OPA-PDP implements a kafka listener, Publisher to receiving and sending messages to PAP
Once OPA-PDP is up it will send “Registration”( PDP_STATUS) message to PAP
Some of the information included in the message are:
pdpType the type of the PDP opa .
pdpGroup to which the PDP should belong to defaultGroup
state the initial state of the PDP which is PASSIVE.
healthy whether the PDP is “HEALTHY” or not.
name a name that is unique to the PDP instance for e.g. “opa-f849384c-dd78-4016-a7b5-1c660fb6ee0e”
Code Block Sample Registration Message { "messageName": "PDP_STATUS", "pdpType": "opa", "state": "PASSIVE", "healthy": "HEALTHY", "description": "Pdp Status Registration Message", "response": null, "policies": null, "name": "opa-949018d3-cc9b-429b-96ae-46ca9c314e42", "requestId": "9fed8880-d023-4004-b6bf-647efd10a7df", "pdpGroup": "defaultGroup", "pdpSubgroup": nullopa, "timestampMs": "1731335546889" }
On receiving the registration message from a PDP, PAP checks and assigns it to a subgroup under the group. PAP sends PDP_UPDATE message. PAP also sends the pdpHeartbeatIntervalMs which is the time interval in which PDPs should send heartbeats to PAP. Currently (In first phase) OPA-PDP handles only the pdpHeartbeatIntervalMs and starts a timer for sending STATUS messages periodically. OPA-PDP sends PDP_STATUS response to PDP_UPDATE message.