Page Status: Updated for R7 - Jul, 22, 2020
Component Status:
ArchCom Review done on the 28th of July 2020
SDC High Level Component Definition and Architectural Relationships
Drawio | ||||||||||||||||||||
Main change : Make DCAE Designer optional for Guilin (eg : make it enable/disable via helm chart, retire in next release) → replaced by DCAE-MOD
6 SDC Architecture Evolution (optional item)
The goals of the SDC evolution are:
- Seamless Design Time user experience based on user’s roles and design workflow
- Pluggable Framework to integrate multiple external developed design tools into SDC
- One consolidated Design Catalog with common models in SDC to drive ONAP runtime
- Support for HELM and TOSCA
7 SDC Overall ONAP Architecture Principle Compliance
8 The SDC near term focus on architecture
deficiencies are (optional):
User experience:
- Workflow Congfigurator to define service provide specific design workflow
- Workflow guided, role-based user experience
- Function-based (rather than tool based) GUI
- Provide Plug-in Framework for design tools
- Support standard-based VNF package onboarding tool plug-ins
- Support Onboarding Helm packages
- Provide Data Mapping/Translation/Enrichment to ONAP Standard Internal Model
- Provide tools to support Service Provider's test & validation environment/process for model certification
- Nert Near term tasks: Integrate Policy Designer, CLAMP designer, CDSCDS - Retire DCAE DS as now replaced by DCAE-MOD
Catalogue & Data Management
9 SDC - Current System Deployment Architecture
User Experience layer (Frontend Jetty Server)
Catalog/Data Management Layer
- Cassandra is used to store audit data, artifacts and data model objects.