Beijing Specific Tests
TC No.
2018-04-26 14:04:12,445 | INFO | p1257028015-1480 | eelf | 401 - appc-common - 1.3.0.SNAPSHOT - - | APPC0120I Rebuild '1' finished with status SUCCESS. Reason: Success
Test No. | Category (Stability, Resiliency, ConfigScaleOut, Scalability) | Description | Status (Not Started, In-Progress, Pass, Fail) | Notes | ||||||||||||
1 | Stability | Execute Restart Test for 72 hour period | 2 | Stability | Execute Rebuild Test for 72 hour period | 3 | Stability | Execute Start Test for 72 hour period | 4 | Stability | Execute Stop Test for 72 hour period | 5 | Stability (Heat) | Execute 72 hour test with steady stream of Restarts, Rebuilds, Start, and Stop actions in an Heat deploy DCAE environment | Pass | |
62 | Stability (OOM) | Execute 72 hour test with steady stream of Restarts, Rebuilds, Start, and Stop actions in an OOM clustered DCAE environment | In-Progress | 7 | Resiliency | Verify that loss of one MYSQL slave instance does not impact DB availability. | 8 | ResiliencyPass | in Windriver lab DCAE tenant, k8sc1 Kubernetes cluster | |||||||
3 | Resiliency (OOM) | Verify loss of on platform component does not impact other. CBS, Deployment-Hander, Policy-Hander, ServiceChange Handler, Inventory API | Pass | Verified only under OOM deployment (Cloudify is exempted from this test) | ||||||||||||
4 | Resiliency (OOM) | Verify that loss of one APPC controller one x service instance does not impact application availability VESCollector, TCA | Pass | .OOM_ServiceComponent_StopStartDelete.txt | ||||||||||||
95 | Scalability (OOM) | Scale (up or down) MySQLService component dynamically. 10VESCollector, TCA | Pass | OOM_ServiceComponent_ScaleUpDown.txt | ||||||||||||
6 | Scalability (OOM) | Scale (up or down) APPC controller dynamically. | 11 | ConfigScaleOut | 12 | CDT connect to APPC runtime |
Regression Tests
Platform components dynamically. CBS, Deployment-Hander, Policy-Hander, ServiceChange Handler, Inventory API | Pass | OOM_PlatformComponent_ScaleUpDown.txt | ||