- Note: SON calls are now at 8:00am ET = 12:00pm UTC on every other Thursday. Next call on Mar28
- Discussion of alternateId for cmHandle - maintained by NCMP
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- Reviewed the main requirement [REQ-1587] 5G SON/Automation use case enhancements for New Delhi release - ONAP JIRA and its sub-requirements.
- Target flow is documented in Config Management (CM) Sequence Flow - Developer Wiki - Confluence (onap.org)
- Primary features for this release are:
- Automation of primary yang model initialization in CPS when SDN-R connection to NF is established. This involves a new Kafka message from SDN-R, which is processed by the CPS DMI Plug-in to register the cmHandle
- Processing of a CM VES notification has already been done using the ONAP DMI Plugin. We need to complete the flow to have the CM update persist in the CPS DB.