Code Block | ||||||||
| ||||||||
{ "allocateCnNssi": { "nsstId": "NSST-C-001-HDBNJ-NSSMF-01-A-ZX", "nssiId": "NSST-C-001-HDBNJ-NSSMF-01-A-ZX", "nssiName": "eMBB-001", "sliceProfile": { "snssaiListsNSSAIList": [ "001-100001" ], "sliceProfileId": "ab9af40f13f721b5f13539d87484098", "plmnIdListpLMNIdList": [ "460-00", "460-01" ], "perfReq": { "perfReqEmbbList ": [ { "activityFactor": 50 } ] }, "maxNumberofUEs": 200, "coverageAreaTAList": [ "1", "2", "3", "4" ], "latency": 2, "resourceSharingLevel": "non-shared" }, "endPoint": { "IpAdress": "", "LogicalLinkId": "", "nextHopInfo": "" }, "nsiInfo": { "nsiId": "NSI-M-001-HDBNJ-NSMF-01-A-ZX", "nsiName": "eMBB-001" }, "scriptName": "CN1", "extension": { "XXX": "XXX" } }, "esrInfo": { "vendor": "huawei", "networkType": "core" }, "serviceInfo": { "serviceInvariantUuid": "e75698d9-925a-4cdd-a6c0-edacbe6a0b51", "serviceUuid": "8ee5926d-720b-4bb2-86f9-d20e921c143b", "globalSubscriberId": "5GCustomer", "nsiId": "NSI-M-001-HDBNJ-NSMF-01-A-ZX", "nssiId": "NSST-C-001-HDBNJ-NSSMF-01-A-ZX", "serviceTypesubscriptionServiceType": "5G" } } |
Info:For the value of nsstId, if NSST doesn't contain artifact, the value is NSST UUID, otherwise it is the ID in the artifact file.
Attribute | Optional | Description |
nssiId | Y | When reuse existing NSSI. |
nsstId | Y | NSST artifact ID |
Code Block | ||||||||
| ||||||||
{ "allocateTnNssi": { "networkSliceInfos": [ { "snssai": "123", "customer": "company_x", "serviceType": "IoT" } ], "transportSliceNetworks": [ { "connectionLinks": [ { "transportEndpointA": "tranportEp_ID_XXX", "transportEndpointB": "tranportEp_ID_YYY" }, { "transportEndpointA": "tranportEp_ID_AAA", "transportEndpointB": "tranportEp_ID_BBB" } ] }, { "connectionLinks": [ { "transportEndpointA": "tranportEp_ID_CCC", "transportEndpointB": "tranportEp_ID_DDD" }, { "transportEndpointA": "tranportEp_ID_EEE", "transportEndpointB": "tranportEp_ID_FFF" } ] } ] }, "esrInfo": { "vendor": "huawei", "networkType": "transport" }, "serviceInfo": { "serviceInvariantUuid": "e75698d9-925a-4cdd-a6c0-edacbe6a0b51", "serviceUuid": "8ee5926d-720b-4bb2-86f9-d20e921c143b", "globalSubscriberId": "5GCustomer", "serviceTypesubscriptionServiceType": "5G" } } |
Response status:202
Code Block | ||||||||
| ||||||||
{, "jobIdnssiId": "db245365e79c47ed88fcd60caa8f6549" } |
Modify NSSI: [AN/TN/CN]
} |
Response status:202
Code Block | ||||||||
| ||||||||
"jobId": "db245365e79c47ed88fcd60caa8f6549"
} |
Activate NSSI: [AN/TN/CN]
Method | URL |
POST | {adapter-url}/api/rest/provMns/v1/NSS/{ |
snssai}/activation |
REQ example:
mode | Text |
Code Block | ||||||||
| ||||||||
{ "actDeActNssi": { "nsiId": "NSI-M-001-HDBNJ-NSMF-01-A-ZX", "nssiId": "NSSI-C-001-HDBNJ-NSSMF-01-A-ZX" }, "esrInfo": { "nssiNamevendor": "eMBB-001huawei", "networkType": "core/access/transport" }, "sNssaiListserviceInfo": [ "001-100001" ], "nsiInfo": { "nsiId{ "serviceInvariantUuid": "e75698d9-925a-4cdd-a6c0-edacbe6a0b51", "serviceUuid": "NSI8ee5926d-M720b-0014bb2-HDBNJ-NSMF-01-A-ZX86f9-d20e921c143b", "nsiName "globalSubscriberId": "eMBB-001" }, "scriptName5GCustomer", "subscriptionServiceType": "TN15G", "additionalProperties": { "XXX": "XXX" } }, "esrInfo": { "vendor": "huawei", "networkType": "transport" } } |
"nssiId": "NSSI-C-001-HDBNJ-NSSMF-01-A-ZX"
} |
Response status:202
Code Block | ||||||||
| ||||||||
{ "jobId": "db245365e79c47ed88fcd60caa8f6549" } |
DeActivate NSSI: [AN/TN/CN]
Method | URL |
POST | {adapter-url}/api/rest/provMns/v1/NSS/{snssai}/activationdeactivation |
REQ example:
Code Block | ||||||||
| ||||||||
{ "actDeActNssi": { "nsiId": "NSI-M-001-HDBNJ-NSMF-01-A-ZX", "nssiId": "NSSI-C-001-HDBNJ-NSSMF-01-A-ZX" }, "esrInfo": { "vendor": "huawei", "networkType": "core/access/transport" }, "serviceInfo": { "serviceInvariantUuid": "e75698d9-925a-4cdd-a6c0-edacbe6a0b51", "serviceUuid": "8ee5926d-720b-4bb2-86f9-d20e921c143b", "globalSubscriberId": "5GCustomer", "serviceTypesubscriptionServiceType": "5G", } } |
Response status:202
"nssiId": "NSSI-C-001-HDBNJ-NSSMF-01-A-ZX"
} |
Response status:202
Code Block | ||||||||
| ||||||||
{ "jobId": "db245365e79c47ed88fcd60caa8f6549" } |
Deallocate NSSI: [AN/TN/CN]
Method | URL |
POST | {adapter-url}/api/rest/provMns/v1/NSS/nssi/{snssainssiId}/deactivation |
REQ example:
Code Block | ||||||||
| ||||||||
{ "actDeActNssi "deAllocateNssi": { "nsiId "snssaiList": "NSI-M-001-[ "001-100001" ], "nsiId": "NSI-M-001-HDBNJ-NSMF-01-A-ZX", "nssiId": "NSSI-C-001-HDBNJ-NSSMF-01-A-ZX " }, "esrInfo "terminateNssiOption": { "vendor0, "scriptName": "huaweiCN1", "extension": { "XXX": "XXX" } }, "esrInfo": { "vendor": "huawei", "networkType": "core/access/transport" }, "serviceInfo": { "serviceInvariantUuid": "e75698d9-925a-4cdd-a6c0-edacbe6a0b51", "serviceUuid": "8ee5926d-720b-4bb2-86f9-d20e921c143b", "globalSubscriberId": "5GCustomer", "serviceTypesubscriptionServiceType": "5G", "nssiId": "NSSI-C-001-HDBNJ-NSSMF-01-A-ZX" } } |
Response status:202
Code Block | ||||||||
| ||||||||
{ "jobId": "db245365e79c47ed88fcd60caa8f6549" } |
Query JOB Status
Method | URL |
POST | {adapter-url}/api/rest/provMns/v1/NSS/nssijobs/{nssiIdjobId} |
REQ example:
Code Block | ||||||||
| ||||||||
{ "deAllocateNssiresponseId": {"3", "snssaiListesrInfo": [{ "001-100001vendor" ]: "huawei", "nsiIdnetworkType": "NSI-M-001-HDBNJ-NSMFcore/access/transport" }, "serviceInfo": { "nssiId": "NSSI-M-001-HDBNJ-NSSMF-01-A-ZX", "nssiIdnsiId": "NSSINSI-CM-001-HDBNJ-NSSMFNSMF-01-A-ZX ", "terminateNssiOptionnssiName": 0"eMBB-001", "scriptNamesST": "CN1embb", "extensionPLMNIdList": { "39-00", "XXXglobalSubscriberId": "XXX5GCustomer", } }, "esrInfo"subscriptionServiceType": { "vendor": "huawei", "networkType": "core/access/transport" }, "serviceInfo": {"5G" "serviceInvariantUuid": "e75698d9-925a-4cdd-a6c0-edacbe6a0b51", "serviceUuid": "8ee5926d-720b-4bb2-86f9-d20e921c143b", "globalSubscriberId": "5GCustomer", "serviceType": "5G" } } |
Response status:202Status:200
Code Block | ||||||||
| ||||||||
{ "jobIdresponseDescriptor": "db245365e79c47ed88fcd60caa8f6549" } |
Query JOB Status
Code Block | ||||||||
| ||||||||
{ "responseId{ "status": "3processing", "esrInfo": { "vendorprogress": "huawei"20, "networkType "statusDescription": "core/access/transport" }, "serviceInfo": { Initiating VNF Instance", "nssiIdresponseId": "NSSI-M-001-HDBNJ-NSSMF-01-A-ZX1", "nsiId "nssiId": "NSI-M-001-HDBNJ-NSMF-01-A-ZX", "nssiName": "eMBB-001", "sST":"embb", "PLMNIdList":"39-00", "globalSubscriberId": "5GCustomer", "serviceType": "5G" "serviceInvariantUuid": "e75698d9-925a-4cdd-a6c0-edacbe6a0b51", "serviceUuid": "8ee5926d-720b-4bb2-86f9-d20e921c143b" } } |
Response Status:200
Code Block | ||||||||
| ||||||||
"responseDescriptor": {
"status": "processing",
"progress": 20,
"statusDescription": "Initiating VNF Instance",
"responseId": "1",
"nssiId": ""
} |
Sub-net Capability query
Request can contain the sub-net type. 1 request can be used to fetch capabilities of more than 1 subnet managed by the same NSSMF - for e.g., in case of Transport, a single request can fetch the capabilities of FH, MH and BH subnets managed by the same TN NSSMF.
REQ example(TN)
Elite soft json viewer | ||
| ||
"subnetCapabilityQuery": {
"subnetTypes": [
"esrInfo": {
"vendor": "huawei/ONAP",
"networkType": "transport"
} |
} |
Attribute | Required |
responseId | N |
Sub-net Capability query
Request can contain the sub-net type. 1 request can be used to fetch capabilities of more than 1 subnet managed by the same NSSMF - for e.g., in case of Transport, a single request can fetch the capabilities of FH, MH and BH subnets managed by the same TN NSSMF.
Method | URL |
POST | {adapter-url}/api/rest/provMns/v1/NSS/subnetCapabilityQuery |
REQ example(TN)
Elite soft json viewer | ||
| ||
{ "TN-FHsubnetCapabilityQuery": { "latencysubnetTypes": ["TN_FH"] }, "maxThroughputesrInfo": "" }, "TN-MH":{ { "latencyvendor": "huawei/ONAP_internal", "maxThroughputnetworkType": "tn" }, "TN-BH } } |
Response example:(TN)
Elite soft json viewer | ||
| ||
{ "TN_FH":{ "latency": "", "maxThroughput": "" } } |
Response can be a json blob (or parameter list) containing a minimum set of relevant attributes such as the below (based on 3GPP TS 28.541):
Elite soft json viewer |
"esrInfo": {
"vendor": "huawei/ONAP_internal",
"networkType": "transport"
} |
Allocate NSSI (create NSSI with service)
Method | Domain | URL |
POST | CN | /api/rest/provMns/{apiVersion}/NSS/ |
SliceProfiles | ||
Code Block | ||||||||
| ||||||||
{ "nsstId": "NSST-C-01V-HBBJ-NSSMF-1-A-ZX", "nssiName": "CN_eMBB_02", "sliceProfile": { "snssaiListsNSSAIList": [ "001-111113" ], "sliceProfileId": "CN-001-111113", "plmnIdListpLMNIdList": [ "460-11" ], "perfReq": { "perfReqEmbbList": [ { "activityFactor": 50, "expDataRateDL": 1000, "expDataRateUL": 1000, "areaTrafficCapDL": 1000, "areaTrafficCapUL": 1000 } ] }, "maxNumberofUEs": 200, "maxNumberofPDUSession": 200, "totalDataVolume": 100, "upfDeployLocation": "customer", "coverageAreaTAList": [ "07D300" ], "latency": 30, "ueMobilityLevel": "stationary", "resourceSharingLevel": "non-shared" }, "nsiInfo": { "nsiId": "NSI-C-002-HBBJ-NSMF-1-A-ZX", "nsiName": "eMBB_02" }, "scriptName": "eMBB_02_base_111113" } |
DeallocateNSSI (deallocate NSSI with service)
Method | Domain | URL |
DELETE | CN | /api/rest/provMns/{apiVersion}/NSS/SliceProfiles/{sliceProfileId} |
Code Block | ||||||||
| ||||||||
{ "nsiId" : "4115d3c8-dd59-45d6-b09d-e756dee9b518", "nssiId" : "1a636c4d-5e76-427e-bfd6-241a947224b0", "snssaiList" : [ "01-6A106175" ], "terminateNssiOption": 0, "scriptName": "CN1" } |
Code Block | ||||||||
| ||||||||
{ "responseDescriptor": { "status": "processing", "progress": 40, "statusDescription": "Preparing for Instantiating NSSI", "responseId": "2", "responseHistoryList": [ { "status": "processing", "progress": 20, "statusDescription": "Initiating VNF Instance", "responseId": "1" } ] } } |
Internal NSSMF