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Table of Contents

Meeting Info

When: Wednesdays  (fortnightly) 13:00-14:00 Irish Standard Time


Archived: Configuration Persistence Service Oslo Meeting Notes & Recordings

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US: +1 253 215 8782 or +1 346 248 7799 or +1 669 900 6833 or +1 301 715 8592 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 646 374 8656 or 877 369 0926 (Toll Free) or 855 880 1246 (Toll Free)

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Meeting ID: 97132085075

Meeting Passcode: 004918

International numbers

OrganizerToine Siebelink

Recurring Agenda Items

Software Status




Agenda / Notes

Toine Siebelink Priyank Maheshwari Halil Cakal Gerard Nugent Kolawole Adebisi-Adeolokun Levente Csanyi Seán Beirne Csaba Kocsis Daniel Hanrahan Lee Anjella Macabuhay

  1. Check actions last meeting

    1. Daniel CPS Path Query Discussion

    2. Priyank Knowledge sharing CPS-2468 re. Kafka message reading in test and “offset” concept

  2. Priyank Maheshwari Demo of

    Jira Legacy
    serverSystem Jira

  3. Release Candidate

    1. RTD Problem, Priyank Maheshwari to send email to flag urgency for RC with LF-IT and TSC decision on same

  4. AOB

    1. Proposed moving this meeting (next year) to earlier to suit members in India. Priyank Maheshwari to check with DT Team

    2. Calendar check, next meeting?

      1. next meeting 18 Dec

        1. Small/short No demos!

      2. following meeting: Jan 15th (maybe different time)

  5. Software Status

    1. Issue with DMI Coverage recording SonarQube (zero coverage) @ Priyank to create ticket:
      Ticket created:

      Jira Legacy
      serverSystem Jira


Permanent recording of CPS Demos can now also be found on the CPS YouTube Channel


Zoom Recording