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List of PTLs:Approved Projects

*Each Requirement should be tracked by its own User Story in JIRA 


Use cases define how different users interact with a system under design.  Each use case represents an action that may be performed by a user (defined in UML as an Actor with a user persona).

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Use Case Functional Definitions


Use Case Title


Title of the Use Case


Actors (and System Components)


The list of Actors and System Components that participate in the Use Case




Short overview of the Use Case


Points of Contact


Authors and maintainers of the Use Case.

Use Case Lead, Key Use Case members and code contributors.




A list of conditions that are assumed to be true before the Use Case is invoked

Includes description of Information Consumed


Triggers / Begins when


Describes the trigger for beginning the Use Case


Steps / Flows (success)


Describes the sequence of steps and interactions that occur during the Use Case (may include: description, data exchanges, functionality, state changes)

Interaction diagrams may be included or referenced




The expected results of the execution of the Use Case

Includes description of Information Produced


Alternate / Exception Paths


Description of any exceptions or special process that could occur during Use Case


Related Use Cases


List of the Use Cases referenced by this Use Case




Describes any assumptions that are made for this use case


Tools / References / Artifacts


List of any tools or reference material associated with this Use Case as well as any JIRA trace-ability.

List of any associated diagrams or modelling artifacts associated with the Use Case


Current Status

  1. Testing Blockers

  2. High visibility bugs
  3. Other issues for testing that should be seen at a summary level
  4. Where possible, always include JIRA links

End to End flow to be Tested

**This should be a summary level Sequence diagram done in Gliffy** 

nameUse Case Flow

Test Cases and Status








Support for vertical industry scenario A in R8

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Enhance UUI:

  • Deign and develop tenant management portal in ONAP UUI. Through this portal, operator can create the tenant account for vertical industry tenant and assign the instantiated service instance to the corresponding;
  • Design and develop separate management portal for vertical industry outside ONAP UUI. Through this portal, vertical industry can query the info which they are allowed to access.

Develop the external database to store the tenant info and the info about relation between vertical industry tenant and instantiated service instance and xNF instance. In the future release, the external database may be merged with AAI or CPS:

  • Now, AAI is used to save the info about instantiated service instances and corresponding xNF instances;
  • Now, CPS is used to save the network configuration info.

Enhance SO:

  • ONAP UUI will trigger the PNF instantiation process based on the tenant info.

PoC Demo in R8


  • Design and publish Service/PNF/Workflow for vertical industry tenants.
  • Design and publish corresponding CDS Blueprint.
  • Instantiate corresponding network service instance.


  1. Operator access the tenant management portal inside ONAP UUI to create tenant account for vertical industries. This portal can only be accessed by operator. The vertical industry tenant account info will be saved in the external database. The external database can be merged with A&AI or CPS in the future.
  2. Vertical industry tenant account login the separate management portal outside ONAP UUI. This portal can only be accessed by vertical industry. Query the external database to verify the password.
  3. 3. Vertical industry tenant account query the info about assigned network service (none) through the separate management portal outside ONAP UUI.
  4. 4. Operator access the tenant management portal inside ONAP UUI to assign the instantiated network service instances to the corresponding vertical industry tenant account. The assign-relation between vertical industry tenant account and service instance will be saved in the external database. The external database can be merged with A&AI or CPS in the
  5. Each Vertical industry tenant account login the separate management portal outside ONAP UUI to query the info about assigned network service instances and xNF instances.

In Support For Vertical Industry PoC, we design and develop Operator Management page and Tenant Management page in Portal for operator inside ONAP Use Case UI:

  • Operator Tenant Management pagePortal:   Only operator maintenance officers can access. In Through this pageportal, operator maintenance officers can create a Tenant account for the corresponding vertical Industry, assign the instantiated network service to the corresponding vertical industry tenant and monitor the info about the existing vertical industry tenant accounts, instantiated network services, and active xNFs; Tenant Management page;

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The list in the red block is used to present the info about existing vertical industry tenant. Each row contains info about tenant ID (unique), vertical industry name, vertical industry info (human readable) and assigned service (service instance name) :

  • Create Tenant: Press this button. The operator maintenance officers can create one tenant account for the corresponding vertical industry;
  • Assign Service: Press this button. The operator maintenance officers can assign the instantiated service to the corresponding vertical industry tenant account.

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Use case UUI query A&AI for the info about assigned network instance and active xNF:

The list with yellow title is used to present info about instantiated network service instance. Three instantiated network service instances:

  • 5G-RAN-Network-Service-A: Provide 5G RAN network service for large connection number scenario;
  • 5G-RAN-Network-Service-B: Provide 5G RAN network service for uplink high data rate scenario;
  • 5G-RAN-Network-Service-B: Provide 5G RAN service and UPF service.

The list with green title is used to present info about active xNF instance. Two active xNF instances:

  • PNF: 5G-GNB-001 belongs to 5G-RAN-Network-Service-A;
  • PNF: 5G-GNB-CU-002 belongs to 5G-RAN-Network-Service-B;
  • PNF: 5G-GNB-DU-002 belongs to 5G-RAN-Network-Service-B;
  • PNF: 5G-GNB-003 belongs to 5G-RAN-Network-Service-C;
  • VNF: 5G-UPF-001 belongs to 5G-RAN-Network-Service-C.

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In Support For Vertical Industry PoC, we design and develop separate Management portal outside ONAP UUI for vertical industry tenant:

  • Separate Management Portal: Only vertical industry maintenance officers can access. In this page, the vertical industry maintenance officer can monitor info about the network service instances and xNFs which xNFswhich have been assigned to this vertical industry tenant.

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Step 1. Operator maintenance officers create one tenant account for corresponding vertical industry:

  • Vertical Industry Name: Yangmei
  • Password: 123456
  • Vertical Industry info: A coal mining vertical industry company

The Use case UUI save the Vertical Industry Tenant info in the external database for now. The external database can be merged with CPS in the future.

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Step 2. Vertical Industry maintenance officers access the Tenant Management Page and trigger the Tenant Login Function:

  • Vertical Industry Name: Yangmei
  • Password: 123456

The Use case UUI query the external database for vertical industry tenant info to verify the password.

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Step 3. Vertical Industry (Yangmei) maintenance officers access the Tenant Management Portal. Tenant Management Portal will present the info about network service instances and xNF instances which has been assigned to the Vertical Industry (Yangmei) Tenant. Now no network service instance and xNF instance has been assigned to Vertical Industry (Yangmei) .

The Use case UUI will first query the external database for the relation (assigned-relation) between vertical industry (Yangmei) tenant and the instantiated network service instance and active xNF instance. Now no instantiated network service instance and active xNF instance have been assigned to Vertical Industry (Yangmei) Tenant. The Use case UUI doesn’t need to query AAI for assigned network service instance and xNF instance.

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Step 4. The operator maintenance officers press the yellow “Assign Service” button to assign the instantiated service to the corresponding vertical industry tenant account:

  • 5G-RAN-Network-Service-B à Vertical Industry Yangmei
  • 5G-RAN-Network-Service-C à Vertical Industry Yangshan

The Use case UUI will save the relation (assigned-relation) between vertical industry tenant and the instantiated network service instance and active xNF instance in the external database.

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Step 5. Vertical Industry (Yangmei) maintenance officers access the Separate Management Portal. The Separate Management Portal will present the info about network service instances and xNF instances which has been assigned to the Vertical Industry (Yangmei) Tenant. Now one network service instance (5G-RAN-Network-Service-B) has been assigned to Vertical Industry (Yangmei). And the xNF instances (5G-GNB-CU-002 and 5G-GNB-DU-002) which belongs to the network service instance (5G-RAN-Network-Service-B)  has also been assigned to Vertical Industry (Yangmei) .

The Use case UUI will first query the external database for the relation (assigned-relation) between vertical industry (Yangmei) tenant and the instantiated network service instance and active xNF instance. Now one instantiated network service instance and active xNF instance have been assigned to Vertical Industry (Yangmei) Tenant. The Use case UUI will then query AAI for the detailed info about 5G-RAN-Network-Service-B, 5G-GNB-CU-002 and 5G-GNB-DU-002.

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Step 6. Vertical Industry (Yangshan) maintenance officers access the Separate Management Portal. The Separate Management Portalwill present the info about network service instances and xNF instances which has been assigned to the Vertical Industry (Yangshan) Tenant. Now one network service instance (5G-Network-Service-C) has been assigned to Vertical Industry (Yangshan). And the xNF instance (5G-GNB-003 and 5G-UPF-001) which belongs to the network service instance (5G-Network-Service-C)  has also been assigned to Vertical Industry (Yangshan) .

The Use case UUI will first query the external database for the relation (assigned-relation) between vertical industry (Yangshan) tenant and the instantiated network service instance and active xNF instance. Now one instantiated network service instance and active xNF instance have been assigned to Vertical Industry (Yangshan) Tenant. The Use case UUI will then query AAI for the detailed info about 5G-Network-Service-C, 5G-GNB-003 and 5G-UPF-001.

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