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guochuyi Borislav Glozman Timo Perala Xu Yang Kevin Scaggs Andy Mayer BobSangeeta Nitin Bellara


  1. ONAP R4+ Per-Project Models and API Specs
  2. Enhanced Service Information Model for Nested and Shared Services





  1. API Specs
    1. Has Gone through each Project, details can go to the link above.
    2. Remained work are:
      1. OOF: Need to talk with SO and OOF team to see how ONAP can handle the situation when a service or VNF needed to chosen with a "filter" rule, does OOF need to understand or consume the model or it just receive the requests that are sent by SO after SO parsing the model? 
      2. SDC: Need the comparision between current composite service model(may also resource models) and SDC template to see if they are aligned, Kevin Scaggs will help to do the job, the obstacle is we can't find what are the exact model that has been used by SDC, please Ofir Sonsino and Anatoly Katzman  help to provide a link or else to show what are SDC' s models.
      3. SO: Need to confirm with SO team if SO consumes ServiceOrder model.
  2. Service model
    1. Chuyi showed her thinking about ServiceProfile, suggested to change name to"ServiceSpecific", this class is a parent class, and will be 3GPP Slicing Profile for the Sling use case, for CCVPN case will be parameters CCVPN needed.
    2. Kevin introduce his work for DynamicParameter, this new added class will be associated to DesignEntity and OperationalEntity. A DynamicParameter can have a DynamicParameterSpecValue in design time and a DynamicParameterValue in runtime side. This proposal can solve the problem Kevin proposed before("Dynamic of dynamic"), but it is too complicated to use.
    3. Kevin Scaggs  will help to upate SelectionCriteriaAtomic according to ONAP Service IM Minutes 20190619 1a, change the stereotype of "value" into String, and add a new attribute named "valueType" or something similar to show the type of the value(enum, integer, string ...) , the stereotype of this new attribute is String.


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