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AAI fixes (95 security hotspots identified by SonarCloud and fixed by Fabian's team member).

Jira No
SummaryDescriptionStatusSolutionGoogle is investing in open source security 

Google is investing $1 million in the Linux Foundation's Secure Open Source (SOS) pilot program to make open source projects more secure (Amy).

Payment for fixing the bugs.

According to Google, SOS is "the starting point for future efforts that will hopefully bring together other large organizations and turn it into a sustainable, long-term initiative under the OpenSSF (Open Source Security Foundation)," a cross-industry forum that collaborates on the improvement of open source software security.

Samuli shared also:

startedKubernetes hardening ,v2 version is coming!

New tool Kube-scape based on  like Kube-bench based on CIScat guidance. Kube-

ongoingAngular experience on dependencies

Nexus-IQ has some capabilities, Jarred's tool is doing something what NEXUS-IQ does not, so he is building dependency tree of the application written by Amy's tem as oppose to do anything to do with third party packages. We are not capturing as of today repos that nobody is using them. Nexus views is a new feature. Jared's approach allows for inter project dependencies based on AST (work based on source code) vs. Nexus-IQ based on POM files (no reference to the code itself). 

ongoingTo leverage on NEXUS-IQ APIs - some resources could contribute - Bob will make a query.SonarCloud findingsongoingSonarCloud cleaning is needed - list projects and open a ticket to LFN to remove the projects that are not participating.SCA automation efforts updateaccess granted to Nexus-IQ reports and restricted WikiongoingBob and Shean might be consulted.Feature template follow-upMuddasar had a meeting with Alla. Muddasar is preparing a slide deck to be presented at the TSC.ongoingSlides with the proposal to be presented at the TSC  - first draft by end of this week or next week


New Global Requirement


ongoingNext PTLs meeting on 18th of October - agenda

AAF replacement with ISTIO & Envoy & Open- Source Authentication & Authorization 

Byung presented reasons why not to using ONAP AAF. Uniform open-source standard-based architecture (ISTIO and Envoy based) was discussed.

OOM team for Instanbul release tried to achieve mTLS Service 2 Service communication.

Only commmunication to service via proxy allowed.

Please refer to attached slides in the bottom of this page. 


We need the flow matrix - Byung might share.

More information about policy to be provided by Byung.

New Jira ticket template

Tracebility is crucial here. Muddasar shared deck on new Jira ticket template.

Goal is to use an existing ticketing system.

ongoingcomparizon analysis to be prepared by Muddasar.

SBOM updateSPDX has become ISO standard. New version to come in next few months.ongoingSlides to be shared with Kenny by Muddasar.

ONAP code quality improvement Work in Progress, Fabian received an e-mail last week - name of Kevin Sandy from LFN will be contacted. Eric Debau is also involved, ongoingKevin Sandy from LFN to be contacted.Software BOMsNTIA recommended minimal requirements will not be met from POM file, soe upsrtream integration will be needed - Muddasar and Sean are woeking on it.ongoingUpdate next week expected.

Jakarta best practices review

-[REQ-xxx] SECURITY LOGS FIELDS - multiple reqs or one per field?

-[REQ-xxx] Feature intake template

-[REQ-xxx] Using basic image from OOM

-[REQ-xxx] Software BOMs – more informative, no impact on pipeline, is it a single BOM for whole ONAP or atomic level, any usit should have its own BOM file.

ongoingTo be confirmed if LFN would run SBOMs, as LFN signes the ONAP code. Kenny to be addressed.PTLs meeting updateongoingWorking session on Friday to continue the discussion.

Synch with Integration Fabian met Integration team last week for the tools around security.

To be checked if all tools used for security are still usefull.

Study to be performed for the Kubescape

Friday's callsWe keep on using Friday's calls for topics to be discussed.ongoing


CADI and AAF replacement (Byung) 


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SECCOM presentation:

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name2021-10-19 ONAP Security Meeting - AgendaAndMinutes.pptx