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  • Zoom bridge:  passcode: 248130 
  • PTL Recordings
  • Antitrust Policy Notice

We will start our meetings by mentioning the project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF.




Agenda Item

Requested byNotes / Links
1 hour

Cross-project discussions

David McBride , Morgan Richomme , krishna moorthy

 “Project State: Maintenance” proposal Wiki 

Presentation: ONAP Project Maintenance Deck says that the next step is to present to TSC

  • MUSIC project discussion
    • No PTL
    • Need new certificate for Guilin maintenance 
    • Cert is not a problem for Honolulu, per Morgan Richomme
    • Longer term, need to remove dependency. Istanbul?

krishna moorthy and Sylvain Desbureaux report that cert for MUSIC for Guilin maintenance has been resolved.

krishna moorthy looking at ETCD as an alternative to MUSIC

ACTION for krishna moorthyto give presentation to PTL and TSC on replacing MUSIC in two or three weeks (mid-March?)

Python and Java Upgrade StatusNew upgrade status from Integration team:

LF IT Support

Testing Environment

Lab Upgrade - Latest news

E-mail from Morgan Richomme

Deadline for inputs - March 1st, 2021

Testing Improvement

CSIT Review

ToolChain Improvement

Thanks Sofia Wallin for her great contribution, serving as Doc PTL over the last 2+ years

Other Improvement suggestion

Subcommittee Updates for PTLs

Sharing Best Practices

15 minsRelease status

Honolulu Release (M3 Feature Freeze - Feb 25th, 2021)

  • Honolulu Milestone Status
    • Jira Legacy
      serverSystem Jira
  • Exception to be submitted no later than March 4th, 2021 to SECCOM? 
  • Review CII badging form for OOM project  
  • Checkpoint on the remaining Architecture Review - Completed?
  • RC0 issues will be published today (RC0 scheduled for March 11)

Guilin Maintenance

5 minsUpcoming Events

  • Guilin Awards Announced March 4
  • 2021 Internships - COMING SOON
10 minsRemaining Action Items

Zoom Chat Log 

06:16:38 From Amy Zwarico (AT&T) :
06:19:57 From Ikram Ikramullah (AT&T) : Sounds like a good move. Thanks Amy.
06:21:21 From Ikram Ikramullah (AT&T) : And I’m sorry, I couldn’t figure out who I was talking to about Music vs etcd earlier :) - could someone help?
06:21:36 From Sylvain Desbureaux (Orange) : Krishna moorty
06:21:47 From Amy Zwarico (AT&T) :

Action Items 

  •  Type your task here, using "@" to assign to a user and "//" to select a due date

06:22:15 From Ikram Ikramullah (AT&T) : Got it. Thanks Sylvain.
06:23:12 From Vijay Venkatesh Kumar (AT&T) : Amy - Could you also share the gerrit/file path where exception updates should be made?
06:34:52 From Amy Zwarico (AT&T) : all the waivers are under the waiver dir of the seccom repo
06:41:07 From Vijay Venkatesh Kumar (AT&T) : Thanks Amy!
06:57:28 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) : need to drop for the SPC call.
07:24:03 From Krzysztof Opasiak : 9500
07:27:37 From Fiachra Corcoran : Need to drop for another meet. Thanks
07:32:06 From Krzysztof Opasiak : I need to drop.

Action Items