Drawio |
border | true |
diagramName | Istio-GW_VS |
simpleViewer | false |
links | auto |
tbstyle | top |
lbox | true |
diagramWidth | 1353 |
revision | 712 |
Special case: TCP Routes (e.g. Kafka)
Drawio |
border | true |
diagramName | Istio-TCP-GW_VS |
simpleViewer | false |
links | auto |
tbstyle | top |
lbox | true |
diagramWidth | 14531613 |
revision | 35 |
Options: commonGW → needs to be checked, if it is working
Drawio |
border | true |
diagramName | Istio-VS |
simpleViewer | false |
links | auto |
tbstyle | top |
lbox | true |
diagramWidth | 13331453 |
revision | 58 |
Gateway-API Provider
Options: commonGW
Drawio |
border | true |
diagramName | GW-API-HR |
simpleViewer | false |
links | auto |
tbstyle | top |
lbox | true |
diagramWidth | 1353 |
revision | 6 | 9 |
Special case: TCP Routes (e.g. Kafka)
Drawio |
border | true |
diagramName | GW-API-TCP |
simpleViewer | false |
links | auto |
tbstyle | top |
lbox | true |
diagramWidth | 1533 |
revision | 5 |
Special case: UDP Routes (e.g. DCAE SNMP Trap collector)
Drawio |
border | true |
diagramName | GW-API-TCP |
simpleViewer | false |
links | auto |
tbstyle | top |
lbox | true |
diagramWidth | 1533 |
revision | 5 |