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This wiki describes how to set up a Kubernetes cluster with kuberadm, and then deploying SDN-C within that Kubernetes cluster.


Code Block
# (Optional) fix vi bug in some versions of Mobaxterm (changes first letter of edited file after opening to "g")
vi ~/.vimrc  ==> repeat for root/ubuntu and any other user which will edit files.
# Add the following 2 lines.
syntax on
set background=dark

# Add hostname of kubernetes nodes(master and workers) to /etc/hosts
sudo vi /etc/hosts
# <IP address> <hostname>

# Turn off firewall and allow all incoming HTTP connections through IPTABLES
sudo ufw disable
sudo iptables -I INPUT -j ACCEPT

# Fix server timezone and select your timezone.
sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata

# (Optional) create a bash history file as the Ubuntu user so that it does not accidently get created as the root user.  
touch ~/.bash_history  

# (Optional) turn on ssh password authentication and give ubuntu user a password  if you do not like using ssh keys. 
# Set the "PasswordAuthentication yes" in the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file and then set the ubuntu password
sudo vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config;sudo systemctl restart sshd;sudo passwd ubuntu;

# Update the VM with the lates core packages  
sudo apt clean
sudo apt update
sudo apt -y full-upgrade
sudo reboot

# Setup ntp on your image if needed.  It is important that all the VM's clocks are in synch or it will cause problems joining kubernetes nodes to the kubernetes cluster
sudo apt install ntp
sudo apt install ntpdate 

# It is recommended to add local ntp-hostname or ntp server's IP address to the ntp.conf 
# Sync up your vm clock with that of your ntp server. The best choice for the ntp server is one which is different form Kubernetes VMs... a solid machine. Make sure you can ping it!
# A service restart would be needed to synch the time up. You can run them from command line for immediate change.

sudo vi /etc/ntp.conf
# Append the following lines to /etc/ntp.conf, to make them permanent.

sudo service ntp stop
sudo ntpdate -s <ntp-hostname | ntp server's IP address>  ==>e.g.: sudo ntpdate -s
sudo service ntp start

# Some of the clustering scripts ( and require JSON parsing, so install jq on th masters only
sudo apt install -y jq

Question: Did you check date on all K8S nodes to make sure they are in synch?


Code Block
# On the k8s-master vm setup the kubernetes master node.  
# The "sudo -i" changes user to root.
sudo -i

# There is no kubernetes app running. 
ps -ef | grep -i kube | grep -v grep

# Pick one DNS add-on: either "kube-dns" or "CoreDNS".  If your environment setup is for "Kubernetes federation" or "SDN-C Geographic Redundancy" then use "CoreDNS" addon.
# Note that kubeadm version 1.8.x does not have support for coredns feature gate. 
# Upgrade kubeadm to latest version before running below command:

# With "CoreDNS" addon (recommended)
kubeadm init --feature-gates=CoreDNS=true | tee ~/kubeadm_init.log 

# with kube-dns addon
kubeadm init | tee ~/kubeadm_init.log

# Verify many kubernetes app running (kubelet,  kube-scheduler, etcd, kube-apiserver, kube-proxy, kube-controller-manager)
ps -ef | grep -i kube | grep -v grepkube-controller-managergrep

# The "exit" reverts user back to ubuntu.


Code Block
# If you installed coredns addon
sudo kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o wide
NAMESPACE     NAME                                 READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE       IP              NODE
kube-system   coredns-65dcdb4cf-8dr7w              0/1       Pending   0          10m       <none>          <none>
kube-system   coredns-65dcdb4cf-8ez2s              0/1       Pending   0          10m       <none>          <none>
kube-system   etcd-k8s-master                      1/1       Running   0          9m   k8s-master
kube-system   kube-apiserver-k8s-master            1/1       Running   0          9m   k8s-master
kube-system   kube-controller-manager-k8s-master   1/1       Running   0          9m   k8s-master
kube-system   kube-proxy-jztl4                     1/1       Running   0          10m   k8s-master
kube-system   kube-scheduler-k8s-master            1/1       Running   0          9m   k8s-master

#(There will be 2 codednscoredns pods with kubernetes version 1.10.1 and higher)

# If you did not install coredns addon; kube-dns pod will be created
sudo kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o wide
NAME                                    READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE       IP              NODE
etcd-k8s-s1-master                      1/1       Running   0          23d   k8s-s1-master
kube-apiserver-k8s-s1-master            1/1       Running   0          23d   k8s-s1-master
kube-controller-manager-k8s-s1-master   1/1       Running   0          23d   k8s-s1-master
kube-dns-6f4fd4bdf-czn68                3/3       Pending   0          23d        <none>          <none>    
kube-proxy-ljt2h                        1/1       Running   0          23d   k8s-s1-node0
kube-scheduler-k8s-s1-master            1/1       Running   0          23d   k8s-s1-master

# (Optional) run the following commands if you are curious.
sudo kubectl get node
sudo kubectl get secret
sudo kubectl config view
sudo kubectl config current-context
sudo kubectl get componentstatus
sudo kubectl get clusterrolebinding --all-namespaces
sudo kubectl get serviceaccounts --all-namespaces
sudo kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o wide
sudo kubectl get services --all-namespaces -o wide
sudo kubectl cluster-info


Code Block
sudo kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o wide
NAMESPACE     NAME                                    READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE       IP               NODE
kube-system   etcd-k8s-master                      1/1       Running   0          1m   k8s-master
kube-system   kube-apiserver-k8s-master            1/1       Running   0          1m   k8s-master
kube-system   kube-controller-manager-k8s-master   1/1       Running   0          1m   k8s-master
kube-system   kube-dns-545bc4bfd4-jcklm            3/3       Running   0          44m        k8s-master
kube-system   kube-proxy-lnv7r                     1/1       Running   0          44m   k8s-master
kube-system   kube-scheduler-k8s-master            1/1       Running   0          1m   k8s-master
kube-system   weave-net-b2hkh                      2/2       Running   0          1m   k8s-master

#(There will be 2 coredns pods with different IP addresses, with kubernetes version 1.10.1)

# Verify the AVAIABLE flag for the deployment "kube-dns" or "coredns" will be changed to 1. (2 with kubernetes version 1.10.1)
#For coredns
sudo kubectl get deployment --all-namespaces
kube-system   kube-dnscoredns   2    1     2    1     2    1        2    1       2m

#For  1h

Troubleshooting tip: 


sudo kubectl get deployment --all-namespaces
kube-system   kube-dns   1         1         1            1           1h

Troubleshooting tip: 

  • If any of the weave pods face a problem and gets stuck at "ImagePullBackOff " state, you can try running the " sudo kubectl apply -f "$(kubectl version | base64 | tr -d '\n')" " again. 
  • Sometimes, you need to delete the problematic pod, to let it terminate and start fresh. Use "kubectl delete po/<pod-name> -n <name-space> " to delete a pod.
  • To "Unjoin" a worker node "kubectl delete node <node-name> (go through the "Undeploy SDNC" process at the end if you have an SDNC cluster running)


  • If for any reason you need to re-create kubernetes cluster, first remove /etc/kubernetes/ and /var/lib/etcd and /etc/systemd/system/kubelet.service.d/ . Then run kubeadm init command. 

Install Helm and Tiller on the Kubernetes Master Node (k8s-master)

ONAP uses Helm, a package manager for kubernetes.

Install helm (client side). The following instructions were taken from

Note: You may need to install older version of helm, then follow "Downgrade helm" section (scroll down). 

Code Block
# As a root user, download helm and install it
curl >
chmod 700


Code Block
helm init --service-account tiller --upgrade

# A new pod is created, but will be in pending status.
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o wide  | grep tiller
kube-system   tiller-deploy-b6bf9f4cc-vbrc5           0/1       Pending   0          7m        <none>           <none>

# A new service is created 
kubectl get services --all-namespaces -o wide | grep tiller
kube-system   tiller-deploy   ClusterIP   <none>        44134/TCP       47m       app=helm,name=tiller

# A new deployment is created, but the AVAILABLE flage is set to "0".

kubectl get deployments --all-namespaces
kube-system   kube-dns        1         1         1            1           1h
kube-system   tiller-deploy   1         1         1            0           8m

Downgrade helm

 The helm installation procedure will put the latest version of it on your master node.  Then Tiller (helm server) version will follow the helm (helm client) version and Tiller version will be also the latest.

If helm/tiller version on your K8S master node is not  what OJNAP installation wants, you  will get “Chart incompatible with Tiller v2.9.1”. See below:

ubuntu@kanatamaster:~/oominstall/kubernetes$ helm install local/onap --name dev --namespace onap

Error: Chart incompatible with Tiller v2.9.1


A temporary fix for this will be often downgrading helm/tiller.  Here is the procedure:

Step 1)  downgrade helm client (helm)


Step 2) downgrade helm server (Tiller)

Use helm rest, . Follow the below steps:

Code Block
# Uninstalls Tiller from a cluster
helm reset --force
# Clean up any existing artifacts
kubectl -n kube-system delete deployment tiller-deploy
kubectl -n kube-system delete serviceaccount tiller
kubectl -n kube-system delete ClusterRoleBinding tiller-clusterrolebinding

# Run the blow command to get the matching tiller version for helm 
kubectl create -f tiller-serviceaccount.yaml
# Then run init helm
helm init --service-account tiller --upgrade

# Verify
helm version1         1         1            1           1h
kube-system   tiller-deploy   1         1         1            0           8m

Configure the Kubernetes Worker Nodes (k8s-node<n>)

Setting up cluster nodes is very easy. Just refer back to the "kubeadm init" output logs (/root/kubeadm_init.log). In the last line of the the logs, there is a “kubeadm join” command with token information and other parameters.


See 3. Share the /dockerdata-nfs Folder between Kubernetes Nodes for instruction on how to set this up.

Configuring SDN-C ONAP

Clone OOM project only on Kuberentes Master Node

titleHelm support

OOM deployment is now being done using helm.

It is highly recommended to stop here and continue from this page. Deploying SDN-C using helm chart

As ubuntu user, clone the oom repository. 


Get the following 2 gerrit changes from Configure SDN-C Cluster Deployment .


Verify SDNC Clustering

Refer to Validate the SDN-C ODL cluster.

Undeploy SDNC

Code Block
$ cd ~/oom/kubernetes/oneclick/
$ source setenv.bash
$ ./deleteAll.bash -n onap
$ ./deleteAll.bash -n onap -a sdnc
$ sudo rm -rf /dockerdata-nfs


Code Block
decrease sdnc pods to 1 
$ kubectl scale statefulset  sdnc -n onap-sdnc --replicas=1
statefulset "sdnc" scaled

# verify ..2 sdnc pods will terminate
$ kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -a | grep sdnc
onap-sdnc    nfs-provisioner-5fb9fcb48f-cj8hm      1/1       Running       0          21h
onap-sdnc    sdnc-0                                2/2       Running       0          2h
onap-sdnc    sdnc-1                                0/2       Terminating   0         40m
onap-sdnc    sdnc-2                                0/2       Terminating   0         15m

increase sdnc pods to 5
$ kubectl scale statefulset  sdnc -n onap-sdnc --replicas=5
statefulset "sdnc" scaled

increase db pods to 4
$kubectl scale statefulset sdnc-dbhost -n onap-sdnc  --replicas=5
statefulset "sdnc-dbhost" scaled

$ kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o wide | grep onap-sdnc
onap-sdnc     nfs-provisioner-7fd7b4c6b7-d6k5t        1/1       Running   0          13h     sdnc-k8s
onap-sdnc     sdnc-0                                  2/2       Running   0          13h   sdnc-k8s
onap-sdnc     sdnc-1                                  2/2       Running   0          13h    sdnc-k8s
onap-sdnc     sdnc-2                                  2/2       Running   0          13h     sdnc-k8s
onap-sdnc     sdnc-dbhost-0                           2/2       Running   0          13h    sdnc-k8s
onap-sdnc     sdnc-dbhost-1                           2/2       Running   0          12h   sdnc-k8s
onap-sdnc     sdnc-dbhost-2                           2/2       Running   0          5m    sdnc-k8s
onap-sdnc     sdnc-dbhost-3                           2/2       Running   0          5m    sdnc-k8s
onap-sdnc     sdnc-dbhost-4                           2/2       Running   0          4m    sdnc-k8s
onap-sdnc     sdnc-dgbuilder-6ff8d94857-hl92x         1/1       Running   0          13h   sdnc-k8s
onap-sdnc     sdnc-portal-0                           1/1       Running   0          13h    sdnc-k8s
onap-sdnc     sdnc-portal-1                           1/1       Running   0          13h     sdnc-k8s
onap-sdnc     sdnc-portal-2   

sudo ntpdate -s