Your Answer-Please Describe | SECCOM Feedback / Recommendations |
All the resources that can be accessed in PF require authentication | ❌
Assurance Case
Does your project actually meet its documented security requirements?
Your Answer-Please Describe | SECCOM Feedback / Recommendations |
Test cases are found at https://github.com/onap/policy-docker/tree/master/csit/resources/tests showing that authentication must be done before interacting with any resource. ONAP docs describring how to run test cases https://docs.onap.org/projects/onap-policy-parent/en/latest/development/devtools/testing/csit.html | ? Good start
Vulnerability Mitigation
Vulnerabilities Critical Fixed
Vulnerabilities Fixed 60 Days
Are all vulnerabilities that are reported against your project, either through an OJSI ticket or publicly from CVE reports, fixed within two months of being reported?
Your Answer-Please Explain | SECCOM Feedback / Recommendations |
We try to keep up to date on fixing vulnerabilities reported on IQ Nexus, except when dependency updates break the current code and a study is necessary to mitigate functionalities not working. | ? And sonar cloud?
policy-pap has a high severity security item reported in sonarcloud for >1 year
How are OJSIs dealt with?
Non-Cryptographic Software Questions
Your Answer-Please Explain | SECCOM Feedback / Recommendations |
No UI No encryption, as data processed by PF hasn't been tagged as sensitive. The application uses Swagger for RESTful API, wherein it is set that Authorization headers are required for accessing API documentation. When PF runs with docker, the services use usernames and passwords that are stored as environment variables. For helm deployments PF uses K8s secrets which are generated and stored as the application is deployed. The user has the option to provide a username/password to the helm chart - in this case a kubernetes secret will be generated by the chart and used for authentication. Alternatively, the user can provide a secret to the chart values - in this case, no secret will be generated - the chart will just use the k8s secret provided by the user/deployer | ?
Cryptographic-specific Software Questions
Cryptographic-specific Software Questions
The following questions all deal with cryptographic issues.
Crypto Call – Generic
Your Answers-Please Explain | SECCOM Feedback / Recommendations | ||
UUID random keys | ?
| ✅ |
Crypto Weaknesses
Does your software depend on any cryptographic algorithms or modes that have known serious weaknesses?
Your Answer-Please Explain | SECCOM Feedback / Recommendations |
Depends of user managing crypto their own passwords - passwords are configurable in application.yaml for Spring applications (api, pap and acm) and .json configuration files for others. The credentials provided in these files are used for authentication (no authorization dealt in any of PF components) to use any of the REST APIs provided by PF. | ? Please expand on the use 2023/8/22: move information in "Your Answer" to the security documentation. Please expand on the use of configurable usernames+passwords and what they allow. 2023/8/22: add password use and protection to security documentation. Determine if spring is doing authentication, authorization or both. If PF is storing passwords in order to call APIs, document the secure storage and access of the passwords. 2023/8/22: cryptography provided by K8S using secure algorithms and ciphers. |
Crypto Working
Does your software depend on any cryptographic algorithms that are known to be broken?
Your Answer-Please Explain | SECCOM Feedback / Recommendations |
UUID generator is being used, but for IDs, not for security concersconcerns. | ❌ Doesn't answer the question 2023/8/22: PF to document all uses of cryptographic algorithms within the PF application. UUID generation is not part of cryptography. |
Crypto Keylength
Does your software generate any keys? If so, do they use any default key-lengths that are considered insecure?
Your Answers-Please Explain | SECCOM Feedback / Recommendations |
No keys being generated for use and us in OOM
| ❌✅ Doesn't answer the question |