proposal for notification schema:
Cloud event Definition
Element | Name | Parent | Type | Mandatory | Description | Format | (example) Value | |
1 | Header | id | String | Yes | random id for cloud event header. UUID is suggested | |||
2 | source | String | Yes | source of information | fixed value | urn:cps:org.onap.cps | ||
3 | specversion | String | Yes | cloud event version spec | fixed value | 1.0 | ||
4 | type | String | Yes | type of event | fixed value | dataUpdateEvent | ||
5 | dataschema | String | Yes | data schema | fixed value | cps:org.onap.cps:data-updated-event-schema:1.0.0 | ||
6 | Payload | data | Object | Yes | The actual data payload. Details will be provided below. | |||
7 | observedTimestamp | data | String | Yes | The timespamp of the event. | timestamp | 2024-01-17 12:34:43 | |
8 | dataspaceName | data | String | Yes | The dataspace name where data is changed. | dataspace01 | ||
9 | schemaSetName | data | String | No | The schemaset name for which data is changed. | bookstore | ||
10 | anchorName | data | String | Yes | The anchor name for which data is changed. | anchor01 | ||
11 | operation | data | String | Yes | The operation performed on data. | CREATE UPDATE DELETE | ||
12 | xpath | data | String | Yes | The XPath which is changed | /bookstore |
Controlling Notification
It is important to control the delta notification for better performance. we need to decide on below options to control delta notification.