# | Objective | How Achieved | Participant Preparation required | Action items out |
2 | Review JIRA Backlog. Participants should be comfortable that they understand the backlog of tasks for our project ( 5 min) | Walk through the JIRA backlog to check for completeness | review: review Priority Tasks: VNFRQTS-161 - Update Requirements Outline Structure for PNFs TO DO VNFRQTS-53 - Develop a template for VNF Test DescriptionsTO DO VNFRQTS-177 - Identify set of VNF requirements testable by inspecting the VNF PackageIN PROGRESS | |
3 | Develop Beijing Sprint definition. Participants should be comfortable with an achievable development sprint scope ( 30 min) | walk through Beijing EPICs , User Stories | propose a minimal "getting started" sprint scope. ensure that suitable JIRA tasks are already in place to support this scope. review: R2 Use cases - VNF Scaleout | Create / edit defer to Casablanca the following EPICs: |
4 | Relationships with other projects in Beijing? (10 min) | review project handoffs | review handoffs with DOCS VVP VNF SDK Modelling others? | create any necessary User Stories Steve to Check with Andy Mayer where is latest list of VNF information elements? |
5. Any other Business? (5 min)