- Convert RAN Simulator from docker based deployment to k8s pod deployment.
- Create Helm charts for RAN Simulator and Honeycomb servers.
- Integrate RAN Sim Helm chart with the OOM Deployment.
- Create RAN Service using RAN SIM helm charts
- Create CDS based workflows for Honeycomb Day-1 Config updatesIntegration project.
Processing of CM VES update notifications to update CPS DB
- DMI plug-in enhancements: Registration of cmHandle, conversion of VES msg to AVC msg
- Use Cloud Events format (CNCF) for CPS event messages, e.g. DMI plug-in to NCMP
- Persist the CM change in CPS DB (processed by NCMP)Extend the DMI plugin codebase as needed
Figure 1 shows the overall architecture of the SON Use Case, with the Montreal release enhancements shown in Figure 2.