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Discussion items 

DurationAgenda ItemRequested byNotes / Links
5 mHousekeeping

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30 mRelease Status RC 2 review

View file
nameONAP Beijing RC2 Status Summary Version2.pdf
Image Added

10 mIntegration Status

View file

15 mSubcommittee / Coordinator Updateas per rotation schedule



 15m modeling subcommittee report Hui Deng Carried from last 3 times TSC meeting NOT COVERED
45 mTSC Composition Discussion and Voting

View file
pageTSC Meritocratic Election Process - Original Proposals and Discussion

5 mKnown Vulnerability Analysis

View file
nameONAP Beijing Vulnerability Analysis Review Report Status-v9.pdf

Full IRC Log

13:46:22 <kennypaul> #startmeeting tsc-2018-05-17
13:46:23 <collabot`> Meeting started Thu May 17 13:46:22 2018 UTC.  The chair is kennypaul. Information about MeetBot at
13:46:23 <collabot`> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
13:46:23 <collabot`> The meeting name has been set to 'tsc_2018_05_17'
13:46:54 <kennypaul> #chairs phrobb, SteveT
13:47:03 <kennypaul> #topic rollcall
13:53:05 <Susana> #info Susana Sabater, Vodafone
13:57:56 <kennypaul> #info Alla Goldner, AMDOCS
13:58:28 <kennypaul> #info Dhananjay Pavgi, Tech Mahindra
14:01:20 <cdonley> #info Chris Donley Huawei
14:01:23 <frankbrockners> #info Frank Brockners, Cisco
14:01:26 <kennypaul> #info Lingli Deng, China Mobile
14:01:28 <Xiaojun> #info Xiaojun Xie, China Telecom
14:01:37 <SteveT> #info Stephen Terrill, Ericsson
14:01:37 <RajeshGAdiyar> #info Rajesh Gadiyar Intel
14:02:01 <RannyHaiby> #info Ranny Haiby, Nokia
14:02:13 <xinhuili> #info Xinhui Li, Vmware
14:02:51 <JasonHunt> #info Jason Hunt, IBM
14:03:11 <EricDebeau> #info Eric Debeau, Orange
14:03:47 <kennypaul> #info Murat Tupcu, Turk Telekom
14:04:15 <gilbert> #info mazin gilbert
14:04:46 <SteveT> #topic Housekeeping
14:06:07 <SteveT> #info Bitgera-auto mapping has been fixed
14:06:49 <SteveT> #info Question on whether ONAP wants to have internships. If so, need an intern coordinator and mentors; and assignments that run into the fall semester.
14:07:06 <SteveT> #info moderaters needed for onap-tsc and onap-discuss list.
14:08:07 <kennypaul> #topic RC2 status
14:09:33 <kennypaul> #info HEAT all pass, OOM imtermittent failues SP Portal and EXTAPI
14:10:11 <kennypaul> #info 15 projects still WIP for pairwise testing
14:12:56 <kennypaul> #info concerns over 1 project being blocked for pairwise because another project isn't ready - no good solution
14:13:45 <kennypaul> #topic integration
14:14:20 <kennypaul> #info @helenychen reviewed slides
14:15:02 <kennypaul> #info OOM- ExtAPI still pending
14:15:37 <kennypaul> #info usecase testing- vLB is WIP, vFW passed
14:16:33 <kennypaul> #info vCPE , VoLTE wip, benchmark, HEAT passes 72 hr test
14:18:13 <kennypaul> #info question about vCPR with VF-C testig being needed
14:22:22 <kennypaul> #info discussion over VoLTE/vCPE testing- VNFs tested aren't the ones being used by SDC HEAT vs. TOSCA issue
14:25:06 <EricDebeau> #info: we provided the change for EXTAPI, but the change is not yet merged.
14:26:36 <kennypaul> #info vCPE with VF-C discussion- can be in Casablanca
14:28:58 <kennypaul> #info lingli questions whether that is what was intended from December meeting
14:29:45 <kennypaul> #info lingli believes this is not a new use case
14:31:54 <kennypaul> #action Alex Vul to set up meeting to discuss vCPE with VF-C
14:35:18 <kennypaul> #info above focused for casablanca not beijing
14:37:41 <kennypaul> #info change management- issues SO to SNCD & VID to SO, early next week. doing their best.
14:38:08 <kennypaul> #info manual scaling - low risk
14:39:21 <kennypaul> #info HPA- OOF-SO testing in progress. pairwise should be done in a day or two.
14:40:42 <kennypaul> #info maturity testing- stability HEAT passed, OOM to be done
14:42:24 <kennypaul> #info back to manual scaling- partial success
14:44:39 <kennypaul> #info resiliency OOM to be done
14:45:31 <kennypaul> #info gildaslanilis continewed reviewing his slided
14:46:12 <kennypaul> #info 15 blockers still in jira
14:47:53 <kennypaul> #info reality check -we are not were we should be based upon april 26 agreements for RC! and RC2 deliverables
14:49:44 <kennypaul> #info gildaslanilis recommends to move RC2 by 1 week and signoff to May 31
14:50:11 <kennypaul> #info will a 1 week adjustment be sufficient?
14:51:29 <kennypaul> #info discussion
14:52:04 <kennypaul> #info @helenychen not sure 1 week is sufficient.
14:52:45 <kennypaul> #info michaelo mentions stability still needing to be run on OOM
14:53:50 <kennypaul> #info OOM team has no high priority bugs and can respond rapidly in needed.
14:55:07 <kennypaul> #info resource issues with rogue containers
14:55:35 <kennypaul> #info specific HW environments discussed
15:00:19 <kennypaul> #info windriver priority for stability testing
15:02:30 <kennypaul> #info @EricDebeau lots of documentation cleanup still needed -2 weeks
15:07:35 <kennypaul> #info challenges aaf, aai, dcegen2, externalapi, logging, multicloud, policy, so, usecaseui, vfc, vid, oof, sdc, holmes, msb all have outstanding deliverables
15:09:36 <kennypaul> #info stability, security, scalability, resiliency - listed in order of priority
15:20:16 <kennypaul> #info discussion focused upon gildaslanilis slide #11
15:31:39 <RajeshGAdiyar> #vote +1
15:31:47 <JasonHunt> #vote +1
15:31:53 <kennypaul> #startvote Does the TSC approve moving RC2 sign off to May 31 and the Release date sign off of the Beijing release to June 7? +1, 0, -1
15:31:53 <collabot`> Begin voting on: Does the TSC approve moving RC2 sign off  to May 31 and the Release date sign off of the Beijing release to June  7? Valid vote options are +1, 0, -1.
15:31:53 <collabot`> Vote using '#vote OPTION'. Only your last vote counts.
15:31:59 <RajeshGAdiyar> #vote +1
15:32:00 <RannyHaiby> #vote +1
15:32:00 <JasonHunt> #vote +1
15:32:01 <cdonley> #vote +1
15:32:04 <Xiaojun> #vote +1
15:32:04 <EricDebeau> #vote +1
15:32:04 <SteveT> #vote +1
15:32:06 <Susana> #vote +1
15:32:06 <frankbrockners> #vote +1
15:32:13 <xinhuili> #vote +1
15:32:19 <phrobb> #vote +1
15:32:21 <kennypaul> #vote +1
15:32:56 <helenychen> #vote +1
15:33:04 <gildaslanilis> #vote +1
15:33:05 <helenychen> #info for LIngli
15:33:10 <phrobb> #info phrobb votes for Catherine of AT&T (who is proxy for Mazin)
15:33:10 <kennypaul> #info my vote forMurat Tupcu
15:33:18 <gildaslanilis> #info Gildas voted for Alla
15:34:17 <mgkwill> #vote +1
15:34:50 <kennypaul> #endvote
15:34:50 <collabot`> Voted on "Does the TSC approve moving RC2 sign off  to May 31 and the Release date sign off of the Beijing release to June  7?" Results are
15:34:50 <collabot`> +1 (15): Susana, RannyHaiby, mgkwill, frankbrockners, RajeshGAdiyar, JasonHunt, xinhuili, SteveT, helenychen, phrobb, kennypaul, cdonley, gildaslanilis, Xiaojun, EricDebeau
15:35:14 <kennypaul> #agreed the TSC approves moving RC2 sign off to May 31 and the Release date sign off of the Beijing release to June 7.
15:35:28 <phrobb> #info mgkwill voted for Dhananjay of Tech Mahindra
15:35:33 <mgkwill> #info vote for Dhananjay Pavgi
15:35:53 <mgkwill> Thanks phrobb
15:36:59 <kennypaul> #topic TSC compsition
15:37:43 <kennypaul> #info TSC results distributed, follow up survey to be targeted at the community.
15:38:01 <kennypaul> #action kennypaul to send follow-up survey
15:38:06 <kennypaul> #endmeeting


Zoom Chat Log 

07:04:15 From Chris Donley : We are going to cancel the TUesday ARC meeting, since we're having an all-day meeting on Wednesday instead
07:04:40 From ALLA GOLDNER : Then we can have our Usecase subc. meeting on Tue
07:04:44 From ALLA GOLDNER : during that slot
07:04:45 From Mazin : Hey Congrats Chris on OPNFV. Well done for the new Chair post.
07:04:50 From ALLA GOLDNER : Kenny, please arrange
07:04:56 From Chris Donley : Thank you!
07:05:11 From Seshu : Congratulations Chris
07:05:18 From ALLA GOLDNER : Congratulations!
07:05:42 From Dhananjay Pavgi : @Chris Donley : Congratulations!
07:06:00 From Murat Turpcu ( Turk Telekom) : congrats chris
07:06:02 From PARVIZ Yegani : Congrats Chris!
07:06:38 From xinhui li : Congrats Chris!
07:07:08 From Eric Debeau : Congrats Chris
07:07:59 From ramkik : Congrats Chris
07:10:32 From Kenny Paul (Linux Foundation) : helen I’ve muted you
07:11:09 From Helen Chen : @kenney, thank you
07:11:47 From Michael O'Brien (Log, Amdocs) : PTL's I will verify your logs and update the page for those with a filebeat
07:11:47 From Michael O'Brien (Log, Amdocs) :
07:12:51 From xinhui li : cool
07:13:19 From Michael O'Brien (Log, Amdocs) : To enable ELK - flip a single dropdown after you find out which of your cluster VM's contains log-kibana - to be automated shortly
07:13:21 From Michael O'Brien (Log, Amdocs) :
07:17:16 From ALLA GOLDNER : @new use cases
07:17:25 From ALLA GOLDNER : Scaling out is tested
07:17:27 From Eric Debeau : For ExternaAPI, we published the correction. We are waiting for the merge...
07:17:30 From ALLA GOLDNER : not mentioned here
07:17:36 From Michael O'Brien (Log, Amdocs) : No logging in heat - on OOM there is a clustering fix to handle the 30+ logs/sec on an idle onap - increase to 3 - better fix in progress is to use a DeamonSet as suggested by Roger - with the replica fix the cluster VM your logstash is on should no longer saturate that particular VM
07:17:37 From Michael O'Brien (Log, Amdocs) :
07:17:41 From ALLA GOLDNER : PNF is not making it to beijing
07:17:46 From ALLA GOLDNER : was discussed last time
07:18:02 From ALLA GOLDNER : scaling out
07:19:02 From Alex Vul (Intel) : Change Management and HPA are functional requirements
07:21:02 From Mazin : We also agreed (I recall) that the functional requirements are not blockers for the release.
07:23:11 From ALLA GOLDNER : Yes, Mazin
07:23:23 From Kenny Paul (Linux Foundation) : @mazin @Ales. yes nlast week “functional requirements important but NOT gating”
07:33:33 From Michael O'Brien (Log, Amdocs) : log:pairwise (idle logs verified) - aai, appc, msb, policy, sdc, sdnc, so, vfc, vid - emit idle system logs - the rest I will do rest calls to initiate - posted screencaps for each
07:36:24 From Michael O'Brien (Log, Amdocs) : about 5 x 25 x ~3 logs or about 400 tests
07:37:57 From Michael O'Brien (Log, Amdocs) : there are 2 seshu's on the call - double seshu! on 2 laptops
07:39:20 From Alex Vul (Intel) : May be seshu has multiple personalities :-)
07:39:36 From Scott Blandford (AT&T) : The E2E workflow for Manual Scaling is not working yet. We have portions of it working including APPC, but APPC is not getting all the needed data from SO
07:47:18 From Roger Maitland : The OOM User Guide has a new section describing how to get direct access to the portal, see here:
07:52:13 From Eric Debeau : In addition, we need also to clean the documentation. One week is the minimum.
07:58:10 From Michael O'Brien (Log, Amdocs) : I would like to match the SB00 config - raised a 2nd 1 + 6 cluster to match - could expand to 1 + 9 (assume 4core/16G ram)
07:59:00 From Michael O'Brien (Log, Amdocs) : forgot there is a day off monday
07:59:24 From Gary Wu : 1 Rancher VM w/ 16 GB RAM + 9 k8s VMs w/ 16 GB RAM
07:59:41 From Michael O'Brien (Log, Amdocs) : thanks gary - will mirror :)
08:02:34 From Michael O'Brien (Log, Amdocs) : I would also like to put a shout out for all the help MIke Elliot, Mandeep Kinda, James Macnider, Borislav Glozman and Roger have been doing on the project
08:03:21 From Seshu : great work OOM + Integration team
08:03:54 From Michael Lando (SDC) : great work OOM! + Integration team! thank you for the support and the bug :)
08:03:58 From Shankar Narayanan : Agree with Michael ! wonderful support from OOM !
08:04:00 From ALLA GOLDNER : +1 (to Seshu's note). GREAT WORK
08:06:44 From Michael O'Brien (Log, Amdocs) : I raise my own high defects for some reason :)
08:07:18 From Seshu : Just dont make them highest and block yourself :))
08:07:26 From Michael Lando (SDC) : hhhh
08:07:52 From Michael Lando (SDC) : i do that my self as well!
08:11:15 From Seshu : I agree with Chris Point
08:12:02 From Catherine Lefevre : +1 with Chris but we can not slow down - we need to keep going
08:12:08 From Michael Lando (SDC) : lets define the goal we want to reach so we have a clear path
08:12:17 From Seshu : +1 for that too :)
08:12:50 From Pamela Dragosh : Pretty hard for a PTL to take vacation
08:14:34 From Srinivasa Addepalli (Intel) : It looks like resiliency testing is not yet started. I wonder what kind of problems would be uncovered. It is good to do that test in next few days to give some time to fix issues.
08:15:51 From Brian : pairwise testing has been doing some resiliency testing
08:16:31 From Murat Turpcu ( Turk Telekom) : +1
08:20:16 From Srinivasa Addepalli (Intel) : @Brian, can you share the testing details of resiliency (of projects that did this already) to jumpstart other teams?
08:24:37 From Randa Maher (AT&T) : ScaleOut
08:25:00 From Helen Chen : Manual Scaling out for both APPC and VFC
08:25:28 From Randa Maher (AT&T) : cVPE = vCPE
08:25:29 From Michael O'Brien (Log, Amdocs) : Nice work Brian and Integration Team on all the testing and dedication
08:25:36 From Eric Debeau : Supporting both OOM and Heat => only for the E2E functional requirements
08:28:42 From Stephen Terrill : There are a number of things that has to go into the release notes.
08:29:03 From Stephen Terrill : the overal release notes are being created by whom?
08:29:36 From Seshu : PTLs :(
08:30:10 From Stephen Terrill : Don't forget to include the link to the known vulnerabilties :-)
08:30:31 From Seshu : YES SIR, ROGGER THAT
08:30:31 From Ajay Mahimkar : Assuming Functional requirements go into release notes, can the functional requirement leads also provide input?
08:31:08 From Kenny Paul (Linux Foundation) : Does the TSC approve moving RC2 sign off to May 31 and the Release date sign off of the Beijing release to June 7
08:31:21 From Catherine Lefevre : +1 for Mazin - i am his proxy
08:31:25 From Dhananjay Pavgi to Kenny Paul (Linux Foundation) (Privately) : Hi Kenny. Can you please +1 for me in IRC
08:31:32 From ALLA GOLDNER : Kenny, please vote +1 for me
08:31:39 From Lingli : +1 Lingli
08:31:59 From Murat Turpcu ( Turk Telekom) : +1 Murat
08:32:06 From Dhananjay Pavgi : +1
08:32:22 From Michael O'Brien (Log, Amdocs) : I am not on - but I usually don't vote on these right?
08:32:57 From Stephen Terrill : Shouting at me now Seshu?
08:33:09 From Stephen Terrill : Michael - TSC voting.
08:33:31 From Seshu : No typo .. :) taht was a approval expression


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