- Andreas Geißler
- Jack Lucas
- Byung-Woo Jun
- Andrew Lamb
- ccteng
- Louis Li
- N.K. Shankaranarayanan
- Currently problems in Gating (Azure cluster) → manually started in DT lab
- Update of DT lab for Gating/Daily to
kubernetes_release: v1.27.5
istio_release: "1.19.3"
kubespray_version: v2.23.0s_release: v1.23.7
helm_release: v3.13.1
- Update of DT lab for Gating/Daily to
- Discussion about project branching in Montreal
Thomas Kulik Now people (projects) starting to create branches named “montreal”.
If I have understood correctly they should name their branch “13.0.0”.
Then we (doc) create a branch named “montreal” and “collect” all the included projects (and their docs) using the 13.0.0 branch names.
In a later release (e.g. N) we will do the same, but using the latest version branches as provided by the projects (e.g. 14.0.0, 13.1.0, 13.0.1 …).
I think that must be discussed in the TSC …
- RC1 tomorrow (Project Status in Montreal Release):
- Still missing "portal-ng"
- OOM patches currently not mergable without gating
- DB Updates:
- Fixes for Cassandra Operator
- Fixes for MariaDB Operator (new version)
- New support for Postgres (
- B&R for MDB, Cassandra
- Byung-Woo Jun presents his draft presentation for the DDF in Budapest:
- Recording of SECCOM presentation: https://wikilf-onap.onapatlassian.orgnet/wiki/download/attachments/19130017616524308/2023-10-03_SECCOM_week.mp4?version=1&modificationDate=1696955536000&api=v2
- Jack Lucas Looking into the SNMP trap collector
- Remove MR dependency
- UDP support requires the activation of the Gateway-API and UDPRoute creation
- Gateway-API UPD support might require Update of Istio and K8S version
- → found out, that the SNMP collector is not working since a couple of releases
- uses old libraries for configuration and falls back to a default config and try to send events to MR on localhost...
- started to investigate and rebuild the SNMP collector (fixing the dependencies)
- External Kafka access
- SDNC CallHome (SSH) → part of
- Plan to update _ingress.tpl for Gateway-API support and AuthorizationPolicy
(2023-05-03: No update)
- Documentation: Oauth2-Proxy implementation and configuration
- Oauth2-Proxy:
- Adding Oauth2-proxy client to ONAP realm: