General Files of Interest to the Use case community common across the sub cases
As we discussed we are splitting our be server into two dockers as a result you will now have two new dockers as part of the sdc deployment.
The new dockers are:
onap/sdc-onboard-cassandra-init:latest this docker is responsible for configuring the key spaces needed for the onboarding be.
onap/sdc-onboard-backend:latest this is the second be server that we have.
I have add a picture to describe the dependency between our dockers. this now has a new value for the ip of the onboarding docker and the port used for it (ONBOARDING_BE_VIP, ONBOARDING_BE and onboarding ports). the deployment yaml for the onboarding docker. this is the job definition for the init onboard Cassandra. we add a new service for the onboarding back end server.
If there are any questions or issues please contact me or Areli.
The code is already available in the master branch and the dockers are available in nexus.