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OpenTelemetry | end-to-end tracing (tracing requests across services) OpenTelemetry - open-source set of APIs, libraries, agents, and instrumentation to monitor application. Allows to collect metrics, logs, and traces Jaeger - open-source distributed tracing system used with OpenTelemetry to visualise traces and understand flow of requests ** we use OpenTelemetry to send trace data to Jaeger and view it in Jaeger UI Annotation and set up OpenTelemetryConfig.java Code Block |
private String serviceId;
private String tracingExporterEndpointUrl;
private String jaegerRemoteSamplerUrl;
private String excludedObservationNamesAsCsv; |
serviceId : states the application to be monitored tracingExporterEndpointUrl : (OpenTelemetry collector endpoint) this is where traced data by openTelemetry will be exported jaegerRemoteSamplerUrl : (remote sampler endpoint) this controls the sampling trace behaviour
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| @Bean
"${cps.tracing.enabled} && 'grpc'.equals('${cps.tracing.exporter.protocol}')")
public OtlpGrpcSpanExporter createOtlpExporterGrpc() {
return OtlpGrpcSpanExporter.builder().setEndpoint(tracingExporterEndpointUrl).build();
"${cps.tracing.enabled} && 'http'.equals('${cps.tracing.exporter.protocol}')")
public OtlpHttpSpanExporter createOtlpExporterHttp() {
return OtlpHttpSpanExporter.builder().setEndpoint(tracingExporterEndpointUrl).build();
Code Block |
public JaegerRemoteSampler createJaegerRemoteSampler() {
return JaegerRemoteSampler.builder()
} |
Code Block |
public ObservationRegistryCustomizer<ObservationRegistry> skipActuatorEndpointsFromObservation() {
final PathMatcher pathMatcher = new AntPathMatcher("/");
return registry ->
private ObservationPredicate observationPredicate(final PathMatcher pathMatcher) {
return (observationName, context) -> {
if (context instanceof ServerRequestObservationContext observationContext) {
return !pathMatcher.match("/actuator/**", observationContext.getCarrier().getRequestURI());
} else {
return !excludedObservationNames.contains(observationName);
} |
| | | ** Trace shows the journey of the request flow. It is made up of spans which shows each operations ** Each span has metadata: id ,start and end time, operation name (i.e. HTTP GET), status code, response time etc..
What gets traced? HTTP Requests (Inbound) when requests comes in , trace is generated. The span for this could have http method, url path, status code, time taken to process the request etc…
Internal Rest Calls (Outbound) when cps makes an outbound http call to another service , trace is created. span can include url of the called service,http method, status code, duration of the call
Database Queries Method Calls within Your Application (Service Layer) Asynchronous Operations External System Calls Error Handling (Exceptions)