DMaaP Provisioning depends on what transport service you want to use. The following choices are currently supported:
Unauthenticated Topics
For unauthenticated Topics on DMaaP Message Router (MR), simply publish to the MR event API using a Topic Name of your choice. We suggest that you follow a convention of using the value "unauthenticated" as the namespace portion of the Topic Name.
$HOME/sample.json is a data file containing a message
Using curl as an http client to publish to a topic following our naming convention:
curl -v -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @$HOME/sample.json http://message-router/events/unauthenticated.dglTest
Authenticated Topics
Authenticated Topics utilize AAF credentials to authenticate and authorize MR clients. Refer to Authenticated Topic Provisioning article for more details.