Strategy (45 minutes) | ONAP takeaways |
| We are encouraging ONAP consumers to share with us their feedback, so we could prioritize our activities and make ONAP better suited their needs and requirements. |
LFN Cross-Organization UpdatesMAC, SPC, TAC, EUAG, LFN Board | Keguang He | - Liaison report for ONAP NFV
TCC / ONAP Liaison Updates |
Task Force Updates |
TSC Strategy | TSC Byung-Woo Jun | - From the Paris release, TSC needs to discuss ONAP focus areas and strategies / roadmaps
TSC meeting time | Byung-Woo Jun | - New TSC meeting time discussion
- Move back to previous time 10am ET was the winner
- Link to results
- other zoom meeting time adjustment, e.g., OOM
- Decision- Meeting time is locked into 10am ET
ONAP annual report to LFN | Paweł Pawlak | |
Operations (40 minutes)
| TSC Activities and Deadlines | TSC Louis Illuzzi | Elections: Active contributor list:
TSC election results are announced by Louis Liluzzi, New TSC members: see the above attendances. TSC Chair announcement / election. @ljilluzzi to add vote |
Oslo Release Status | Byung-Woo Jun PTLs | |
Update Jiras Oslo Package | Byung-Woo Jun | - Any Updates on AAI and SDC assignee? DT?
- DT is working on them; Andreas Geißler needs to check it, asking to Fiete...
- Dan Timoney, what are the CCSK and SDNC package upgrade status?
- Fiete Ostkamp, Portal-NG package upgrade status?
@Toine Siebelink updated the following: (Thanks!!!). Assignee, please check the tickets For the ticket without assignees, we need to find new assignees
Paris Release Update | Byung-Woo Jun | |
PM Usecases require DMaaP DataRouter | Andreas Geißler Viresh Navalli | - Viresh Navalli found a vulnerability around
- Plan to discuss it with Andreas Geißler
- DMaaP MR is deprecated in New Delhi including all client
- DMaaP DR is deprecated in Oslo
PM usecases require DCAE components (@vireshrn ): Datafile-Collector (DFC) PM-Mapper DFC uses: DMAAP message-router DMAAP data-router
Problem: possible solution - Viresh reported vulnerabilities around PM use cases;
- Andreas Geißler, if PM data collection use cases continue, need to use Kafka and DR needs to be back?
- We have instructions for DCAE to move Kafka, but someone needs to implement the migration
- Viresh Navalli could be a volunteer but he needs some guides; Andreas Geißler can provide some help; Viresh Navalli responded, the fix can be applied to Oslo or New Delhi.
- Oslo is preferred at this time; we may need a maintenance release for either Oslo or New Delhi
Andreas Geißler, Viresh Navalli , any update? |
RelEng/Infrastructure | Jessica Gonzalez Kevin Sandi Matt Watkins | @Jessica Gonzalez , cleaning up ONAP confluence pages, attachments; For uploading videos to Youtube, please contact @Casey Cain. Matt provided additional enhancements (weekly); dependency scanning… @Fiete Ostkamp , updated and fixed FYI, according to @Andreas Geißler, DT is facing again issues in the connection to nexus3 from Deutsche Telekom network. The DT team is working on it.; According to@Andreas Geißler , Michael opened an LF IT ticket for bypassing,; any update? - Andreas Geißler, noticed performance increase; it looks better now.
- Kevin Sandi assigned. Ongoing
RelEng/Infrastructure | Kevin Sandi Tony Hansen | |
PTL Updates |
Subcommittee UpdatesArch, Lab, Modeling, Seccom, Requirements | Byung-Woo Jun | The Architecture diagram for Oslo, Oslo-R15 Architecture Diagram Oslo Architecture main wiki pages, Oslo-R15 Architecture/ArchCom Wiki Page ; see its sub directories for project architecture pages - Action point: Update ONAP Architecture overview and key updates document for Oslo,
Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 4733707d-2057-3a0f-ae5e-4fd8aff50176 |
key | DOC-827 |
- ONAP Streamlining documentation, ONAP Streamlining Evolution and its sub-wiki pages.
- Action point: Create ONAP Streamlining evolution documentation for Oslo,
Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | 4733707d-2057-3a0f-ae5e-4fd8aff50176 |
key | DOC-828 |
Subcommittee UpdatesArch, Lab, Modeling, Seccom, Requirements | Byung-Woo Jun Amy Zwarico | PTLs reported vulnerability reports are not accurate - NexusIQ reports and scripts have discrepancies - Fiete Ostkamp
- May be a process issue - PTLs update based on the reports at the beginning of the release
Action items: are PTLs willing to fix new vulnerabilities found up to code freeze? PTLs can fix new findings in NexusIQ At the PTL meeting this Monday, Amy and PTLs discussed how to process vulnerability reports - The current assumption is that PTLs access the Nexus for the vulnerability reports and decide when to apply the fixes
- Amy will provide another demo how to access Nexus to PTLs next Monday (12/09)
OOM Update | Andreas Geißler | |
Events & Meetings (5 minutes) | Upcoming Events & Housekeeping | Byung-Woo Jun | - KubeCon+CloudNativeCon, and Open Networking & Edge Summit, next April 2025 in London
- Byung-Woo Jun, is writing 2024 KubeCon+CloudNativeCon summary