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This is a working wiki to capture the ONAP architecture component descriptions



STATUS: Project Approved, ArchCom approved (note to add the links in red below).

CLAMP (Closed loop Automation Platform):

1 High Level Component Definition and


Architectural Relationships 

diagramNameSDC CLAMP System Context View

2. <<XXXX>> Component Description:

A more detailed figure and description of the component.

 3 <<XXXX>> Target Functional Architecture

A Description of the target functional architecture

4. SDC Current Release API definitions

<< Figure to show the interfaces >>

SDC provides the following interfaces:


Interface Name


Interface DefinitionD




External Interfac




Internal Interface




Service designer creates a service model from Design Catalog items




 Designer Studio stores and retrieves Design Catalog items




Ops designer creates monitoring templates with mS data flows




 DCAE Designer Studio stores and retrieves monitoring flow with mS elements




 Service tester certifies service models for distribution




 Service tester distributes service models




Distribution Engine publishes service notification to DMaaP.

ONAP components subscribe to service notification from DMaaP





The CLAMP functional entity provides the capability to manage runtime control loops.  It provides the capability to

  • Create control loop from DCAE blueprint sent by SDC
  • Create configuration policy from the policy Tosca sent by SDC
  •  Configure DCAE applications of the control loop
  • Associate µService configuration policies to the DCAE application
  • Configure the operations to be taken by the control loop (by creating/updating/deleting operational policies)
  • Deploy/un-deploy control loop flow (blueprints) to DCAE
  • Control loop visualization. 

CLAMP relies on Policy to communicate to App-C/VF-C/SDN-C/SO in runtime, hence these are not part of CLAMP 

2. API definitions

CLAMP provides the following interfaces: (add the link to the interfaces)

Interface NameInterface Definition Interface Capabilities
CLAMPE-1Control Loop Lifecycle Management Interface.   A user interface for:
  • Selecting the control loop flow
  • Entering configuration policy parameters
  • Entering operational policy parameters
  • Managing life cycle of DCAE control flow blueprint 
CLAMPE-2Control loop dashboard.  User interface to show the overall status of the control loop through DMAAP events

 Display and update:

  • Events received and actions taken on the control loop.

Note:   xxxI interface is a


Component internal interface.  xxxxE interface is a


component external interface

The current API documents can be found at:

  • The provided UI interfaces are found at:


5. The XXX dublin view :

<< Functional Dublin View>>

6 SDC Architecture Evolution (optional item)

optional description of the SDC Architectural Evolution

7 SDC Overall ONAP Architecture Principle Compliance

Image Removed

8 XXXX near term focus on architecture deficincies are (optional):

<<Represenation of the architectural compliance >>

9 XXXXX - Current System Deployment Architecture

Image Removed



CLAMP consumes the following Interfaces:

Interface NamePurpose Reason For Use
SDCE-6To receive the Control Loop Blueprint from SDCTo receive
PolicyE-2To create and configure the closed Loop Operational Policies and Configuration policies(DCAE Aps. Config.)
DCAEE-x Retrieve DCAE appplication status
DCAEE-y Deploy/remove DCAE application. 

3. Component Description:

A more detailed figure and description of the component.

<< link to readthe docs >>

4. known system limitations

Runtime: None

Clamp data redundancy is dependent on Kubernetes and the persistent volume.

Clamp application redundancy HA relies on Kubernetes

5. Used Models

Clamp uses the following models:

  • Service model (received from SDC)
  • VNF model (received from SDC)
  • Policy Model.

6. System Deployment Architecture


7. New Capabilities in this Release


8. References

  1.  CLAMP Overview & User Guide: 
  2. CLAMP internal interfaces: