as cloud specific flavor>"
                        "directive_name":"<Name of directive,example vnic-info>",
                              "attribute_name":"<name of attribute, such as vnic-type>",
                              "attribute_value":"<value such as direct/normal>"
                              "attribute_name":"<name of attribute, such as provider netweork>",
                              "attribute_value":"<value such as physnet>"
                     "directive_name":"<Name of directive>",
                           "attribute_name":"<name of attribute>",
                     "directive_name":"<Name of directive>",
                           "attribute_name":"<name of attribute>",
                           "attribute_value":"<value >"
                           "attribute_name":"<name of attribute>",
                           "attribute_value":"<value >"
                  "vnfc_id":"<ID of VNFC>",
                        "directive_name":"<Name of directive,example flavor_directive>",
                              "attribute_name":"<name of attribute, such as flavor label>",
                              "attribute_value":"<value such as cloud specific flavor>"
                        "directive_name":"<Name of directive,example vnic-info>",
                              "attribute_name":"<name of attribute, such as vnic-type>",
                              "attribute_value":"<value such as direct/normal>"
                              "attribute_name":"<name of attribute, such as provider netweork>",
                              "attribute_value":"<value such as physnet>"
                     "directive_name":"<Name of directive>",
                           "attribute_name":"<name of attribute>",
                     "directive_name":"<Name of directive>",
                           "attribute_name":"<name of attribute>",
                           "attribute_value":"<value >"
                           "attribute_name":"<name of attribute>",
                           "attribute_value":"<value >"
             "default": "m1.tiny",    }
        "type": "string"       ]
   }     },    }
"resources": {        }
"hello_world": {     ]
   "template_type": "OS::Nova::Server",

   "propertiesfiles": {  

   "key_nameparameters":{ "heat_key", 
{                     "get_param": "flavor"
       "template":"\nheat_template_version: 2013-05-23\ndescription: Simple template to test heat commands\nparameters:\n  flavor: {default: m1.tiny, type: string}\nresources:\n  hello_world:\n    type: OS::Nova::Server\n    properties:\n      key_name: heat_key\n  },           flavor: {get_param: flavor}\n      "image": "40be8d1a-3eb9-40de-8abd-43237517384f",\n         user_data: |\n        "user_data": "#!/bin/bash -xv\nechon        echo \"hello world\" &gt;> /root/hello-world.txt\n"
"timeout_mins": 60,

HPA SO Casablanca Stories
