SON Use Case Montreal Release R13 Requirements : Slide deck: https://wikilf-onap.onapatlassian.orgnet/wiki/download/attachments/17707942416521398/ONAP_SON_R13_Requirements_20230718.pptx?api=v2
For R13 Montreal, SON Use Case is focused on completing earlier carryover work and updating RAN-Sim.
An overview of the R13 Montreal release enhancements for the SON Use Case is given in the above deck.
The major development work for this release are:
- DMI plug-in enhancements: Registration of cmHandle, conversion of VES msg to AVC msg
- Use Cloud Events format (CNCF) for CPS event messages, e.g. DMI plug-in to NCMP
- Persist the CM change in CPS DB (processed by NCMP)
Processing Documentation of CM VES update notifications to update CPS DBsequence flow for CM initialization and updates aligned with O-RAN architecture
Figure 1 shows the overall architecture of the SON Use Case, with the Montreal release enhancements shown in Figure 2.
Slides (ppt): 20230216_LFN_DTF_Network_CM_Update.pptx
Slides (pdf): 20230216_LFN_DTF_Network_CM_Update.pdf
Recording: 20230216_LFN_DTF_Network_CM_Update_video.mp4