- AAI integration
- Performance bench marking marking (finalize the criteria input by 9/28)
- document performance criteria
- boot-up time of SO dockers
- build time
- service instance creation time on heat and OOM
- vFW use case
- performance criteria for monitoring
- performance time consumption analysis, separating external systems from SO
- configuration db server and others based on performance testing?
- define precondition, assumption, characteristic of workflow execution (async, pnf)
- CPU and memory usage (peak load), via stress testing, health check
- Pairwise testing strategy
- Release Planning
- OOF testing by next Thursday: input from Marcus: target date: October 4th
- Multi-Cloud testing time frame - Eric
- real testing start from next week (Monday), target date: October 4th
- SDNC testing - Subhash,
- SDC testing - Steve S.
- PNF testing - Lukas, Damian
- A&AI testing - Rob