Table of Contents | ||
The ability to provide queries with large response sizes and/or long running times in bucketed chunks, ie. Get all calls would be a good candidate for this
- Currently only implemented in the resources microservice for the POC (once approach agreed upon, we will implement in traversal)& traversal microservices
- Accepts resultSize and resultIndex as query parameters (actual nomenclature tbd)
- The resultSize is an integer passed in by the client as a query parameter that specifies what amount of results should be returned
- The resultIndex is an integer that is passed in by a client as a query parameter that specifies which bucket the client wants back ie. for a resultSize of 10 an index of 1 would return 1-10, index of 2 would return 11-20 etc
- The results are returned with the below information in the header, the parameters passed in, total amount of results, and total amount of pages
- Optionally we could choose to include a flag to say has more results for ease of use, but this could also be derived by checking if resultIndex == total-pages
Code Block | ||||
| ||||
curl --verbose --silent --insecure --user AAI:AAI --header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'X-TransactionId: testaai' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'X-FromAppId: AAI' \
> GET /aai/v14/nodes/pnfs?resultIndex=1&resultSize=10 HTTP/1.1^M
> Authorization: Basic QUFJOkFBSQ==^M
> User-Agent: curl/7.29.0^M
> Host: <AAI-IP>:30233^M
> Accept: application/json^M
> X-TransactionId: testaai^M
> Content-Type: application/json^M
> X-FromAppId: AAI^M
> ^M
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK^M
< Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2019 23:40:49 GMT^M
< vertex-id: 82300928^M
< total-results: 1^M
< total-pages: 1^M
< Content-Type: application/json^M
< X-AAI-TXID: 2-aai-resources-190218-23:40:49:594-65208^M
< Content-Length: 158^M
< Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=16000000; includeSubDomains; preload;^M
< ^M
{ [data not shown]
* Connection #0 to host <AAI-IP> left intact
"pnf": [
"pnf-name": "pnf-test-3",
"pnf-name2": "name 2-3",
"pnf-id": "test-id-3",
"equip-type": "test-type-3",
"in-maint": false,
"resource-version": "1550533245515"
- In order for pagination to work properly the order must remain consistent
- The way this is achieved is the vertices are pre sorted on disk by vertex-id (this is done by default)
- When a call is made to retrieve all vertices we get them sorted by vertex-id (since they are indexed this is very quick)
- We then take a sublist of those vertices based on the pagination parameters and gather all information associated to them (this step and the network transfer of less data is where the time/resources is saved)
If you are doing processing using pagination be aware that the results are returned in chunks dynamically for the chunks present at the given time of the query, there is no concept of persistence of an original set of results.
So say you come in and ask for resultIndex=1&resultSize=1 and there are 10 entries
[Node 1], Node 2, Node 3, Node 4, Node 5, Node 6, Node 7, Node 8, Node 9, Node 10
Then you say resultIndex=2&resultSize=1 you get that Node 2
Node 1, [Node 2], Node 3, Node 4, Node 5, Node 6, Node 7, Node 8, Node 9, Node 10
Then say Node 1 gets deleted
Node 2, Node 3, Node 4, Node 5, Node 6, Node 7, Node 8, Node 9, Node 10
Then say you ask for resultIndex=3&resultSize=1 you would get Node 4 because now the entire set is different
Node 2, Node 3, [Node 4], Node 5, Node 6, Node 7, Node 8, Node 9, Node 10