Related jira:
Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 4733707d-2057-3a0f-ae5e-4fd8aff50176 |
key | SDNC-878 |
Drawio |
border | true |
viewerToolbar | true |
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fitWindow | false |
diagramName | sdnr-controller-bundles |
simpleViewer | false |
width | |
diagramWidth | 1192 |
revision | 13 |
Bundle hierarchy
Drawio |
border | true |
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diagramName | sdnr-bundles-2 |
simpleViewer | false |
width | |
links | auto |
tbstyle | top |
lbox | true |
diagramWidth | 1061702 |
revision | 7 |
netconfnode-state-provider (netconfnode-state-API)
- the base is a Service which provides a Netconfnode-state-API by using a netconf-change-listener
- on top of this service several devicemanagers which can register a callback function for a connected netconfnode
- the devicemanager can then decide if it wants to keep the netconfsession (based on capabilities) and register a notification listener on this or it wants to ignore it
- Listener for
- NetconfNodeConnectListener (Monitored states: connected/not connected and hello response available)
- NetconfNodeStateListener (Create, delete, change .. gets all related indications)
- DeviceMonitor
- ConnectionLog
- Provide INetconfAcessor toidentify communication channel and allow requesting information from device.
States of NetconfNode
Drawio |
border | true |
viewerToolbar | true |
| |
fitWindow | false |
diagramName | NetconfNodeStates |
simpleViewer | false |
width | |
diagramWidth | 1062 |
revision | 10 |
Factory based creation of a specific devicemanager if connect state achived
Drawio |
border | true |
viewerToolbar | true |
| |
fitWindow | false |
diagramName | DeviceManagerNetworkElement |
simpleViewer | false |
width | 600 |
diagramWidth | 991 | revision | 21061 |
revision | 8 |
A device with netconf/yang interface. The device provides during netcnf startup a list with all specifications implemented. This could be ONF Core model, O-RAN or other.
Devicemanager can start related service bundles for the supported specifications.
The specific devecemanagers for ONF, O-RAN or 3GPP devices need a registration in the devicemanager. The interface NetconfNetworkElementService allows to register a factory class.
The factory class is called in case of new mounted device, if a Netconf session has started. The information received with the "hello" answer is forwarded to the Factory. The factory can decide to start an instance of a specific handler object to manage the new device.
DeviceManagerService centralized services
Devicemanager provides base services to the specific devicemanager bundles. This kind of services are marked with interface DeviceManagerService.
The DeviceManagerServiceProvider containes getters for individual services described by list.
Name | Impl | Description |
AaiService (D) | aaiconnector | Device registration and unregistration for AAI Service. |
EquipmentService (D) | datamanager | Write equipment of device into internal database. |
EventHandlingService ![(question)](/wiki/s/1170854314/6452/a92659fdb50dc1a69e483d4774752ae119a1b577/_/images/icons/emoticons/help_16.png) |
| (legacy) Provide status changes of a device to update database and notify web client. |
FaultService (D) | datamanager | Handle fault/problem status changes to update database and notify web client. Subservices are: notificationdelay dcaeforwarding maintenance |
MaintenanceService (D) | maintenance | Use centralized maintenance service for a device. |
NotificationService (D) | datamanager | Forward NetconfNotification to devicemanager |
PerformanceManager(D) | performancemanager | Register device for centralised PM Service. Device needs to implement PerformanceDataProvider |
DeviceManagerService | impl | Marker of interface for NetworkElement. |
DeviceManagerServiceProvider | impl | Provides access to services |
NetworkElementService device specific providers
Technology specific device handlers are providing abstract information for centralized devicemanager services.
Name | Description |
PerformanceDataProvider | Provide 15min and 24h performance recordes |
DeviceMonitoredNe | Used by central devicemonitor |
InventoryProvider | Provide inventory information of device |
NetworkElement | Top level interface of a device representation |
NetworkElementService | Marker for interface provided to devicemanager |
- the notification-service provides the messages for the websevice cluster, so that GUI clients can be informed about changes
- Netconfnode-state-API originated message:
- ObjectCreationNotification (mountpoint created)
- ObjectDeletionNotification (mountpoint deleted)
- AttributeValueChangedNotification (mountpoint connection status change)
- devicemanager originated messages:
- ProblemNotification (Microwave model ProblemNotification)