- N.K. Shankaranarayanan
- Priyank Maheshwari
- Vishal Varvate
- murali parthasarathy k
- kieran mccarthy
- Kolawole Adebisi-Adeolokun
- Status update
- Discussion of CM Flow
Update: Priyank, Vishal, Murali are meeting regularly.
Priyank setting up local environment with RAN Simulator.
Focus on loading primary yang from SDN-R via DMI Plug-in.
VES message example: See CPS-1434: VES Message to update CPS DB
API call example:
payload: {"ietf-netconf-monitoring:input":{"identifier":"ran-network"}}
Files for yang model and initial config (same as RAN-Sim) used within CPS for testing:
Flow from Priyank
1. DMI Plugin /v1/inventory/cmHandles - call the internal API to register the cmhandles
2. /ncmpInventory/v1/ch - NCMP API is invoked and cmHandle persisted in ADVISED state
3. ModuleSyncWatchdog kicks in and syncs the schemaset and anchor
4. Call the /dmi/v1/modules to get the list of Module references --> this internally call SDNC
5. Return all the list of modules to NCMP
6. Find if there are any new modules by looking at the Cps Database.
7. If there are any new , again call the DMI Plugin to get the moduleResources. /dmi/v1/moduleResources
8. Persist the newly received moduleResources
Control Flow:
Initial state before step 1: SDN-R has mounted netconf devices (NFs) and has yang models. CPS DB does not have this info.